10 Interesting facts about PHP

in technology •  8 years ago 


Here are some interesting facts about PHP:

  1. Some of the biggest sites such as Facebook are powered by PHP.
  2. You can use PHP in every operating system including Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X.
  3. PHP's original name was Personal Home Page
  4. There are about 5 Million PHP Programmers in the world
  5. Lerdorf never intended to create a programming language. PHP was made to manage his personal home page
  6. More than 244 Million websites run PHP (January 2013). So now it is, of course, a lot more than that number.
  7. On May 22, 2000, PHP 4, powered by the Zend Engine 1.0, was released.
  8. PHP uses procedural programming or object oriented programming and also a mixture of them.
  9. PHP first appeared on June 8, 1995.
  10. Initially written as a set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) in ‘C’
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