RE: Is it possible to be cursed by TECHNOLOGY? 🤔

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Is it possible to be cursed by TECHNOLOGY? 🤔

in technology •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was really happy there is a new post on my wall made by you- Katarinazaja... and now I am little sad... I can give you recommendation- strart use googlephotos. You can share into cloud your photos from phone, pc and it is free... and you know- you didn't lost them, they are in your head, nobody can't take it from you... have a good day! Be positive! This is reason why make new better photos! It will make you stronger! Everything is happening of some reason ;-)

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Thank you for this encouraging message @truestories :) This for sure happened with a reason since I've been saying to myself almost one year to put photos on cloud, to make several backups. As I was lazy enought, now I learned on this way 😬 it's only technology, as @alktoni said better this than health issues. I am already having a good day after your comment :)) thank you ❤ Have a nice day too!!