Moto X4 has been launched in India. The latest Moto X-Series smartphone from Lenovo brand Moto will be exclusively available on Flipkart in India. Apart from its dual rear camera setup and front flash module, the smartphone is also IP68-rated for dust and water resistance. The Moto X4 also comes with Amazon Alexa support, however, this feature won't be accessible until Amazon releases the Moto Alexa app, the company revealed to Gadgets 360. Lenovo is also claiming the Moto X4 is the first smartphone running on the new Snapdragon 630 SoC to be launched in India. The Moto X4 has been launched in two variants in India - 3GB RAM/ 32GB storage and 4GB RAM/ 64GB storage - and both feature dual-SIM support. To recall, the smartphone was first unveiled in its single-SIM variant at IFA 2017. Read on for more details on the Moto X4 price in India, specifications, and other features
Moto X4 price in India, launch offers
Moto X4 price in India starts at Rs. 20,999 for the 3GB RAM/ 32GB storage variant, while the 4GB RAM/ 64GB storage variant is priced at Rs. 22,999. It will be available in Super Black and Sterling Blue colour variants, exclusively from Flipkart and Moto Hub shops. The Moto X4 goes on sale at 11:59pm on Monday, November 13
Moto X4 First Impressions:-
As for launch offers, the Moto X4 will be available on Flipkart with additional Rs. 2,500 discount on exchange of your old smartphone (Rs. 3,000 if exchanging select Moto smartphones), up to 10 percent off with HDFC Bank credit and debit cards, a Buyback Guarantee of 50 percent of the smartphone's value, and EMI schemes
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