How Brain Implants Could Give Us Superhuman Abilities

in technology •  7 years ago 


Technology has touched all aspects of our lives in this 21st century world that we live in and has, in fact, become an integral part of our lives. So much so that we start feeling incomplete as soon as we manage to get away from it.

No doubt, it has enhanced our lives in many different ways and today we can do things that we couldn’t have even imagined a few decades ago. I mean, sending a text to someone half way around the world in an instant? Almost feels like magic, doesn’t it?

There are however some side-effects that we have all felt. That’s bound to happen as technology is a double edged sword. But for the most part, we can still avoid these effects and distance ourselves from tech if need be.

But in the future, we may no longer have that option. We are fast approaching a world where tech is no longer ‘an integral part of our lives’ in a figurative way but a more literal way. The upside? We may just get ourselves some superhuman abilities!

Brain Implants - A Commonality In The Future?


Brain implants are not actually a new thing and have been around for decades, but their use has been very limited. They have existed mostly in the form of cochlear implants used by people with impaired hearing or vision problems.

They have also been used for stimulating particular motor areas in the brain to alleviate Parkinson’s diseases symptoms in people.

The current research and development however, has taken a slight detour and now we are entering into the realms of science fiction where we are looking for ways to enhance our brain and its abilities. If scientists have their way, in just a few decades, we may have superhuman abilities, essentially creating Human 2.0.

These futuristic implants could be sold in the future as just another consumer devices that are sold today, giving the user a wide range of capabilities. If it becomes a commonality, we are looking at either a utopian world or a dystopian one.

The Superhuman of the Future


You might think after reading this, that some of these abilities are too out there and simply not possible for us to achieve with the help of tiny implants but trust me, these will all really be possible.

You could have enhanced focus and energy without any drugs and their side-effects, making you much more efficient in your work and daily life. Also, you could have enhanced memory so you’d never forget a thing as well as be able to restore damaged memories!

Another sci-fi like ability that you could have would be the ability to download skills like in the movie “The Matrix”. Schools would go obsolete if this were to happen. Plus implants could also make you much better at math and navigating skills.

With the help of bionic eyes or ears, implants could give you the ability to see in the dark as well as hear sounds from a long distance away. This sounds pretty much like what vampires do in movies.


Also, we could treat conditions like spinal injuries where a person who wasn’t able to walk before, would be able to do so thanks to brain implant and spinal implants that talk directly to each other.

Also, you would be able to control your computer devices and other smart home devices by just your thoughts. Think about closing the blinds and they shall get closed. Think about making presentations on a computer and you wouldn’t have to touch a keyboard or a mouse. This is literally magic we are talking about here!

If Elon Musk has his way with the neural lace, we will have a merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence, where our brains could connect directly to the internet and we could all talk with each other telepathically!

The crazy thing is that all these brain implant technologies are being worked upon right now and only in a few decades, we will start to see these come to the market, one by one. What would such a world look like? Half of me feels optimistic but the other half can’t help but feel scared too!

All images have been taken from the public domain.


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Count me out. Governments and corporations with literally trillions of dollars at their disposal can't keep their own systems secure. Guarantee any and all of this tech will be absolutely insecure voluntarily or involuntarily. Oh yeah, you've also got organizations like the NSA and CIA that Snowden has taught us about.

It will never be a good idea to put an implant in your brain that can interface (interfere) with your thoughts and senses while connected to the internet. If you're worried about Big Brother and surveillance today, today will look like the stone age if implants gain critical mass.

That's a very good point of view and I totally agree that it will make humans hackable. Pretty scary indeed!

Hi if I can jump into this conversation. The implants will be nanobots which will be approximately the size of blood cells. They will work in swarms - for example - they will go into the blood brain barrier in millions and clamp onto individual brain cells. They will be able to transmit whether a neuron has activated and they may also be able to activate a neuron - that is they will be able to monitor and control!

Also you might say I refuse this however they can be transmitted by mosquitoes!! Bill G is always talking about transmitting vaccines by mosquito.

They might also be based on viruses which can self replicate using human cells.

Sure - count me out too - but it's not that simple.

Another thing is that if everyone gets implants they might be many times better at their job in terms of quality and quantity. So if you don't get the implants you might not be a profitable employee.

Just putting some of the ideas out there.

"Technology" is a crutch, and will never bring humanity to their highest ability. The human vehicle itself is the highest of technologies.

Think about it: technology only helps us manifest what we want in life because our ability is missing to only manifest that with our mind. For example, an automatic screw drill will help us build a home faster. Ugh, can't use words to explain... hope it helps :)

I think about human body that it has his own tech. It is so advanced that for more than 7k years we still don't know how to control it.

My opinion is that we don't need to look outside to inside, but to look inside to outside.

Perfect :) Check out my post on here as well. I couldn't figure out the words!

Amazing i just upvote :) Thank you Please give back upvote :)


Upvoted. ;)

This is amazing, I can't believe this could happen in a few years time, it's amazing what people can achieve.

However, this could lead to so many things, like maybe even the destruction of earth ! Who knows what the future will bring…

Destruction of the earth sounds scary...

Yeah, technology never ceases to amaze. This could have some drastic impacts too.

With the coming emergence of artificial super intelligence we humans will probably need to up our game to even communicate with machines of the future. Or will we eventually be the artificial intelligence through the use of cognitive implants.

Yeah, that's one of the ways to deal with their uprising should they go rogue.

It's going to be extremely interesting to see how many people feel divided about the matter when the time comes. How many people are going to line up for brain implants like they do iPhones? The possibilities of this technology is endless, however there might be dangers also. Where ever there is a computer, there's a hacker. Is it possible to hack into the human brain to some level if one of these implants are installed? Great post, you've earned a new follower :).

I think I'm in the same position as you because I think that it could be cool but knowing humanity and how cruel we are to each other sometimes I fear it will be turned into something bad. :(

Very interesting post though. Thanks so much for sharing it. :D It definitely gives you food for thought. :D

Yeah, more often than not, people find a way to misuse tech. Only here, lives could be stake directly!

Scary and cool. Those are the two best words to describe this actually coming to fruition in our lifetimes. :D

Language is a technology.
Humans are DEFINED by tech.
There is no such thing as a human without tech.
Tech just keeps getting better and better.

100% agree. A book is technology when you think about it.

Interesting viewpoint!

language is NOT was an invention. All technologies are inventions. Thus it follows. that there is NO SUCH THING as a human withOUT technology...our technology defines us..

We are tool users..

Wow. Nice info. Heres something a company just built a 2 robots, they decided to create a language only they knew. Just read that today. It might have been facebook. But cool stuff

Yeah, I read about that too. But I also read another report that this report was exaggerating things and that the bots only deviated a little bit from English.

Musk and Hawkins both said we should be worried more about a.i. if your Christian this is bad. If not its bad. Its like the movie walle. Fat lazy people who dont grow legs. Personally its probably to early for us to really worry but whp know.

technology is getting very interesting, this will be like bringing the metaphysical into the physical realm

Yes, it is interesting for sure.

technology :O damn thinking about future haha :D

haha yeah!

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Good luck my friend

It is something I won't take apart of, it is too creepy for me. This future to me would fall into the line of dystopian one.

Yeah, me neither!

Ya but do you want to be the first couple of people they test it on... I definitely think it is pretty cool, but am going to wait.

haha I do not even want to be the last person to want this ;)

Ya that is true, I feel fine now.

You're a wizard at this!

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This post recieved a vote from @minnowpond. For more information click

very nice thanks for the experience...very useful


Some fear of this future while some embrace. I can imagine how the data that generated from those chips and gadgets streaming back to the data centre. The one holding the data controls the world. Hopefully, people will make good use of it than exploiting. I'm optimistic about it :) #future

Yeah, I believe that such a tech has to be local. If brain implants started talking to the internet, they would be wildly insecure.

Well, if there's no algorithm allow that, that will not happen right? Unless someone with some dark intention put it in the implants. Still, I would fear the creator of the tech more than the tech.

La famosa historia del super humano, creo que hará referencia a cuando esté pueda dominar por completo su cuerpo

When hackers start accessing people's brains it game over.

That's what scares me the most.

it sounds crazy but we could achieve this task. as you mentioned we've done things we couldn't have imagined. There is nothing we can't do just take a look the beginning of humanity even we still Have a long way to go but absolutely we're million times better than we used to be. I believe the best is coming. I'm obsessed with artificial intelligence that allow us make self driving cars. in a decades that considered impossible and here we are. scientists claims that we could Reassemble The genomes Of Died,Extinct Animals by a quantum computers and And Bring Them Back To Reality!!
our hard work and creativity could lead us to our aim and even more further.
great article @suaravrungta bless up.

Yeah, we have achieved so many things that are literally like magic and so much yet to do. What is considered impossible today will just be a reality of tomorrow.

TRANSHUMANISM ~ kind of a freaky term, no?

It sure is! But it seems like that's the direction we are heading.

Pretty trippy read mate. I dig this way out stuff. You should check out this post if you're into whacky "what if" kinda reads... "5 Simple Rules For Becoming A Supervillain!"

Thanks man! :)

You know what? I want some giant HDD in my head to store lot of information, and increase my speed of thinking, so I can become sorta superhuman, I'm hyped for these implants :D

LOL. Really? Personally I would stay away.

Why? :D just think of it, you can improve yourself that easy, and anyway I think it's a future, getting to like superhuman. Still, nothing comes free, to "maintain universe stability" you always pay something in return, like you might lose memories or lose mind abilities and become just computer with no imagination

Yeah thats the downside. Following you. I hope YOU have a WONDERFUL day!

You have some really great posts Saurav, well done.. will follow and read often :)

Thank you :)

Thanks for sharing this info

Thanks for reading :)


Yeah, they are!

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@sauravrugta - An amazing 'throw forward' look at technology and how it will impact us (or rather, integrate with us) in future. Science fiction writers have envisioned a lot of these things and the constant march of technology will soon make these a reality as you correctly point out. Human 2.0 (as you designate it) model will be at the same time, brilliantly capable and also very very scary. Like any great technology, this too, will be a double edged sword. I think what will matter is whether the technological enhancement will be controlled by the higher functions of the mind or will overtake (intentionally or unintentionally) the higher function of mind and brain that decides rationality of behavior.
Thanks for this interesting and thought provoking article. I am fairly new on Steemit and stumbled upon this by chance. I am mostly into wildlife awareness blogs based on my photographs and my musings. Have taken recently to also talking about ideas to used Steemit for helping underprivileged including girl child education etc. However, at heart, I remain an Engineer and a nerd. Therefore, will follow you and look forward to more such interesting blogs, Thanks. Cheers. Upvoted


You make an interesting point that it might depend on whether they are controlled by the higher functions of the mind or will overtake them altogether.

Thanks for the wonderful comment and for reading. Your blog looks interesting. Followed! :)

Thank you. I am sure we will end up having interesting discussions. Thank you for following. Will try to always bring good content in my blogs

Thanks for this post. It reminds me of The Circle. Following you. I hope YOU have a WONDERFUL day!

Thanks for the kind words :)

Sounds good.. whats the flip side?

Always need to look at things from multiple angles ;)

I have mentioned the flip sides ;)

OMG Do you watch Black Mirror? There is an episode on this.. its very crazy.

No, I haven't but many people have suggested that I do. :D

AHHH you need too! I feel like Black Mirror is up your alley.... you will be mind blown! :)

Ok will give this a try then :)

AHHH! okay tell me what you think after watching a couple episodes. Can't wait! eek!