I am providing links to material regarding Science Applications International Corporation and will be compiling these articles into a video presentation after these are republished on the blockchain. The reason for this is both personal and for the community I communicate with as a whole. SAIC has had a presence in what some would term, "Black Ops" projects since it's inception. Because they've managed to merge themselves with so many other companies over the last few decades, their trail has effectively been whitewashed. This appears to be 'by design'. Through one of their acquisitions, they were able to manage the IP address assignments for a number of years. They have the most inside knowledge into it's functioning, in my estimation. This, one can intuit, is precisely why information critical of SAIC and it's founder Robert Beyster is so difficult to find. But if you look long enough you come across everything from Mass Surveillance to Telepathy and Psychic Function experimentation. These aren't "theories". They are facts. I intend to bring more of this information into the light over the coming weeks.
An Assessment of the Evidence for Psychic Functioning - SAIC and Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
What inspired me to bring more of this into the light is a bit complicated. I am somewhat familiar with SAIC on a personal level, and I'll leave it at that for now. I never worked for them but know people who did. One of these people have always assured me that SAIC doesn't have their hands into any of these things (Surveillance, Psychic Function). They have told me repeatedly to provide evidence of these assertions or drop the topic. This is a reasonable and logical request from anyone. In that spirit, I intend to dissect these articles more thoroughly. If you'd like more background on SAIC, I'd suggest reading the following Vanity Fair article from 2008.
SAIC - Washington's 8 Billion Dollar Shadow
I'd like to give acknowledgement to "Creepy Little Book" for posting the video I linked to in my previous blog about this. He gives a good synopsis regarding SAIC's (Leidos) involvement in managing Antarctica's exploration activities. Thank you for reading. Looking forward to diving deeper into this story as a community.