We May Finally Be Getting Long Distance Wireless Charging

in technology •  7 years ago 


Modern day lifestyle of us humans, calls for us owning a multitude of devices ranging from laptops to smartphones to tablets and what not. We just can’t do without them and they have become and integral part of our work as well as our personal lives.

There are literally a million things that we can do on our devices that would be considered nothing less than magical only a century ago. But they all come with the pain of keeping them charged at all times.

You see, even though the modern day gadgets have come a long way in terms of technologies like processing power, storage capacity, screen resolution and a thousand other things, one are has mostly remained the same and that is battery technology.

We just don’t have batteries that can hold an enormous amount of charge for an insane amount of duration and thus we keep reaching for that charger and it’s so annoying! There might be respite on the horizon however as long distance charging is about to become a reality.

True Wireless Charging


The “wireless chargers” of today have been marketed as wireless chargers but they still need to be plugged and the smartphones or other smart devices still have to be kept on a charging pad. Yes, that’s a little more convenient than plugging in a wire but it’s still a pain.

What the world needs today is long distance charging. You know, pretty much like how wifi works. Imagine being able to roam around the house with your phone with you and it getting continuously charged.

If this is realized, we would never have to worry about low charge on our devices just as we don’t worry about internet as long as we are in range of the wifi. How cool would that be?

Several companies have been working on this long distance charging technology for quite a while and many different ways have been explored of doing this. One company called Energous, it seems, has managed to beat the competition and they just might be the first company to offer real life usage to consumers all around the globe.

FCC Approves Energous’ Wireless Charging Tech


I had personally been waiting for this since the time I first heard about the Energous and what they were developing. In fact, Apple was rumored to be working with them to incorporate the technology in their iPhones.

Well it seems like we may finally be able to witness this god send tech in consumer devices soon as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the US, has approved the Wattup Mid Field transmitter with a ‘power at a distance’ certification to it.

The transmitter works by sending radio frequencies to a mobile device which are fitted with a receiver that converts the radio frequencies into electricity. The current range is only 3 feet, but with time that is bound to increase to be able to cover a typical home.

Also, just as multiple devices can connect to the same router for internet access, the transmitter will be able to charge multiple devices at the same time. So, you wouldn’t even need to have separate chargers for each of you in the family.

As the world moves forward with more wireless devices like internet of things, smartwatches, bluetooth earphones, electric cars, the ability to charge all of these wirelessly is the need of the hour. I really hope the technology can quickly make its way to the hands of us consumers.

All images are taken from Energous website

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I had this idea several years ago with my rommate , the question key was , how to transform that radio frequencie into electricity ? .
Thank you @sauravrungta for this great post.

Yeah, that is the important part and seems like they have figured it out.

That's amazing. I'm still in awe of the ones that charge without a cord. One question: will I need to wear alumininum foil underpants to protect my nether regions?

Yeah, it's something everyone has been waiting for, for so long now. I know it's just one more way we will get lazy but it will be sooo good :D

And yes, your nether regions (along with everyone else's) will be safe as the radio frequencies won't do any harm to the body. That was one of the first things I checked out when I heard of this.

hahaha seriously! I've seen a few things on the dangers of too much radiation, this type of tech would introduce a whole bunch of additional invisible radiowaves to our living spaces

Our living spaces are already filled with all sorts of radio waves. The addition of this will have negligible effect. Also, it doesn't harm the body at all or else it wouldn't have gotten the FCC approval.

rofl. that's like one of the best replies I've read in recent days

If people had paid attention to Nikola Tesla's experiments a hundred years ago, we could have had cordless power before we even had smartphones.

I know right! The world would be 100 years more advanced than what it is today.

Nikola Tesla believed in this concept. Poor dude died trying to free the public. Elon is on his way though.

Yeah, a great loss for humanity he was. I really wish his technologies could have been implemented at that time. We would have had a totally different world today.

I wonder about this from a health standpoint. I've read things about how all these emfs and wireless technology could actually be somewhat damaging to our bodies. As we keep adding more and more wireless technology to the space, increasing the frequency where these waves have the potential to pass through our bodies, studies and mitigation should be developed.

Other than that this is extremely cool

Yeah, I have read about those studies too but there are always counter studies proving them wrong. Frankly I don't think any such effects exist on the body because radio waves have been around for so long now and we have had wifi for so long too. If there was a definite impact on the body, it would have been evidently clear by now.

I have to admit I would be a little skeptical of the new technology. I'm not quite a tinfoil hat wearer, but I do try to minimize electronics where I sleep. But far be it from me to stand in the way of serious advances.

I'm curious to see where this goes!

I think this will advance to the levels of wifi where you can get a charge anywhere you are in your home from a single point. That means one home would have one transmitter and it would take care of all of the family's devices. Also, if it gets really advanced in a decade or so, even things like Televisions could run completely on wireless electricity. That would be so awesome :D

nice information bro....
hope you like my information's on my blog too...


this post is incredible friend, thanks for the contribution continues like this! @sauravrungta

Thank you :)

Just more waves to fuck our organs up while we constantly walk through them. When will people realize it's so much more peaceful not being around all this wireless technology!?

Yes, it is indeed more peaceful to live life without technology but I don't think they have a huge impact on health like many people tend to think.

how's your flint knapping technique coming along?
do you have electricity in your home and running water?

I would definately like this kind of thing. I use my phone a lot and sometimes it dont even last a whole day.

Yeah, everyone would love it :D

I feel like we've been waiting for this for a long time! Would be great if it actually happened (finally)!

Yeah, I know right! It should have been already here :D

Exactly! Did you ever see that table that should be able to charge all devices and you could "drag" your pictures out there? That was ages ago and it never came :D

I think the reason why they don't make it to the consumers hands is because corporatiosn cannot find a way to mass manufacture at competitive prices.

I think you're completely right about that. Someone have to spend resources on R&D and then make sure they can get a profit out of it. With the limited knowledge there still is about this it might be too expensive compared to the market prices which they would get out of it. It's the same thing we saw with the LED tv where the profit just isn't big enough :-)

nice post.


This is really cool !!!. Thanks for sharing it
I have also read somewhere that currently work is in progress for Li-fi charging. This could really solve the problem of charging.

The li-fi thing is not for charging but for internet access. It is being touted as a replacement of the current wifi technology.

So basically they JUST figured out teslas wireless energy tower and rebuilt it to charge phones

I know right!

That would be very cool. No more leaving the phone to charge somewhere and being away from it.

Yeah! Cool + convenient. Simply a no-brainer.

the folks who are worried about being 'damaged' by wifi are going to lose their shit over this.

As you can see from the comments above, they really are! LOL

ignorant people.
what can you say?

I don't have to then fight with my extension switch board :D

LOL, yeah! You and millions of other people too :D

Great post there, keep up good work !

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It's good to know that we can do long distance wireless charging soon, but will there be any side effects of surrounding ourselves in constant radio frequencies?

I don't think so, but still time will tell.

This Technology is amazing! But I think this technology is more dangerous for our health ???


Don't think so.

It is very amazing. I am still impressive to those who charge without a cord. One question: Will I wear aluminum foil rubbish to protect my bottom area?

Dude you simply copied someone else's comment and rewrote it with some changes!!

I can't wait to see the increase in cancer rates from this technology. I'm already waiting for millennials to pop up with leg, butt, ovary, testicular, brain, neck, etc. cancers from holding cell phones in their pockets, bluetooth receivers on their heads for days, etc.

I know it's a bit of a depressive view, but it is what it is... I feel that we're playing with fire. So many cell phones emit ridiculous amounts of radiation, it's unnerving! But since the FCC allows it in the USA, well.. I guess it's OK? Or not... Time will be the ultimate judge, jury and, likely, executioner.

On a positive note, all this tech is definitely cool!

I don't think this has ever been proved. Yes, there are studies that state that it could harm our body, but there are also counter studies that disprove them. Smartphones and other device manufacturers maintain the level of radiation to a very safe level. I think it's more of a fear based on incomplete information or misinformation.

Have you ever read the advertised amount of radiation emitted by a cell phone? Then have you read about how much radiation is required to harm a human with extended exposure?

It's really not "safe". At least not in my conservative view of what is considered safe...

That's great. I love how innovation is just popping up all over the place. This tech has long seemed an impossible dream and people kind of forgot about it, but it's nice to know that there is always somebody working on the seemingly impossible stuff to make it possible.

The thing is, Nikola Tesla demonstrated wireless electricity more than 100 years ago and we are only now bringing it to consumer applications. There is a whole lot of conspiracy about it. You should definitely read about it :)

That will be nice, but i do hope this wont have effect on human healths and if it does not then that had be great.
Thanks for your posts they get me expose to new things

I hope so too. Thanks for reading :)

Luckily I'm done having kids because it sounds like having my phone next to my... self is going to get a little more dangerous.


haha, I don't think it has any effects to your... self. :P