Drones - the Future of the World’s Races!

in technology •  9 years ago 

This article is an indirect continuation of the previous one as it's also related to VR technology. The development of virtual reality has provoked an appearance of such sport like this. This sport is in an intermediate state between the e-sports and a real sport because races take place outdoors, but the pilots are using VR glasses for total immersion and tracking of their drone. So today I will tell you about one of the most perspective and affordable analogues of conventional racing – drones racing.

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There are so many technologies in the world that were originally developed for military purposes, but then were transferred to our daily lives, becoming an enjoyable pastime or even a part of life. The same was with the Internet, GPS, computers, telephones, and now it's time for drones.

A couple of years ago, a surge of excitement about drones occurred in the world, everyone wanted to buy them. But it took only two years so that the usual hobby became a professional sport of a world’s class giving us a wonderful thing - drone racing. In March 2016 the first championship World Drone Prix was held in Dubai. The prince of Dubai - Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum was its founder, by the way, and the total prize pool amounted $ 1 million.

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What is the difference between these races and any other? In general, the whole idea is exactly the same as for example in Formula-1, or any other race - to overtake all rivals and finish first.

But the main difference is that if there is a collision the pilots wouldn’t receive any injuries and so it makes this sport absolutely safe. That is why many people believe that the drone racing is the racing of the future, and if we take into account the low cost of repairs and preparation for competitions, as well as the unprecedented realism of what is happening, for which we must thank VR glasses and helmets, then the perspective for the development of this sports is really huge.

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The cost of quadcopter can be near $ 500, but experienced pilots buy all the parts and assemble the drones themselves. The quadcopter can move with a tremendous speed - up to 129-145 km / h.

In order to control the drone and to participate in racing, you need:

  1. The control panel with two joysticks, which give freedom to the "pilot", enabling fast change of speed, direction, and giving an opportunity to perform various maneuvers
  2. The device of virtual reality, which will receive an image from the camera that is placed on the drone. And the resolution of the camera plays a huge role, as the image is transmitted to the VR glasses of a pilot in real time.
  3. A powerful battery that will not be discharged by quadcopter after several hours.

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The main requirements if you want to participate in the race are ease of construction, the ability to speed up, high maneuverability and, of course, the strength of the hull, so that your drone won’t be broken after the first collision. Often the weight of quadcopter should be less than a kilogram.

Take a look at this wonderful video from Drone Racing League competition

The next race will be held in this fall in Hawaii, but the prize pool there will be only 200 thousand dollars. Although you can compete to win such a poor amount of money.

To sum up, I want to say that I participated in some drone racings (of course not professionally) and that is really difficult, yeah, but you even can’t imagine how cool it is to control this small quadcopter in real life, to fill its enormous speed and to feel that you can fly! You just need to try it and you’ll understand everything. If there was a situation when there was a necessity to choose between F-1 racing and drones racing, I would certainly prefer the second one!

And which one would you pick?

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Nice post - i jsut go my Inspire PRO :) - this is so much fun - but more suited to areal drones ..! Anway yes more about drones would be indeed awesome!

oh, Really? I'm Jealous.
This is the most consummate drone ever. How do you use it? For movie making or just for flying and having fun?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Both .. i'm flying without adding the camera to have fun (and to save money if crashing) and take with me, when travel (in countries where u are allowed to). Yea it is amazing easily to get started with - on the other side .. IMO the plastic parts etc are really cheap quality - if u look at current prices ... except of this .. IT MAKES SUCH FUN!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Sure. It's so much fun!
I love drones that you can control with fpv.
In upcoming December I'll go to a big trip to Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand), thus I want to aquire a drone to make incredible videos and do vlogging. Inspire PRO is not affordable for me so I think will end up on DJi Phantom 4

But the main difference is that if there is a collision the pilots wouldn’t receive any injuries and so it makes this sport absolutely safe. That is why many people believe that the drone racing is the racing of the future,

I don't agree with you on this because:

  • First of all there's a big size difference, an F1 is like 10 times bigger than a drone
  • Secondly, the races aren't incentivized by the same interests F1 is watched by people loving car brands which builds legendary and very performant cars so if there were to be an alternative it would a competition of flying cars

Of course, it makes sense.
But who knows, maybe there'll be bigger drones and maybe in some time there'll be no any cars, everyone will use drones. Will see how it goes)

Interesting post. New toys making a new world!

Yay more fpv pilots on steemit. As you say drone racing is amazing fun and quite hard to learn. But the equipment in getting better and cheaper all the time. Racing as you know half skill and the other luck =). Followed and upvoted. Link to me flying =)


Amazing. Have you assembled it by yourself?
What drone is it? I subscribed and look forward to your further posts regarding drone piloting.

No my Brother builds them and he designs frames tho i.e this one "the midge".

Im flying a 210 minion in the clip. but the smaller one in the photo is a midge. For those to dont know a midge is a Scottish insect that comes in swarms and bite alot.

amazing. I tried to build one by myself but still working on the control system.
I'd also like to buy well-manufactured one from some vendor, but haven't decided which one suits me best

this is absolutely cool! :)

Stay Tuned

Drone taxi in futures

Some Chinese developers already created concept of a taxi drone

Very interesting.

Thanks. Stay tuned

Wow this looks like fun!! Great post

Thanks, @gargon.
Follow me if interested in scientific and educational topics

I just got a drone but the camera is not able to hook up to the cell phone so im only able to look at what it record if i take out the micro sd card and hook it up to the computer.

Nice post :)
All my drones have fly away to "home" probably China :)

Haha, how do they fly away?) Lost connection to them when flew?

yeap :)
but I like how fast drones flyway :) even not say goodbye for me. Stay and look up the sky and see how your money flyaway.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

It's also great to bring this money to home in one piece )

Not too long ago I met up with an FPV racer in Vietnam. Sounds like a real blast!

Been waiting since last year for the new DRL races, watching the first final right now on ESPN2!

Great read! Glad to see this still high in the feed. I have raced for a while now, it is an amazing experience for sure.