Is google and others right?

in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello people,

so I decided to write this little post after some thought. You see some time ago Google and, of course after google came others, decided that sites without ssl will have lower rank so everyone jump on the train to buy themselves certificates... theoretically it's all good- you know- privacy like but hey... there are a lot of sites that do not particularly gather any data on user but they are still forced to buy certificates just to no fall any lower on Google's list. Of course since google did something like this all the browsers started to demand certificates and block sites without it or warn user as if they actually were to be, like, robed of something. I know that it's a problem of sites creators and all, but... is it?

Today an old woman came to me asking for help with her notebook since, as she said 'nothing works'. After few simple tests I decided to open a browser... it was firefox which is cool and all, but wait... any site I tried to open (i mean even government sites and most secure and all) showed the same error that the certificate is not trusted. First thought? Virus... fast track to taskmgr... nada, nothing, c'est parfait. Fast check of browser settings... Ja das ist tool, no problems at all. So back to the error... and I read this time completely focused and then, it hit me, you see the bios battery in notebook (which is, of course, inaccessible and can not be replaced) is dead and all certificates were wrong because well it was 2008 again (which is actually cool, this was after all a good year... I was younger and everything) but the websites and bowsers did not see as something good. Now this old lady who lives alone and use computer mostly to connect with her children in other countries with e-mail and skype, must change the date every single time or change laptop, second of which is quite expensive.

So... is it really necessary for our security and privacy( which many people like to overlook for sharing on facebook) to demand ssl from simple informational sites which often does not even have a single form to fill? Isn't it just another overkill to force... crap if I know what by google?

But well, any way good day for y'all :)

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