Tomorrow's World: "Nellie" the School Computer in 1969.

in technology •  8 years ago 


Credit: BBC Archives

Regular readers of my Blog will know I often dig deep into the archives of old film footage from the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's, especially those that were featuring the latest in technology that was around at the time.

Earlier I came across this awesome video and I just had to share it with you.

Being born in 1966 and attending a Grammar School in 1977 one of things that played a massive role in my childhood was electronics.

From an early age of around 9 years old I would build electronic circuits from scratch.

Resistors, diodes, capacitors, transistors, thyristors, circuit boards, lamp holders, soldering irons, .... you name it, I had boxes and boxes and boxes of the stuff.

Being brought up in the 70's with a passion for electronics was a childhood dream of mine and I remember the countless nights after school I would go to my bedroom and return downstairs hours later with all sorts of flashing lights, radios and gadgets, to entertain my family.

Life was so much more fun then.

If you wanted it, you had to build it.

Could you imagine today as a child waking up on Christmas Day to a box of bits to build your own ipad.

You would have children divorcing their parents and appointing a lawyer... ;) ;).

Hope you enjoy watching Nellie and especially the bit towards the end of the video where poor old Nellie decides to put the boys through their paces.

This is education at its finest.

Thanks again for reading.


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excellent post!

We have come along way :) Everything has gotten smaller, cheaper, and faster.

Thank You for so interesting video.