in technology •  7 years ago 

I know . . I know . It seems crazy to compare one of the world’s leading technological brand in mobile development, with a brand that has been outdated for more than a decade. Here’s what, Though the gigantic technological conglomerate’s product has the latest of the latest’s, it still has its flaws. I have seen first hand, the capabilities of the Samsung galaxy and what the famous Nokia Torchlight of old can do and cannot. Having used the Samsung Galaxy notes for over six (6) years and the Nokia Torch inconsistently since, . . . . . . . actually, it feels like a century ago, I can categorically state that the Nokia Torchlight has some critical betterments than the former.

Alright, here are my reasons,

  1. Battery Life :
    The life extent of a Nokia Torchlight is more or less two (2) to five(5) days, after a full charge, while that of the Samsung Galaxy has to be charged every twelve(12) hours for optimum performance.
  2. Charging Speed :
    Practically a Nokia Torchlight takes only thirty(30) to forty-five(45) minutes to complete its charging, while the Samsung Galaxy depending on its capacity could take up to Two (2) hrs to complete a charge.
  3. No Network Connection or Service Receiving Issues :
    The Nokia Torchlight is known to always recieve network connection even in very remote locations, no matter to what minimum it could, but the Samsung Galaxy is incapable of this and if it was, the reception won’t be steady.
  4. No Heating of IC’s And Hardware Components :
    The Nokia Torch doesn’t experience unforeseen and irrelevant hardware issues which cause constant replacements of device parts, for instance battery replacement, but the Samsung Galaxy experiences a lot of these.
  5. Flexibility of Handling :
    The Nokia Torchlight is quite easy to handle, there are no scares of damaging the buttons and most probably cracking the screen
  6. No Consistent Update Warning and Threat :
    No constant and annoying popups on updates and in-device adverts that could only lead to frustration
  7. Cost of Repairs and Replacements :
    When using such a phone as the Samsung Galaxy, one becomes attentive so as to avoid slight dents and damages on the phone, because the cost of repair, like the screen, power button, IC etc. are quite comparatively expensive than the Nokia Torchlight.

And Finally,

  1. All Round Ease :
    Nokia Torchlight users don’t experience adamant addiction to the mobile screen, as does other mobile users.

    That’s it guys, If you’ve got more reasons or observations, please do well to drop them in the comment box.

photo credit : Google

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Uovoted...... You can't write this post with a torch light nokia

Why compare a smart phone with a dull phone... Comparing android with yellow screen...
Oh Pls there's no bases for comparison...

Let me give you an assignment : short-circuit and use Nokia touch battery on Samsung Galaxy device n It may not last up to 5mins

Its just your observations (say from experiences) you should not be hasty to conclude ,because its a 2 way thing they all got their merits and demerits.

Hahahaha.... Samsung Galaxy anytime any day