in technology •  7 years ago 

is the slogan of this amazing passangers drone
ceo brian , has presented the volocopter this month in the exhibit of intel corporation
is this confenace he managed to mention 3 major inventions of intel :
the true VR:
its unlike any other VR human kind ever knew because its a brand new technology wich concist on making a great experiment of 306 angles with just the movement of the head with the overview of any angle with zoom in and out and focus techniques wich provied an overall controle over the whole image and scene .
the quantum computer:
is the technologie made of volocopter
it could controle cars and volocopters wich is the processor and the core of th item .
this major evolvment in technology could literraly make cars like buses for por people while the wealthy ones controles the sky

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