FREE Internet for Everyone - Thinking outside the box...

in technology •  7 years ago 

I read an article titled 'Maryland Governor: 'WiFi Is a Human Right'.'

  • It was on a Republican site, and the governor is a Democrat.
    • Most comments on the article and on a facebook link went something like:
      • Who's going to pay for it...
      • Typical Democrat...
      • Libtard...

Would the comments have been different if it was a Republican saying this?

  • Yes,
    • Same ol' "Your team sucks" mentality.
      • We see it all the time.
    • If a Democrat has too many wars,
      • We elect a Republican who runs on a "Let's stop all these wars" platform.
    • And of course, he continues the wars
  • So people get fed up and elect a new Democrat who promises "Change."

These were typical comments from those who don't realize
We the People don't have a team.

  • Both "teams" are bought and paid for by the same corporations.
    • Both teams are using divide and conquer tactics.
      • This will continue until people wake up
    • And realize the Us vs Them
  • Is We the People vs. the Authoritarian, Statist politicians.


But that's not the real reason for this article.

  • Am I the only one who thinks outside the box?
    • Rather than think the way the divide and conquer propagandists have taught us to
      • Why not think of solutions to questions hidden in the statement.

The statement: WiFi is a human right.

  • OK. Granted the statement is false.
    • Human rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
      • And those outlined in the Bill of Rights.
    • God-given rights which can only be revoked if you violate the God-given rights of others.
  • Not government given privileges, which can be revoked at will.

So what questions are in that erroneous statement?

  • Why not FREE Internet for everyone?
    • Or at least, why not WAY cheaper Internet?

There are 2 problems with the USA that have prevented everyone from having FREE Internet.

Problem #1) The 17th Amendment

  • took away States' Rights.
    • took away competition between the states.
      • OR you would probably have FREE Internet right now.

What if the states had to compete for citizens?

  • There would probably be a state realize that if they could provide
    • FREE Internet
      • maybe even FREE computers to access the Internet
  • they could then provide
  • Producing
    • the opportunity for anyone in their state to learn anything
  • Resulting in those who take the effort to better themselves
    • to be a better employee, neighbor, parent, gardener, ...
      • or becoming an entrepreneur providing solutions to problems.
  • which would result in
    • citizens coming to their state
      • businesses coming to their state
  • resulting in way more taxable assets
    • resulting in way more tax income to the state
      • than the cost of the FREE Internet and possibly even computers.

The beauty of repealing the 17th amendment and having states actually compete with each other,

  • is that one state would try an idea.
    • Another state would improve on it.
      • Another state would improve the idea even more

You can't tell me that we couldn't come up with an way to provide
"FREE" Internet for everyone and maybe even computers...

Problem #2 We haven't had capitalism for decades, maybe even over a century.

The problem with the above idea is that the government creates no good.

  • It would require capitalism for several reasons.
    • To create lower cost Internet access.
      • Governments mess up everything they get involved in.

The only way for the above idea to succeed would be for the government to get out of the way.

  • Help eliminate a few large corporations controlling technology.
    • Open source everything.
      • Openly share ideas, patents, music, ... everything.
    • Allow entrepreneurs to openly compete to fullfill the desires of the people.
  • and at some point we would have nearly free Internet.

Perhaps a company would provide you with FREE Internet, computer and smartphone, simply so they could track you, learn about you and market to you from what they learn.

  • Would you opt in for that?
    • If you say, no way Jose, then I have a question for you.
      • Why are you purchasing a computer, smartphone and Internet access
        so big corporations can track you,
        learn about you
        and market to you from what they learn?
    • Do you think facebook and Google is there as a service to you?
  • What if I told you facebook and Google is there
    to entice you to share your life
    so they can find companies to market products to you?


Would that help you rethink the statement, We can have free Internet access?

All I want you to do is stop playing politics where we all lose no matter which party wins.

Just simply...


Have you ever read the Windows 10 EULA?

  1. Privacy; Consent to Use of Data. Your privacy is important to us. Some of the software features send or receive information when using those features. Many of these features can be switched off in the user interface, or you can choose not to use them. By accepting this agreement and using the software you agree that Microsoft may collect, use, and disclose the information as described in the Microsoft Privacy Statement (, and as may be described in the user interface associated with the software features.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

Additional Reading:

Think outside the box...

Why use Google, when there is a great alternative?

Why use Facebook, when there is a great alternative?

  • Steemit social engine platform doesn't have marketers.
    • They could care less about tracking you and then trying to sell you a product.
      • And they don't censor you.
  • Best of all, they'll even pay you to use their service...
Image source: Pixabay
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This is going to be off topic a bit, but this talk about free internet reminded me of a quest I've had for several years.

I find it interesting that there are many things you can do to get off the grid, but we're not quite there yet when it comes to a viable alternative to internet providers

There's some people working on peer-to-peer networks, but they're far from universal implementation or even being ubiquitous on a local level.

In order for some of them to work, you not only have to create the network, you also have to create the content, which could be something like moving existing sites to a blockchain server that also acts as a peer-to-peer network.

And then line them up via wifi every 30 feet or so. :)

Anyway, I'm sure there are a lot of problems we could all solve with relative ease if it weren't for someway for someone somewhere to gain power or fortune from it.

I'm hoping we'll at least start turning the corner towards something like that in the remaining years I have left in mortality. That would certainly be something to behold.

I've been around since the days of modems and local bulletin boards.
(early 80's)

  • The BB's would exchange information on disks using snail mail.
    • They were kind of like decentralized centralized hubs of information.
      • Anyone could get the disks to create their own "hub."

When I became a journeyman lineman, I read about using the electric distribution system as an Internet pipeline.

  • Viable, but it never went anywhere.
    • Which is just as well, since, if we are successful at our dream of disconnecting from the grid, we would also be disconnecting from the Internet...

Then there were the ambitious satellite Internet companies whose ideas never panned out...

  • I think Bill Gates was involved with one of them.
    • But that doesn't mean it wasn't a viable idea.
      • I think they had the same problem Nikola Tesla did when he went to JP Morgan with his idea to transmit electricity through the air.
      • How do you charge someone for it's use,
        if you cannot install a meter?

I've been seeing chatter of a walkie talkie like peer to peer.

  • I think they've even sold a few.
    • The encoded communications can pass right through from one peer to the next until it finally reaches it's destination peer.

So, I go back to my original hypothesis.

  • I think our best shot at ever having free Internet for everyone could be the result of repealing the 17th amendment
    • allowing states to once again compete for citizens.
      • this is one of the very few times you will ever hear me say,
        I think the government could actually solve this problem.

You have excellent ideas, some of which already exist. However, its difficult to attain universal free internet.

Back in the late 90's I marketed for a company that gave you free Internet for using their browser which put ads across the top and bottom.

  • They did not make it, I think mainly because they were a bit ahead of their time.
    • Had they started their company as the dot com bubble built, I think they would have succeeded.