Wi-Fi Technology's Integration with Laptop Computers

in technology •  last year 

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Additionally, to minimize costs, a LAN can be installed between desktop computers, where only one laptop needs to be connected to the Internet and access is shared between all laptops. Hand is connected to the network. The same is true for devices connected to the central laptop; through LAN,, all laptops can use the same device. So for small offices with 3 or more laptops, LAN is definitely a boon. LAN's are often spread across a building or a small group of buildings. Connecting a local network to many other networks through phone lines and radio waves is called WAN (Wide Area Network). A local area network that uses radio waves for communication is called a WLAN. WLAN has several advantages. One is its versatility. Radio waves can penetrate walls on almost any surface and also eliminate the need for miles of cables, providing a clear working atmosphere. Wireless LAN can be almost invisible! Another advantage is that WLAN is extremely easy to use. Most laptops have WLAN functionality. So just plug it in and make sure you have a wireless LAN card. WLAN is very flexible. If the base is disconnected, you can use another laptop as a base and move it within range of another WLAN. The price of WLAN is very low today, and it is no surprise that it is the choice for home networks. However, because nothing in this world is perfect, WLAN has some disadvantages. Anyone can use a laptop near a WLAN and hack the stored wireless traffic. This makes security an issue due to loss of privacy. Although radio waves can travel through almost any surface, too many obstacles in the path, such as buildings, can impair transmission. Another disadvantage is the data transfer speed. Because multiple laptops share the same bandwidth, the data transfer speed in a WLAN is significantly lower. Additionally, wireless data speeds decrease depending on signal strength or interference. Wireless LAN is convenient when portability is needed and is the only option in older buildings where cabling cannot be installed. Companies typically provide wired connections for fixed offices and wireless LAN's for users without fixed locations. Ultimately, a WLAN should only be installed after considering all the factors involved in your office or home setup

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