RE: Which jobs will robots take over from humans first?

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Which jobs will robots take over from humans first?

in technology •  7 years ago 

I think robots and AI will ultimately free up our minds to be more creative, but only after a period of disruption. After the information age/economy boosts computing and manufacturing we will be forced to find new meaning for life, beyond survival and productivity. The individual mind can then be allowed to focus purely on creativity and sampling experiences.

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This is a great comment . Thanks and agree with your points :)

It seems our society went from [He/She who has access to information, controls the ignorant], to [..who controls access to information, gains status over the ignorant], to [.....who controls data collection, gains productivity], to [...who owns data, owns the ignorant] , to where we are currently..... Individuals being able to own their data, drive their own productivity and choose to be powerless or not. The future, as I see it, will brighten once people control their data and can delegate productivity to AI and robots. Then we move into to that creativity era I spoke of. Peace and prosperity to you.