Renewable Energy - 2nd Part "Basic Concepts"

in technology •  8 years ago 

Hi all,

The other days many guys are writing to me via the chat that asking for more about this topic,I will expatiate with the greatest effort and love. For this reason i will start to mention the basic concepts.

IMPORTANT: Please feel free to ask and even criticize or suggest, this is because I not only want to share with you what I know, but you never know who knows more than one. And there is the nice thing, to learn from our mistakes or from people who know more than one.

Let us begin,

Definition of "Renewable Energy": Renewable energy is called the energy that is obtained from virtually inexhaustible natural sources, either because of the immense amount of energy they contain, or because they are able to regenerate by natural means. Renewable energies include wind, geothermal, Hydropower, tidal, solar, wave, biomass and biofuels.

This written before although it is the basic definition of this subject we are omitting one and more powerful of all, the RADIANT ENERGY or COSMIC ENERGY as some call it. Not only my hero Nikola Tesla spoke of this but also other eminences on the subject as William R. Lyne and Dale Alfrey.


What do you mean by "Radiant Energy or Cosmic Energy": Basically it is like the energy of the environment that surrounds us, according to several scientists mentioned before, every component of the world that surrounds us even the emptied one is conformed by atoms and Quarks. Basic components of the creation itself.

A phrase from the very Nikolas Tesla "it is possible to take energy directly" connecting to the true force of nature. He knew that electric power is everywhere present in an unlimited way and can operate all the machinery in the world without the need for coal, oil, gas or any other traditional fuel.

Well, these atoms have very small amounts of energy, but what happens? They are very many so it could be said that if we take billions of particles in the environment we would have as much voltage as Amperes infinite.

This is where science and magic confuse my friends. Science has created complex mathematical formulas, dark vocabularies and black boxes to drive the people away from the power of technology.

You can also say the following:

In physics, and in particular measured by radiometry, radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation. As energy, its unit is the joule (J). The amount of radiant energy can be calculated by integrating the radiant power with respect to time.

Another quote from Nikolas Tesla
"... Throughout the universe there is energy: is it static or kinetic?
In the first case our hopes are vain, in the second - and we know this with certainty - it is only a matter of time for men to succeed in synchronizing their machinery with the very gears of nature "

Now, let's talk a little about William R. Lyne and Dale Alfrey. I will explain short descriptions and from there you can investigate more.

In 1976, Dale Alfrey bought four trunks for the price of $ 25. Within them, he found Tesla's journals and although at first he thought they were from a science fiction writer, he then found several issues that caught his eye. So basically Dale shared Nikolas's point of view, obviously many people treated him as crazy, not as much as William.

William R. Lyne was born and raised in West Texas oil boom towns and ranching country. He is multi-talented with broad experience. In the words of Robert Bradstreet, Diversified Services, Cape Coral, Florida: “William Lyne is a remarkable researcher—a lateral thinking individual, possessing a keen sense of curiosity, an intuitive artistic sense, coupled with the eye of a forensic detective, just at the right moment with people and events, which has given him access to a wealth of knowledge. In the Air Force, Lyne was in Intelligence with a top secret clearance, and in martial arts (judo). He acquired an MFA in Studio Arts from U.T./Austin in 1969. He has lived in New Mexico since 1970. In 1975, Lyne was offered an executive position by the CIA, which he rejected because he believes the National Security Act of 1947 is a betrayal of American sovereignty and liberty and the main means for oppression of the American people.

El libro más recomendado de leer de este personaje es "Física Oculta del Éter" or "Occult Ether Physic".

Well, I dont extend myself more and to leave more for another publication, I leave with the most basic of this topic.
I am attentive to your comments, doubts, suggestions, corrections and criticisms.
Just a favor, everything should be constructive ... this helps to a better understanding of the subject.

And I leave one more sentence of Tesla ...
"The distance, which is the main impediment of the progress of humanity, will be completely overcome, in word and action. Humanity will be united, wars will be impossible and peace will reign all over the planet. "

In another article we will talk about the existence of the ether and the energy of the "zero point" this is closely linked to what has just been said.

Best Regards to all!!!

PS: Sorry if my english is not very well.

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