RE: Should We Give Robots The Ability To Dream?

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Should We Give Robots The Ability To Dream?

in technology •  8 years ago  (edited)

I will look into the ebook thing as i know i had the option to do that with the site i used. I'm a hermit by nature and not too techy, i'm a creator not a developer, that is someone elses job, so some of this computer stuff is difficult for me. I'm also fairly certain i'm currently being oppressed by a cult, but that may be paranoia, though i highly doubt it is paranoia, but i try to get out what i can to who i can to try to free the world from it's own oppression. Also addressing your interest in my comment on consciousness, what i believe i've figured out is how shamans access cellular DNA to change reality to heal others, like so many amazonian shamans claim, but i do not describe it with serpents or hard to understand symbolism, so i've essentially figured out cellular consciousness as each cell contains consciousness within itself, one just has to understand it or have the realization of it and then it all connects together. The book i managed to put together is only one piece of the puzzle, not the consciousness part as that came later and i'm being told to be protective with it so that the cult of science does not steal it for themselves and try to destroy divinity. I would have connected it all but i've been recieving so much wisdom from wherever it is coming from, by opening up my consciousness, that i've become lost in it all and do not feel i have the time to type it up as that seems to impede the flow of it coming into my mind to where i'd rather learn more than write about it, thus why there are so many mistakes in my book, i couldve corrected things but i'm more into discovery than marketing, though i do want to share. Anyway let me get back to you on the ebook, maybe you could help me to figure out how to make it available for free somehow, or i will post chapter by chapter.

Update: As i was replying i checked things out, i do have a digital copy that i can send you for free. The section most intriguing is the psychedelic book of shadows/after thoughts. Some stuff is wierd but it all connects to me. I relisted it on amazon kindle in digital print, said it would be up up in 72 hrs, i listed it at the lowest price allowed which was $1.99, it is called The Balance of Reality, The Church of Nothing, and Psychedelic Book of Shadows/ After Thoughts and Realizations. Any and all who would like it for free can email me as i have a pdf copy that i can send and it'd be no problem, i'm very willing to share. Again this is my science or realizations that apply to my human machine but all can relate, i actually encourage people to get a notebook and begin their own discovery of themselves as it is the only way to truly find freedom in this world of control and oppression. I will keep checking my email for any interests, again it's [email protected], i will wait to hopefully hear from you and maybe in time lead you further into things (i relisted it on amazon kindle for those who do not want to email or have contact, some people like myself are more private and i respect that though any money from it will be used to buy more black and white print copies to hand out, color is too expensive for print, but the digital copies have color, so user choice.)

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