"The solar wind is now know to be a mixture of materials found in the solar plasma, composed of ionized hydrogen (electrons and protons) with an 8% component of helium and trace amounts of heavy ions."
"At the orbit of the earth the average solar wind consists of a strongly ionized gas having a proton and electron density of about 3 - 10 particles per cubic centimeter, with an average flow velocity of approximately 400 km/s."
"The engine has no moving parts other than ions traveling in a vacuum line, trapped inside electric and magnetic fields."
"the ionized part is important. To create an ionized gas, you either remove electrons from the atoms of the gas so it has too few, or add them so it has too many. This ionizes it, a.k.a. charges it. When charged, the gas can be accelerated by magnetism, and is usually super-heated. Then you can use it for beams.
Creating plasma is something we can actually do using the current state of technology."
"A particle beam (sometimes plasma beam, or charged particle beam) is an accelerated stream of charged particles such as electrons and protons, often accelerated towards the speed of light."
"Particles can be directed at a fixed target, such as a thin piece of metal foil"
"a plasma is made up of atoms or molecules that have been excited with energy. Those atoms are made of three different particles - neutrons, protons and electrons."
"Electric and magnetic fields are all around us, but they don't typically affect solids, liquids, and gases we interact with. They do shape plasma."
"particle accelerators can accelerate positively charged hydrogen ions (protons) until their velocity approaches the speed of light. Each ion has a kinetic energy range of 100-1000+ MeV. The resulting high energy protons can capture electrons from electron emitter electrodes, and be thus electrically neutralized. This creates an electrically neutral beam of high energy hydrogen atoms, that can proceed in a straight line at near the speed of light to smash into its target and damage it.
The beam emitted may contain 1+ gigajoule of kinetic energy. The speed of a beam approaching that of light (299,792,458 m/s in a vacuum) in combination with the energy created by the weapon was thought to negate any realistic defense. Target hardening through shielding or materials selection was thought to be impractical or ineffective in 1984,[1] especially if the beam could sustain full power and precise focus on the target.[2]"
"Particle Accelerator is a very power hungry machine, often requiring GHEs of power. If you do not have enough power, the operation will fail and your ingredients will be wasted."
"The particle accelerator is the source of high-energy particle beam and is therefore the heart of the particle beam weapon system. Three main constituents of the particle accelerator are: the source of particles such as electrons, protons or charged atoms, the device that injects these particles into the accelerating section and finally the accelerating section itself."
"Stick an antenna up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it to one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground, and the potential difference will then charge the capacitor."
"A properly tuned system can capture and convert radiant energy"
"Tesla used an antenna (an electrical conductor) and an amplifier to harness and then amplify energy."