EU copyright laws face uncertain fate after 11 countries reject proposal
"Internet giants like Google might breathe a little easier in Europe... at least, for now. The EU has called off January 21st negotiations for a final vote on the controversial Copyright Directive after 11 countries, including Germany, Italy and the..."
1月20日のできごとは「dtab Compact d-02H 発売」「Activité Steel HR 発売」ほか:今日は何の日?
" 1月20日のおもなできごと
2016年、ドコモが「dtab Compact d-02H」を発売
2017年、Withingsが「Activité Steel HR」を発売2016年:気軽に持ち歩ける「実質0円」8インチタブレット「dtab Compact d-02H」
8インチのフルHD液晶を備え、デジタルコンテンツを楽しむのにぴったりなタブレットが「dta…" hikes Supercharger prices worldwide to reflect changing costs
" Tesla's efforts to improve its bottom line go beyond layoffs and disappearing perks. Electrek has learned that Tesla is raising Supercharger rates around the world, with per kWh rates climbing about 33 percent in numerous markets. While it's still..." Reading: How we got two Fyre Festival documentaries
" Fyre Fight: The inside story of how we got two warring Fyre Festival documentaries in the same week Scott Tobias, The Ringer We've known for a while now that Hulu and Netflix were both working on documentaries chronicling the ill-fated influencer..." we're buying: A terrible replacement baby monitor
" This week's IRL tale has nothing to do with new year's resolutions. Thankfully. Instead, Senior Editor Dan Cooper tries to replace his decent (but broken) baby monitor, and finds that cheaper models no longer cut it." Morning After: Galaxy S10 leaks and Amazon's robot safety vest
"Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Welcome to your weekend! This week included Nike's real self-tightening basketball shoes, a Model 3 road trip assisted by AutoPilot and Google's big smartwatch purchase. Also, we might have gotten an early look..."
ActionDash brings 'digital well being' tracking to more Android phones
" Late last year Google released a Digital Wellbeing app that surfaced insights about exactly how much you're using your phone, and in which apps. Apple installed a similar feature in iOS 12 with Screen Time, but on Android, Google's app only works wit..." NEX 双屏版或许是系列首款能获得女性青睐的手机
" 谁会想到,半年前 Vivo 靠一款能弹出自拍相机的 NEX 抓住不少手机爱好者的心之后,竟然还会在去年底的时候又再端出一台型态完全不同的「双屏版」。那既然名字里没带个「2」,就意味着这并非初代 NEX 的真正后继机种。厂方更希望通过 NEX 双屏版传递给人们的,是他们在达成真 · 全面屏手机的路上,目前这个时间点所能想到并且可实现的又一可能性。
%Slideshow-1014529%实际上,正反都是屏幕的手机大家不是没有见过,相对远的有 YotaPhone,为了省电多给你一面 E Ink。比较近的则有 Nubia…" NEX 雙屏版或許是系列首款能獲得女性青睞的手機
" 誰會想到,半年前 Vivo 靠一款能彈出自拍相機的 NEX 抓住不少手機愛好者的心之後,竟然還會在去年底的時候又再端出一台型態完全不同的「雙屏版」。那既然名字裡沒帶個「2」,就意味著這並非初代 NEX 的真正後繼機種。廠方更希望透過 NEX 雙屏版傳遞給人們的,是他們在達成真 · 全面屏手機的路上,目前這個時間點所能想到並且可實現的又一可能性。
%Slideshow-1014506%實際上,正反都是螢幕的手機大家不是沒有見過,相對遠的有 YotaPhone,為了省電多給你一面 E Ink。比較近的則有 Nubia…"万円台の中華スマートウォッチ「TicWatch C2」発売。公称連続駆動約36時間
" 中国メーカーのMobvoiは2019年1月18日、スマートウォッチ「TicWatch」シリーズの新製品として、「TicWatch C2(ティックウォッチ シーツー)」をAmazonで発売しました。販売価格は2万4999円(税別)。 カラーバリエーションは上の写真で左から順にプラチナ、オキニス、ローズゴールドの全3色です。 TicWatch C2は、本体のベゼル部分にステンレススチールを採用し、本体のカラーに合わせた本革ベルトが付属します。ベルト幅はカラーによって異なり、オキニスとプラチナは20mm、ローズゴールド…"