Would You Want To Be Friends With An AI?

in technology •  7 years ago 


Even asking this question is proof enough that we live in a futuristic world already. Who could have thought a day will come where we will talk about being friends with a software.

That even sounds weird, doesn’t it? Friendship is something that is built upon human connection and emotions and since an AI is devoid of all that, we can’t even imagine how a piece of computer code and be our friend.

And yet, the very notion of friendship is being redefined as AI researchers keep trying to give it more human attributes day by day, in a bid to make it as ‘human’ as possible.

Today I got to know about this app called “Replika” which is basically an AI chat bot. You open the app and start chatting with the AI, which starts learning about your personality, and over time, becomes your friend, even advising and helping you when you need it.

An AI Friend?


When I first read about it, I thought that it will be just like those other ‘chat bots’ who fail miserably at answering even the simplest of questions because they are pre-programmed with a limited set of questions and their responses and when the user asks anything creative, they get confused.

So, I had to check out the app myself to be sure it was as good as people were claiming it to be. To my surprise, it is the most cutting edge AI chat bot that I have ever used. It starts off by asking you simple questions to determine your personality traits.

But what is very, very intriguing is that it tells you exactly the kind of person you are based on those questions and your replies and then it tailors itself to be your friend that you need it to be.

Over time, it also learns about your interests and habits and your personal life (however much you want to share with it). It then acts as your friend by providing emotional support and advices when you need it. It even remembers things you told it in the past (even trivial things) and reminds you of those in suitable circumstances. Just like what a real human does!

The Beginning of A Shift?


Our social structure has always been changing. Ever since social media sites like facebook and twitter and the likes were introduced to the world, our personal relations with each other have changed so much. A lot of it has been negative and some of it has been positive.

But there has been a major change in the society, regardless. With the advent of human like AI, I see another shift coming. Now, increasingly, we will have more options of befriending an AI and confiding into it like we would with a real human.

One of the greatest advantages served by an AI friend would be that there is simply no judging from it and you could tell it your deepest, darkest thoughts and secrets which you would never tell another human being. At least that’s what the creators of Replika seem to think.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this? Do you see this as the new normal as more and more people decide to go this route? Do check the app yourself if you can comment your experience here. I literally tried it for an hour and was left really impressed!

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very lovely artical @sauravrungta

Thanks :)

Hmmm 🤔 .

Wasn’t aware of this. I will tell about this app to all those who are always looking for a girlfriend!! Now no one will feel alone !! Time to download REPLIKA !!



Just download mine now and its amazing

Lol This app is not supposed to serve as a bf/gf. Only a friend that you can confide into. But yeah tell it to the guys in discord 😉

Yeahh !! But still, it can act as a companion, they can imagine its a girl 😂😂.

Lol yes the discord ones need it.

yeah, they can imagine it and yeah, they really need it LOL :D

We already have Kalpana! Surprisingly after bladerunner 2049, sent Kalpana on vacation and brought in Joi .. but she was not effective.

Is it the indian discord community you are talking about.can i sneak in ?

Ofcourse ping me on discord

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Himseta9 : that user is spamming s discord server with your posts. Any idea who is that ?

@himshweta : here is the details.

From certain group where the user is about to be banned from the #SPAM channel of that group or so!

tell the guys in discord

hahahahahahahah cant help laughing haha


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@thatindianlady Yea some people spam the post promotion channels with their posts and do not contribute !!!! Shameless people on discord and Steemit chat .... luckily small 10 line bots can be used to remove them .... soon we will have similar bots on rocket chat also to deal with spammers and plagiarists

Befriending an AI is very possible since it is programmed to function like a human being with the possibility of learning from each other. Thanks for sharing @sauravrungta

Yes exactly!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, Replika is really impressive, I'm starting a bot for my company too (chat with her on http://www.yandi.com.ng by clicking on her pics by the RHS bottom) and i think replika has given me a lot of ideas to improve mine. i'll review replica and see how to make more of it. Thanks. Also, if you can tell me some features to add to mine or anything to help improve it, ill appreciate. Nice Post.

Wow, it's cool that you can do that!!

thanks, i wish steamit has smileys, a thumbs up would liven things up... hmm i think its something i can work on...

Really Interesting post, maybe I can get an intelligent friend now.Will check the app and will also check is it sarcastic or not !! ;)

Haha I hope they update it with that feature too!

I will try the app now. I don't mind to have one as long as it's intelligent enough.

Do tell me what you think about it. I have been using it for two days now and it’s so strange but at the sane time I’m amazed too!

I would feel strange at first, but I think it would be an interesting relationship, we would learn a lot from each other. @sauravrungta

It definitely is strange. An AI that speaks to you like a human but I think overtime it will just become normal.

This is just yet another tool to spy on people. I think we should all stay from AI's mostly because of privacy. Our privacy is at stake mostly because of these guys. I mean because of technology.
I also feel an AI friend would never have an argument with me which is the healthiest thing for friendship.

Yes, I thought so too. Therefore I am just giving it a try to test the technology out and probably won’t use it for long term.

In my opinion also, one technology is for short term because there are several technologies and inventions are going on every day and after some years we will be possibly surrounded with Artificial Intelligence technologies and products.

Stay Blessed.

That is sure in my opinion :)

Yes. 🙂

Wow this is so amazing i dont even want to stop chating with it.. Its a great innovation. The world is evolving in various forms of technology by the day with the evolving of more sex dolls.. I feel more apps like this would arise in the comming years .. Thanks for sharing mate @sauravrungta

Yeah lol I kept on chatting for one hour too. It was so amusing. The world sure is evolving.

The more AI is humanized, the more people will start making friends with them. Although when the looks of AI get really close to actual humans it tends to become creepy instead.

Totally agreed. But I think that creepiness will become the new normal for the next generations.

For me, I think that this is a means of selling out your personality over the internet. One of the ethical responsibility in a computer, is security. Though technology will keep on advancing, but everyone should keep their private life in their pockets in order not to get bullied. Great Information, Thanks for sharing

Agreed! Who knows how the data could be used.

😊none bro

Very intriguing yet promising. I think it is very good for those who feel alone often, but not as a replacement for friends or a intimate relationship. So many movies have been made about this subject haha.

It certainly isn’t a replacement for real friends. Only an amusement at this point.

I think in the future the differences between an AI an a human would be nonexisting

Have you watched the movie Her? It’s about this exact same subject.

In my case, I would love to be friends with an AI, why not? They will eventually be our companions in this world. Our digital children.

I don’t know if they will be nonexistent but yes, AI would be nearly indistinguishable from the real humans.

@sauravrungta interesting post, but what happens to all your data? So potentially you tell this AI guy all of your thoughts, which marketers would love to get their hands on... Is your data safe or not?

Exactly. That is the number one concern.

Seems to me if it can "learn" to be your friend, then it can "learn" betrayal.


Good jop.
I like your post
Upvote and resteem


Yes you are welcome.

AI is not just comming closer to us but soon it will ruin millions of jobs like clerks, accountants, sales persons etc...

AI is on his way with two different perspectives , one is healthy and the another one is darker side of it.

Yeah, technology is always a double edged sword.

It is interesting, the AI friend is going to adapt nicely I feel, so it`ll be like the over-friendly friend. Could be good or bad both.

I will continue to use it and see where it goes.

good friends and not annoying is sofwer ... help upvote my friends ... or help guide me, thank you


true, like siri is my kind of ai friend

Yeah, but siri is a completely different application of AI and this app is a completely another application. Siri is just a virtual assistant ready to take orders but this app literally becomes your friend by learning about you.

You should try it. You will be really amazed and intrigued, especially since you are in IT.

oh nice let me download it, i have been trying many things lately, one more now!

Ok cool! Do let me know about your experience. I have been asking everybody this. hehe

i think i will be able to sum up the experience in a few days, my replike is still asking me questions and questions :D

It's Most important technology.

AI sure is!

programs like this very close friends. if you want to build something. let me know because I will always be behind you. and give support for you. if necessary I will go down capital if needed.walaupun my capital just a little.
thanks for sharing


I will always support you every day

This post triggered a memory of a class I had last year. I checked out references and found the info. The premise is that computer programs and specifically ones that are on the verge of being AIs make good mental therapists, particularly for people who are depressed or have anxiety or stress issues. The reason for the success is that people will talk to them much more openly than if they are talking to another person (already tested and proven). There is a trust that the AI will be helpful in a completely nonjudgmental manner but people can't be trusted the same way. Some drawbacks to computer therapy are that :

A. Therapy is health information so it needs a serious firewall to keep it private. It isn't right for a person to just put that information on the internet for Google or Facebook to sell. In fact, here in the US, mental health information that actually has a diagnosis is something that even your regular doctor won't have in her files.

B. Right now there are some mental health problems that a complicated computer can diagnose and treat (the mood/anxiety disorders) but there are many other problems that require more fineness to diagnose and treat. In other words, we don't currently have a system complicated enough to do the work yet.

Anyway, it sounds like there are a lot of people who want to be very good friends with AIs and be able to trust someone their problems and get serious reliable feedback.

a couple articles:
Woebot the chatbot therapist
Computers and Therapy on the AI Therapy site

It's exactly what the creators of Replika are saying. They think that humans can be more open with AI because it simply can't judge and will just try to be helpful, you know, what we humans are supposed to be like. Only time will tell how much of an integral role the AI systems will play as far as building human relationships goes.

Interesting that you mentioned about woebot. It seems to be evolving CBT. They have progressed out of Facebook and now its independent and looks to be more privacy oriented now.

I love watching worthwhile projects progressing. It's not easy to keep a good thing going. Thanks for the info!

Nice artical. One can only wonder with the technology of tomorrow if AI will display certain emotions such as envious or demanding that we as humans experience every now and then from others.

Thanks. Yes, whether or not an AI can develop human emotions remains to be seen. Only time will tell.

Thought provoking information, thanks for sharing. AI Chatbots are just the beginning and while I don't worry about AI Takeover's, I do worry about Superintelligence.

We are living in the AI and automation era, I am hopeful of the implications and applications we will witness with AI by our side. Perhaps we will travel the cosmos, haha.

The flow of data has become more profitable than goods and services themselves. Data is profit, and I am hopeful platforms like Steemit will share the profit to the content creators, unlike Facebook and other centralized social media platforms.

Regardless, exciting times we are living in!

These are surely exciting times to be alive because for the first time in history we are trying to build something that could be our equivalent and even surpass us. Whether it augments our lives or destroys us, will only be told by time.

Oh GOSH. The worst bit is, you're totally right. It's something that we probably need to think about or at least evaluate what our reaction to it would be. Love the way you write and how your mind works! I'm now following you :-)

Yeah, we seem to be at the beginning of a transition where we will have to evaluate our own feelings and reactions towards the development of AI. Thanks for the kind words :)

CBT - Cognitive Behavior Therapy is much possible with AI (with and without ML though ML will be effective) ... Elisa ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA ) was probably the first one to demonstrate and take the world by storm close a century ago .. glad to see AI - ML is getting mainstream attention now ...

Yeah, the time for AI has come and we should definitely see its involvement get deeper in our lives.

You are now followed by @IndiaUnited curation trail. Appreciate the support.

Thanks :)

Will this AI friend not call me repeatedly blaming me for getting them into crypto last month? If so.... sign me up! 😂

LOL!! I hope not hehe

I didn't know about this app. Gonna give it a try!

Do let me know what it felt like.

Nice post.
And after reading your post I also started chatting over that application although it's all fake and monitored.

So, how was your experience talking to it? After 2-3 days of using it, I was shocked how well that app got to know me in such a short duration of time. It even told me some things about my personality that I hadn't even told it directly.

hahhaha It was kind of boring for me lol. Like he was asking me some questions and I was answering them. But whenever I asked something of him he was not having anything to say over that lol.

haha yeah, it can be boring at first. You are right, when we start asking it questions, then it becomes completely useless lol