Scientists Have Created A Printable Solar Cell To Charge Smartphones

in technology •  7 years ago 


Smartphones have advanced so much since their initial introduction to the world that it is almost impossible to believe. They are much more capable of what we had ever imagined they would be.

We use smartphones to make phone calls, to listen to music, to call a cab, to watch movies, to surf the internet, to make payments on the go and literally hundreds of things more. This speaks volumes of how far the smartphone has really come.

One area that has been lacking in innovation however, is battery. We usually have to charge our phones every single day and it takes quite some time to do it. Yes, there have been minor improvements in this field but not nearly enough.

Scientists are hard at work trying to devise methods to charge batteries in seconds and from a long range (like wifi) and even batteries that last for weeks but they might still be a ways away. But, there might be a cool new way to solve our charging woes and it might be on the horizon.

Charge Your Phone Using Ambient Light


The sun literally powers our planet and therefore it is only wise to harness its power for all the stuff that we need it. Solar power generation is witnessing huge improvements and now it has reached a point where we can even print solar cells!

That’s right. Researchers at Dracula Technologies have created a way to print thin and flexible solar cells in any shape or color you want and all that, using just your inkjet printer. How cool is that?

The researchers are calling this technology “LAYER” which stands for ‘Light As Your Energetic Response’. The name of the technology may not be simple, but using the tech itself is, and I don’t think it can get any simpler.

Using this technique, you can harness sunlight as well as artificial light. This is a huge plus for the technology as sunlight may not be always available, making this tech very reliable and versatile.

How It Works


So, there are two ways consumers would be able to use this. First, they could print a “layer” (of solar cells) directly onto an electronic device, so it’s not just limited to smartphones. Then the layer would begin absorbing light and continuously provide a charge to the device.

The other method, which is very cool and almost sci-fi like, is this: You could also fix the printed layer (made up of highly conductive plastic) onto any surface which could capture a larger amount of light. It could be walls, it could be your windows, backpack, t-shirt, etc.

Since the plastic sheet can be custom printed into any shape and they are foldable, you could virtually put them anywhere. All you need to do next, is hook up your device to the sheet and charge away!

It only takes an hour to print these solar cells and they are really cost-effective, so that means you could print a bunch of them and fix them to your most used objects so that you could have the required charge whenever and wherever possible.

Other exciting applications include, hooking them up to IoT devices, CCTV cameras, smart home appliances and virtually any device which could use the localized generation of power.

The exciting part is that the researchers say that the LAYER is almost ready for real world use, as they estimate that only in a few months’ time, they could be used to charge your smartphone.

You can also check out the following video made by the company itself:

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I love this! Its about time we start to smarten up. We have the capability of solving so many issues however you know what gets in the way? Company and government greed.

I totally agree!! I think enough people will start innovating that it's just too much to stop.

This would be such a great addition to my paraglider. One of the things that we deal with when flying a paraglider is nowhere to plug in, so you need to bring back up battery power. It would be great if my harness was covered with a couple panels like this and I could use that power to give juice to my instrument panel.
Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 7.39.18 AM.png

Yeah, it would be really useful, as I am guessing the require power would not be too much to handle.

It will hurt a lot of corporations.

That's for sure.

The mega companies wil find the way to stop this.

I fear that as well. Let's see.

Wow cool post!
Hope to see you on my page too :)

Thanks :)

Eagerly awaiting more solar powered items! Yeah, the sun isn't always shining... but when it does why not use it!

I've seen a few articles about the solar "film" that can be applied to windows, walls , and other flat surfaces. Do you know if it can it be used on curved surfaces?

Hoping to see more posts on solar technology from you!

Yeah, innovation in this area is just exploding right now. I am not sure about the curved surfaces.

Great idea! Thank you for the post.

Thanks for reading.

perfect but needs developing

yes, it sure does.

This is awesome. I can't wait until this technology is released on a manufacturing level. Wonder what applications besides cellphones that will be discovered for this and used. Wonder if you could put this on like a backpack and then have a battery that charges in your backpack.

You can absolutely put it on a backpack. I have stated that in the post.

Dang I just saw that. I must have read right over it.

Its like you can print your own charger and carry it your own way that's really awesome !!!

Yeah, it's exactly what it is + solar :D

Due to the half life duration of my phone battery, i got no choice than to use the phone while it's plugged , just to enhance my long staying logged in on steemit..i just can't wait for this new invention to come to the real world🙌🙌....but wait a minute don't you think that with the much electric charges going through the batteries at that short period will having a side effect on the batteries?

ahh, you make a good point. That is a whole different scenario about the batteries.

Wow... Nice


wow. nice .......

yeah it is.

It's really unbelievable to see such and innovation in field of charging a smartphone

Yup, now to just bring it to market :D

Thank for your response over my comment

I wonder if it will be possible when my kids are adults that there will be machines where you can print cell phones for temporary use. lol.

haha who knows!! maybe!

yes,this time smart phone just growing up smartly.always have changes in here,technology are going good way.


I use to joke about using sunlight to charge phone batteries and now I see how that is becoming a reality. I’m looking forward to some of these new innovations in harnessing energy for battery life. Thank you for this post. It has left me to ponder more on this idea.

Yes, it will be so awesome. Especially for outdoor use.

This is a great scientific breakthrough. Life is made easy and easy by the day. Thumb up for this amazing discovery.

Totally agreed.

Thank you for this nice and useful information ..
a very nice article

Thanks for reading.

U mean this can make those hand embedded handsets a reality, like sci fi movies

Yeah, definitely moving in that direction.

That's welcoming....thanks for the info bro.

Thanks for reading :)

I like your post


One of the reasons that I love steemit is because I can find articles like yours pretty easily, and that have really interesting content. Kudos to you for this write up!

Do they have any information on how efficient these printed solar cells might be?

We've really come a long way with Solar Power to the point were charging your phone with these portable solar kits is now no longer painfully slow, but rather quick, something like this might be an awesome next step up.

Thanks for the kind words :) No, I don't think they have the numbers yet because it's not out on the market yet and I think only real market use can determine the true numbers.

I guess we are not far enough to be given dresses made out of this type of solar cells to feed our devices and those people who contain really lots of heat (not the incessantly shivering ones) will have sort of switches to power up their devices (maybe not a washing machine yet) or maybe to store up in the batteries. Imagine while you walk out in the street you store the energy in the battery for later use. And so on....

Yes, that could be a very good possibility. Smart clothes are being hooked up with all sorts of things.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Technology is really something else these days. I so much agree with this sentence,

They are much more capable of what we had ever imagined they would be.

When you think you have seen the best of technology, something more outstanding happens.

That's so right.

This idea should have been out years ago. I think they need to make a phone case out of solar cells for charging.