Scientists Can Now Engineer Life In A Lab!

in technology •  7 years ago 


Sometimes I am really awestruck when I realise how one of nature’s own creations is beginning to develop the same powers over life as her. I am talking about ourselves, of course.

Living beings like you and me and the plants and the animals, although made up of the same atoms and molecules as the non-living things, are somehow ‘alive’. We are able to move, eat, reproduce and as humans, even think consciously.

All that happens because of the blueprint of life and it is called DNA. Basically, DNA, or rather the arrangements of molecules in the DNA determine if you are a human or a tree or a rat and also determines your uniqueness among your own species as well.

Till now, nature had been the lone master at engineering life but in the recent time, we humans have developed the same abilities and are now at a stage where we are capable of engineering life in a lab.

Synthetic Biology - Taking Life Into Our Own Hands


The term ‘synthetic biology’ may sound a little nonsensical because ’synthetic’ means artificial, or fake and biology is the ‘real deal’. But this field is what is making us capable to print genetic code and engineer life.

Don’t get this confused with the genetic modification we have been doing already for decades. Earlier, we were able to take out one trait from one species of a plant or animal and transfer it to another plant or animal for our own benefits in many of these cases. For example, genetically modifying corn plant to resist diseases and increase produce.

We have now become so good at sequencing the genome of different species of plants and animals, that we have now databases of several of these. But now you can do a really cool thing.

You can literally type a DNA sequence in a computer or you can copy it from the existing database and just print that DNA! You may ask what the “ink” used here is and it may surprise you to find out that it is sugar!

The DNA sequence that is printed is of course taken from existing species or species that have existed (more on this later), but the printed DNA itself is synthetic. What is even cooler is that while you’re preparing your DNA code in the computer, you can take several traits from several different species and combine those traits in a single DNA.

Right now, these are more pet projects in nature where these synthetic DNA are introduced in single celled organism like the E. Coli bacteria found in the gut, but this is quickly leading the way where we can do a lot more genetic engineering to create life forms not found in nature and hence, for the first time, creating a disassociation from nature’s work.

A Future Where We Are Gods?


Right now synthetic biology is at a cusp of a major revolution and the coming decades are going to be really interesting. It opens up a lot of doors to a lot of sci-fi like possibilities giving us more control over the manipulation of life.

We already have seen many innovation thanks to synthetic biology like lab-grown meat, designer microbes that see and destroy tumours in the body, microbes that eat plastic, advancements in medicine and biochemicals, and so much more.

In the future, imagination will literally be the limitation to what can be achieved with this. One day, we may even be able to synthetically recreate human beings! How cool would that be? Wouldn’t that be almost like being a god?

Who knows we might one day stumble upon the answer to how life originated on the planet as we start playing more and more with the code of life. All this is really exciting and if we are able to solve the ethical question, I think this will create an entirely new human species, where we set the rules and mother nature is no longer in control. Is that a good thing? Who knows! Only time will tell.

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Sometimes i wish I had a some tweaks with my genes to make me never get sick. I hate getting colds lol

That could actually become a possibility within our lifetimes.

great post bro its universe have more and beyond our imagination we can find out some but that some is always nit enough for us

Sources ? Substantiation ? Please :)




Life is a big secret when you look at the universe itself. Great post!

It is indeed! Thanks for reading :)

We are made in the likeness of God, but we are not God.We need a lot to look internally to him.Regards @sauravrungta

We are not god but technology might one day advance us to that level. I am not saying if that is good or bad but it is something that is plausible.

@minboot resteem this Post .
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Great post. Synthetic biology is indeed in the very beginnings, however the breakthroughs in this "industry"( if you want it call like that ) are happening. Slowly, but happening. Currently so far from getting mainstream taking humans into consideration. but we will get there in some time.

It isn't an industry yet but I reckon it is getting there. Technologically speaking, it is now seeing an exponential growth, so things are happening very fast.

This is what we were meant to do all along. We are just growing up. I love this article, thank you for posting it.

I know many will cringe at the thought of this kind of responsibility, but mother nature will always be in control. She's just like that. :) Big up-vote and resteem!

Thanks for reading :)

Yes, this is a huge transition from life being in total control of mother nature to it being in partial control of her with us taking a lot of that control.

Good information...


Very good post @sauravrungta
Thanks for sharing
I upvote and resteem my frends ,ok

Thanks for reading :)

You are welcome my friends @sauravrungta
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great post brother its universe have more and beyond our imagination we can find out some but that some is always nit enough for us

I hope we're not opening a pandora's box with this, but I'm still excited to see the effects. I feel like ability to construct organisms from ground up opens possibilities we can't even think of now.

I hope that too. It could turn out to be really dangerous in the hands of the evil people.

Hi saurav, been a while
hope you're doing well
I do think if we don't kill ourselves first, one day we'll be able to bend this universe to our desires to whatever extent the physical laws allow

hehe I'm back for a bit, hope you see you around

So, you ARE alive!! LOL Great to have you back man.

Yes, I do believe that too. We will reach a point where only the laws of physics will be left to conquer which I don't think will ever be possible.

This is fascinating thank you for sharing. I think the potential for this is huge because it can be used to treat so many various diseases but are you scared at all of it going the wrong way?

I worry that it could turn into people playing god or creating things that shouldnt be created. As with anything, the technology is extremely powerful and can be used for good and bad.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Be careful what you ask for. There is no turning back. Do we know what’s good. What happened to those before you that tried to be God? Dont you see their fate?