Nano tech, morgellons and chemtrails Oh My! Synthetic RNA/DNA clusters, possession and the green light chakra.

in technology •  8 years ago 

In this episode of Reality Extraction with MrRho on Revolution Radio at, I talk about some new technologies that are beyond morgellons. Addressed are nano crystals, synthetic RNA/DNA clusters and the possible mechanisms of demonic possession. I also cover what I believe to be the Vedic connection and it's relationship to the green light heart chakra. 

I hope you enjoy this audio presentation, and come say hello in our chat room sometime! Tell them you found out from MrRho at Steemit! 

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sorry to break it to you. But evolution is real and technology is the only thing that can help the individual achieve independence and freedom. Currently our technology has vastly outpaced our biology and what that translates into is that we are way way way too vulnerable. Anyone with a gun can take away ones freedom them, rape them, etc. Nothing within the esoteric fad has the potential to empower and free the individual as technology, one such small example is the cryptos.