qualcom introduced smart audio platforms

in technology •  7 years ago 

The first devices in the Qualcomm smart audio platform and the Cortana will be available only in the first half of 2018
, the war between Alixa and Google has been spared to gain a greater share in the market of smartphone smartphones. Emmons and Google have sold millions of smartphone losses in holiday days.
Microsoft Courtney is behind them.

This situation is going to change soon. QUaLCOM introduces new smart audio platforms in CES 2018.

It is made of Microsoft sharing.
Anthony Murray, senior executive of Cochromium, says that the ability of Corana to launch new platforms will help users with a new experience.
Microsoft's Jodi Radi says that a smartphone built-in computer and the support of Microsoft technology will enable people to use creativity at home and work.
The first devices for the compromise smart audio platform and the courtesy would be available in the first half of 2018

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