How to deal with Weak People?steemCreated with Sketch.

in technology •  8 years ago 


This is a very controversial subject, but we have to discuss this, in order to avoid catastrophic decisions that humans make in the heat of the moment. It is a very unpleasant topic, but it has to be considered and discussed, in order to find out rational solutions to it.

Now we know for sure that there are strong people and weak people, this is obvious: people who are below average, poor, sick, disabled, or have any other kind of disadvantage that blocks them from reaching their full human potential.

There are only 3 solutions:

A) Do nothing
B) Actually Help them
C) Extermination

Yes quite shocking options. I would obviously choose plan B), because that is obviously the only solution that is humane and efficient.

But let's review what would happen in each scenario, yes we need to talk about it, because this is an important issue.

A) Do nothing

If you do nothing then the problem only gets worse. Even if you are not affected by the problem for now, you will eventually be. If you let your environment deteriorate, it will affect you too, even if you are not disadvantaged at first.

Suppose you have a gambling addict neighbor, that gambles away all his money. And you choose to not help him, he loses his car, he loses his house, he loses his wife and kids, and he becomes a homeless. But he won't stop gambling, instead he become a mugger and burglar who will rob everyone and break into your house to rob enough money so that he can gamble more. He will be a fanatic gambler who won't be afraid of cops, so it will be the worst kind of criminal.

Now instead of helping him, and talking sense to him, that would have cost you nothing. You let the guy slip into this death spiral, and now you have to deal with a fanatic thief who will terrorize your neighborhood. And now you have to pay more taxes for police and improve your home security.

Suppose 1000 gamblers end up like this. That would create an entire gang of robbers, 1 problem creating another, and another. And slowly society declines into a death spiral of chaos and frenzy.

And then the Nazis come along and suggest the concentration camps and eugenics as a solution. So you see plan A), destroys the entire society, and enables plan C).

C) Extermination

The Nazis chose this path, of eliminating all weakness from the world, through mass murder and genocide. They wanted to create an Aryan race of superhumans, through the mass genocide of "lesser beings".

Now I hope I don't have to tell you that this is absolutely horrible and evil, in all sense. And it create a society of vicious monsters.

It also doesn't work. Because there will always be weak people, so that would enable the Nazis to do perpetual mass murder, not just in WW2, but even if they had won, they would have done it perpetually.

They started with the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Disabled. And then they would have went onto the Slavs, then they would have slowly exterminated all other ethnicity until only Germans would have remained.

And if only Germans would have remained, then they would have turned their mass murder machine against eachother, eliminating non-blonde Germans, then non-blue-eye Germans, and then so on....

It would have been a death spiral until only a few "Aryans" would have remained, and then when they would have shown some kind of weakness, they would have destroyed themselves too, eliminating the entire human race with it.

So yes, Nazism is perpetual murder, until nobody is left alive, because there will always be somebody stronger than them, and that would justify endless mass murder in their sick twisted minds.

So it doesn't work, murdering people in the name of creating better people is not just very evil, but also it doesn't work, because humanity isn't supposed to be a race of supermen, but a complex society where the division of labor ensures maximum efficiency even with weak people aboard.

B) Actually Help them

The only humane way, that actually works, is to help them. And by help them, I really mean actual help, not just virtue signaling. Welfare doesn't work for poor people, a pat on the back doesn't help for a chronic gambler. I want actual working solutions.

For example technology does help, in all ways. One good side of technology is the advancements of medicine and other fields:

So yes we have, or will have soon all solutions to major problems in the world, probably withing the century. And all we need is time, hard work, and good philosophy.

We can actually help and save people from all the disadvantages, for very low cost, voluntarily, and stop the decay of society before it's too late.

Soon, all disadvantaged people can live a normal life, without any disadvantage. This will make humanity better, and nobody will have to suffer.

Nazis of Today

Even though plan B) is the only moral and efficient solution, there are still some evil Nazis today, that think that eugenics will be the best solution. Specifically you see talks in the alt-right about race & IQ relations, eugenics, and others.

Racists are constantly comparing black people to chimpanzees, and imply that somehow they have lower IQ, and that they think that all immigrants are criminals, and want to keep people out.

They don't want to keep out people from their countries because they come for welfare, they want to keep them out because they are racist eugenecists, who think that the Nazi solution is the best one.

This is what is happening in the USA today. It's not about welfare elimination (which I would actually support, in favor of finding actual solutions to help poor people like Bitcoin), it's about Nazi eugenics. Because the welfare system is going out of control with our without immigrants.

The only question is will they choose the Nazi path, or will they come to their senses eventually? Because the USA is very close to becoming Nazi Germany.


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There are only 3 solutions:
A) Do nothing
B) Actually Help them
C) Extermination

I dont think there are only 3. We could help them to a certain extent, or deport them, or confine them, or treat them in any number of ways.
While I personally think we should help them, you should be careful of creating a false dilemma like that.

Great post though! Keep Steemin :)

Helping them a little is like not helping them, because little help has little or no effect.

Deportation and inprisonment is also like not helping them, in fact it aggravates the issue.

Inprisonment didn't stop drug addiction, it just made it worse. Drugs were not an issue in the 18th century, everybody used them, and no gangs were there.

And now look at what the drug war has done, Mexico is destroyed, USA black families destroyed, and USA has became a police state.

So yes there are only 3 options, and what you have enumerated falls in one of these 3 categories.

Helping them a little is like not helping them

Not exactly, helping them a little is helping them a little. While it may be like doing nothing, depending on how much one is helped, it is still helping them a little.

Even if you are correct, in that we would be "not helping them", if I remember you correctly, you stated that the 3 options you had were:

A) Do nothing
B) Actually Help them
C) Extermination

I don't see "not helping them" on that list, sir.

So yes there are only 3 options, and what you have enumerated falls in one of these 3 categories.

I dont believe that is so. Perhaps if you created a category entitled, "not helping them" or perhaps, "hurting them," then I would say that everything would fall under those categories.

Regardless of my opinion, I enjoyed your post. I upvoted ;)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I don't think the government should take it into their hands to decide who is fit and who's not. Let nature decide it through the free market. Remove the welfare state and you retrieve some of that necessary natural selection that we had for centuries before this century and made ourselves stronger in the long run. The welfare state has a degenerative effect on populations since it rewards failure and punishes success. The solution is not more government programs, it's less.