in technology •  7 years ago 

It is always convenient for me to order my coffee via Starbucks My Barista app. I hope you too had a great service from that Chatbot

Idea of my blog comes from there. When I was using the app I realised the Age of Chatbots are here .
Back in the days a marketing revolution was created when business started using apps for their services. The same is happening now with the Chatbots.
Let's get to know more about them.
In this blog I will discuss

  • What is a Chatbot ?
  • Advantages of using Chatbots.
  • Major stages of Chatbots.
  • Future of Chatbots.
    Chatbots are computer programmed to perform certain tasks with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
    We all have encountered with a chatbot during our Internet living.

When you visit a website.
You gets a pop-up saying : Let's Chat
This is a simple Chatbot.

When we have a business we have customers. Our customers have many queries too. This is where Chatbots comes into role. With the help of latest technology Chatbots solve the problems of the customer and provide a great service.

As the AI is developing day by day our Chatbots are getting Intelligent too.
Using Chatbots provides many benefits to business.

  • Training and Operation costs is relatively lower than Human customer service agents.
  • Chatbots gets more smart when they get access to more data on the customers. Smart Chatbots are able to solve the situation effectively.
  • Autonomous Chatbots can assist customers 24/7.
  • Smart and Intelligent Chatbots can also give service to multiple customers without compromising the quality of service.


Stage 1 :
Stage One Chatbots just search for the matching phrases in our messages and search in their database inorder to provide matching results.

To hide their lack of knowledge Chatbots use some conversation fillers in between their messages. Developers still use these Chatbots even though they are beginner level.

Stage 2 :

Stage Two Chatbots can perform certain tasks like reservation for dinner or to apply for a new membership in a library.
They have built-in forms to receive necessary information to provide answer.

Stage 3 :

Stage Three Chatbots can search for the content needed to converse with the customer. They have large databases that contain facts required for it. These chatbots can engage with customers in an interactive way.

Stage 4 :

Stage Four Chatbots can store previous conversation of a customer and use them to provide coherent answers or solutions to their problems.
These bots are able to provide great quality of service with the help of analysing stored databases.

Stage 5 :

Stage Five Chatbots are able to solve core problems of the customer. Bots in stages one to four are able to relay information based on the request from them. While stage five bots can provide alternate solutions to their problems with great accuracy.

Stage 6 :

Stage Six are the future Chatbots. They are able to engage with customers in broad and intelligent conversations. They are going to change the whole concept of Customer service.These Chatbots are still in development.


It is anticipated that by 2020, 80% of businesses will incorporate Chatbots.
In the coming days chatbots are expected to recieve major updates.
Some of them are :

  • Chatbots can monitor customers' language and connect them with a human service agent if there are signs of frustration, complex questions, or opportunities to help customers further.
  • Chatbots are able to connect with customers in their messaging platforms or even social media sites.
  • Chatbots will access more systems and databases to provide precise solutions to customer queries.
  • Chatbots will be merged with Virtual Assistants. Virtual assistant-powered bots are able to recognize problems and opportunities through natural language processing and make judgments about next actions.

Let's conclude.

By witnessing the quick advancements in AI and technologies that support Chatbots the future where bots running businesses are

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Mmm very good💪🏼

Thank you 😊