How Do You Protect Earth From The Dangers of Sun? (Hint: Earth-Sized Shield)

in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)


In the 21st century that we live in, we are slowly transitioning to a world where technology is slowly becoming ever more pervasive in human life, taking over almost all aspects of it.

This has led to us, increasingly becoming more and more dependent on the various modern day technologies that we have invented for ourselves to serve various purposes, be it to augment human life or to push things further in terms of other advancements.

I mean consider the internet and how much of a necessity it has become today to conduct the various important tasks without which the world would come to a stand still. In fact, I even wrote about this the other day.

Imagine what would happen if one day, all our modern day technologies were rendered useless in a scenario that is depicted pretty well in the movie, “The day the Earth stood still”. Although there is a very slim chance of that happening, there is one way that it can and that too in the near future.

Dangers From The Sun


Although the sun forms the basis for life here on our planet, it can also become quite dangerous for our way of life. There are many phenomena that could result in the wiping out of most of our technological infrastructure.

Solar flares, for example can impact the Earth’s magnetosphere and cause disruptions in wireless communication on our planet but that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sometimes, a solar flare is accompanied by what is called a ‘coronal mass ejection’ (CME) wherein there is a significant release of plasma and charged particles from the Sun. In fact, in 1859, such a CME took out the then communication networks all around the globe.

As you can imagine, the damage was not severe as it was 1859, and the network that was affected was still not mainstream to have affected most people.


Today however, the scenario is completely different. We are totally reliant on these communication networks and the internet which could all be shut down completely because of these deadly CMEs.

According to experts, a large CME could melt the copper that is used inside the electrical transformers which could cause major outages throughout the world.

Also, there would be no internet or heating or air conditioning and even operations at gas pumps would be halted. And that’s not all! The many different satellites revolving the planet for various purposes would also stop working which could knock out the GPS systems causing mayhem down here on Earth.

Experts believe that the Earth would have to bear a loss of an estimated $2 trillion and it would take us a long time to recover from the event, possibly even a decade.

The scary thing is that such a CME has a 12% chance of occurring over the next 10 years, which although not much, is still a possibility. Therefore, scientists are at work thinking about ways we can deal with this and one of the proposed ways sounds like a sci-fi solution.

An Earth-Sized Shield

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Scientists recently proposed in a paper that Earth could be protected with the help of a massive shield that literally blocks the CMEs. Such a shield would be space-borne and would need to be such that it doesn’t block sunlight.

Therefore they speculate that a magnetic field shield (like the ones they show in movies) would be perfect for this purpose. Doing so will require a huge amount of copper wire which would be needed to be lifted to space, but they believe that it is possible, from an engineering standpoint.

The costs involved would probably venture into the hundred billion dollar mark which is still a lot less than the $2 trillion in losses that we would have to incur otherwise.

And with the cost of launching stuff to space coming down in the next decades, thanks to the efforts of SpaceX, maybe it could cost a lot less. In any case, we badly need a solution to save ourselves and our way of life from the dangers of the sun.

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Great post bro👍👏

Thanks :)

Okay, not sure what the ozone layer has to do with a CME, but I am not a scientist. (ozone layer mentioned in some remarks, not Post). Okay so:

According to experts, a large CME could melt the copper that is used inside the electrical transformers

So there solution is to build a:

magnetic field shield (like the ones they show in movies) would be perfect for this purpose. Doing so will require a huge amount of copper wire

Personally, that solution seems to be a non-solution if the CME is going to melt copper wire on Earth in transformers, as it penetrates Earth's magnetic field, What is to stop it from melting the copper wire in the man-made magnetic field? Or is the man made magnetic field expected to be a heck of a lot stronger than the Earths?

Oh one more silly question, (yes I know pennies are no longer copper), will the CME that melts copper wire in transformers melt all those copper pennies and copper plumbing pipes?

lol I was thinking the exact same thing while writing this post but then I assumed that since they are scientists and I am not and since they have actually released a paper on this, I might be missing something and I must not be knowing somethings that could explain this.

The ozone layer acts as a filter for the shorter wavelength and highly hazardous ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun, protecting life on Earth from its potentially harmful effects. When the sky is clear, there is an inverse relationship between stratospheric ozone and solar UVR measured at the Earth’s surface. That is,the lower the ozone levels, the higher the solar UVR.

The level of UVR from the sun measured at the Earth’s surface varies linearly with latitude. There are higher UVR levels nearer the equator and lower UVR nearer the poles (see Figure 1).

Australia has high levels of solar UVR, due mainly to its geographical position. We have capital cities at latitudes ranging from 12°30’S (Darwin) close to the equator down to 42°52’S (Hobart). For comparison with some Northern Hemisphere locations, the south of France is 43°N and London is 51°32’N, while Melbourne at 37°46’S is as far from the equator as the coast of North Africa (37°16’N).

The southern hemisphere generally has higher levels of solar UVR than the northern hemisphere, because the Earth is approximately 1.7% closer to the sun in January (summer) than at the equinox and 1.7% further away in July (northern hemisphere summer). The intensity of solar UVR is proportional to the square of the distance, so this means solar UVR levels are already 3.4% higher in the southern Hemisphere than at equinox and 3.4% lower for an equivalent location in the northern hemisphere. However as the atmosphere in the southern hemisphere is cleaner than that in the northern and transmits UVR more readily, these differences are even larger for similar latitudes, approaching ~15%.

I am not talking about the UVR though!

Thank you for getting this out. @sauravrungta

Thanks for reading.

The advice about video is great, would definitely be better to see it all in one vid - but great job anyway, it was very inspiring and educational to read your post.
Cheers :)

Videos are not my thing. Too difficult to make a video anyways. I think I can better explain my thoughts in writing. Thanks for reading :)

need a lot of forests with trees that absorb carbon dioxide so that no ozone layer leaks .. so the sun does not become direct ... but the forest is also cut down ....,

Even then a CME is a huge concern.

currently the earth has the ozone layer, which helps the land of these events, the problem is people's lifestyle, this layer becomes thinner and so the sun's rays can cause a big problem to the earth and in our lives.
we have 2 options.

  • improve the lifestyle we have
  • scientists and engineers make the protector that protects the earth.

The Earth's magnetosphere and the ionosphere provide a great protection from solar flares but a severe CME could still be deadly.

well, implement the protector to avoid a catastrophe.

or else shield the earth with sunscreen lotion,haha


good information,

my profile.


You post very good and increase knowledge!! Thanks for sharing @

Thank you :)

Dude, make a video on this. Dtube platform need content like this.

haha Video making is not for me :)

I think that opposite is the question.
How to protect the Sun from the dangers of the Earth

NO, I don't think the opposite is a good question.

technology is slowly becoming ever more pervasive in human life
it always has been,

taking over almost all aspects of it
that happened a LONG time ago.

Humans are DEFINED by technology (we're the only animals that have it)
a human without technology...isn't human..

Hey, I agree. Maybe I was generalising too much. By technology, I tend to refer the modern day technologies like the internet and the communications technology of today.


wasn't the invention of ANY technology...such as language...every bit as radical and disruptive for it's time as the internet is today?

Excellent work Thank you :)

thanks for reading :)

you are a good writer..

thank you :)

I'd worry a lot more about geoengineering... if I were you.

because I do and it is something we can control. Moreover the scientists in your essay are not concerned either, why should we trust them? They just want taxpayers' money it seems to control the universe?

Quite interesting the sun gives us many benefits to the human being or rather to the living being, but it is also dangerous, if we do not tube the ozone layer and the human race or any living being would be extinct


We have to control all negative aspects that are harmful for environment as well as for ozone layer in order to secure not todays human life but also for upcoming generation.....!