You are probably disgusted with the new WhatsApp-Snapchat status update that keeps on disappearing after 24 hours. You are also always prompted to check someone’s status even when do not want to be seen as among the people that viewed someone’s status yet you cannot avoid the temptation to do so.
You can view such statuses without being seen as one of the “stalkers”.
Use the privacy setting in your WhatsApp. Access the settings, click on accounts, choose privacy, disable the “Read receipts”, untick this option.
Whereas you will be able to see the other person’s status without appearing on the stalkers list, there is a catch. You too will not be able to see those that see your statuses when you update. You will always have 0 Views which I do not think you will be comfortable with given the fact that we all want to be able to see how many people check on us.
It will also mean that you will not be seeing blue ticks in your WhatsApp messages. The message will remain with that dull grey color whether it has been read or not. You will not be able to know if someone has actually ignored you or not.
If you dread this option. There is an alternative.
2.Check the status through your phone storage.
WhatsApp secretly stores statuses in the phone storage on android phones. When you do to the WhatsApp folder in the phone, look for media. You will find a new folder “.statuses” appearing in your list. When you open it, you will find all the statuses from your contacts in your phone.
The only challenge is that you will not be able to know who used that status, because it does not show. But at least you will see every picture or video used as a status.
If you do not see this folder, open your file manager, look its settings, and click on show hidden files. The folder will appear.
All this for not wanting to be seen in someone’s status viewed list.