For a long time I have been thinking about using a small, low energy computer as a HTPC - a multimedia playback machine. A novelty inspired me to look again at what and how you can watch the PC in 4K resolution with HDR.
1. What can you watch on a PC in 4K with HDR?
4K videos on YouTube or Vimeo - available for free (unfortunately, the range of available content is limited mainly to short demonstration films such as those displayed in showrooms and supermarkets to advertise TV sets);
a film recorded by itself (many new smartphones and sports cameras record video in 4K resolution, although rarely in 60 fps);
movies and TV series streamed in the Netflix service (to be able to watch 4K and HDR video, you have to pay the most expensive version of the service for PLN 52 a month, and I will tell you about other requirements);
film na płycie Blu-ray UHD (niestety, napędy Blu-ray UHD do pecetów są jeszcze słabo dostępne). Wrócę do tej kwestii niebawem, kiedy będę dysponował odpowiednim napędem.