1678-1683 MHz - Case Study June 1st - Weaponized Radio Frequency in Oregon?

in technology •  8 years ago  (edited)

JUNE 1 - OREGON CASE STUDY - 2017-06-01 at 10.15.52 PM.png

Update on Case Study in Oregon - June 1st.

History on these frequencies in my previous article here:

I've observed abnormally strong radio frequency signals being pulsed at this residential building. These are not standard communications signals and appear to be used in a weaponized fashion. Targets of this device report electrical shock sensations, temporary paralysis in specific regions of the body (often isolated to right or left only), and behavior changes with sudden bouts of sleeplessness or narcoleptic symptoms. I've experienced the 'shocking' symptoms as well, though less of the sleep disturbances. Operatives appear to be using some form of auditory attack in tandem with these 1680 MHz range signals and HAM Amateur Radio Bands.

Auditory attacks would be consistent with devices that operate in the 42.6 KHz range and deliver Extremely Low Frequency (E.L.F. Mind Control) payload signals to their targets. This is consistent with what I've identified as 'AQUATONE' or 'Project RAINBOW', and are explained in detailed in my previous articles.

I've studied RF Mind Control and MK ULTRA/Project Rainbow and this case is consistent with what I've found in Estacada Oregon. My current location is also in Oregon but far enough from Estacada to expect a completely different signal environment.

In addition to the 1680 MHz ranges (Project RAINBOW-Radiosondes), I swept for anything stronger than expected between 15-2700 MHz and I've added these below.

Please Note - I don't claim these frequencies are all contributing to the device being used. I am adding these sweeps for professional Radio Frequency engineers to analyze and compare against what they'd expect average signal levels to be (in-building). Update: Removed the 100MHz plot that was included in error. This was a reference point for FM in my own records and not intended to be submitted as part of the package.

![889.25MHz_-47dBm_2017-05-31 at 1.08.29 PM.png]
1249.73MHz_-65dBm_2017-05-31 at 1.11.48 PM.png
1981.09_1984.68MHz_-52dBm_2017-05-31 at 1.19.45 PM.png
2120.92_2134.30MHz_-51dBm_AWS_2017-05-31 at 1.21.05 PM.png
2250.60_2254.27_2291.07_2293.68 MHz -60dBm_2017-05-31 at 1.23.36 PM.png
2309.87 MHz -59dbm - 2369 MHz -61 2017-05-31 at 1.24.17 PM.png
2550.53 MHz -66dBm - May 31 2017 - 13:25:42 Hours.png

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Weaponized frequencies are believed to act upon a fungal biofilm deposited by chemtrails that create an antennae or circuit board out of ones body.

Sorry about the FM station (100MHz) that was in there. That should have been left out.