Full Form of Some Technical Things..!

in technology •  7 years ago 


  1. HDMI = High Definition Multimedia Interface
  2. USB = Universal Serial Bus
  3. ETC = et cetera
  4. EAT = Energy and Taste
  5. LED = Light Emitting Diode
  6. LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
  7. DVD = Digital Versatile Disc
  8. OK = Objection Killed
  9. OS = Operating System
  10. PAN = Permanent Account Number
  11. ROM = Read Only Memory
  12. COMPUTER = Common Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education & Research
  13. AIM = Ambition in Mind
  14. BYE = Be With You Everytime
  15. SMS = Short Message Service
  16. FIR = First Information Report
  17. IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity
  18. WWW = World Wide Web
  19. PDF = Portable Document Format
  20. GPRS = General Pocket Radio Service
  21. GPS = Global Positioning System
  22. SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
  23. ATM = Automated Teller Machine
  24. Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity
  25. DP = Display Picture

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