To further satisfy the hunger of its users, Xiaomi today also launched the Mi 8 SE at its event in China. The device can be the premium mid-range sibling of the Mi 8 flagship, which is priced starting at 1,799 yuan (about $280) and will go on sale from 8th June.
The Mi 8 SE is the first phone in the world to be powered by the Snapdragon 710 chipset, which was announced recently. Most of the features on the Mi 8 SE are similar to the Mi 8, except for a smaller screen, less powerful camera and cheaper price tag.
Key Specs :
- 3D face id (like iphone 10)
- Snapdragon 710 ( New chipset)
- 6gb ram
- 64/128/256 GB storage
- 12+5MP (rear)
- 20MP (front)
- 3120 mAh
- 5.88 inch fullhd+ Amoled screen