What is the Technology Transfer Program (TTP)?

in technology •  5 years ago 

"Corteum/Anunnaki Technology Transfer Program (TTP)"

"ACIO are in possession of radical technologies that have been part of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP."

"Those who are at level 12 and above are aware of the Corteum/Anunnaki Technology Transfer Program (TTP)"

"The NSA Technology Transfer Program (TTP) transfers NSA-developed technology to industry, academia, and other research organizations, benefitting the economy and the Agency mission."

""Technology Transfer Programs" (TTP), apparently starting in 1954 (if not earlier), when President Eisenhower had an encounter with a faction of the Grays, which resulted in an exchange program where the U.S. government at the top level was given alien technology in exchange for abductions of a limited amount of humans for genetic experiments."

"While working within the ACIO, Fifteen was approached by the Zeta Grays, who wanted to offer him a full-scale Technology Transfer Program (TTP), but Fifteen turned them down. He did not fully trust them, and he had already a similar (and better) program set up with the Corteum."

“Part of our TTP with the Corteum extended to their cosmology, and they have the equivalent of our Bible called Liminal Cosmogony that I translated."

NASA's Technology Transfer Program

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