Teenage Pregnancy: The Causes, The Risks Involved and Every Parents Roles

in teenagepregnancy •  8 years ago  (edited)

Teenage Pregnancy

Getting pregnant at a very young age, below 20 years old, teenage pregnancy is the most shocking and devastating news to hear for an affected parents. What are the causes, risks and how to prevent teenage pregnancy?

Causes of Teenage Pregnancy

It starts with the family when parents don’t have the proper guidance to their teenagers because they don’t have enough time to their children. They devote their time to their work, business or anything they are busy with. They(teenagers) lack love, affection, attention, and communication. What the parents can’t give or provide, they to seek it from other people like friends. Once they are out of their home there’s no more control of their activities outside. They may get into drugs, drinking alcohol, getting incorrect advice and information from their peers or experiment themselves having sex.

Sexual abuse: It can be rape, seduction or other sexual violence. Sad to say almost all sexual violence are done by older men and the victims are the young girls.

Sex Education is part of the lessons in schools now. Sex education is also a part of parents responsibilities to their children. There is an appropriate approach to teaching sex education at home at very young age. Health and different parts of the body and their functions are not for anybody to touch or take, by teaching our children this, they will not be victims of sexual abuse.

Other parents find it hard to teach sex education at home especially the conservative type, they find it awkward to discuss it with their children. Talking about sex is not more different with contraceptives but on family values, like sex should come after marriage, they should not hurry nor perform any experiment. Also, parents must discuss the risk involve being a young mother.


Getting pregnant at a young age has greater risks compared to older women or women who are at the right age. Health risks these teenage girls will have are the low level of iron, they lack nutrition since their body is not yet fully developed, they are unfit for pregnancy that could result in anemia, premature birth, low birth weight and other complications.

A pregnancy that is not planned will abruptly change their life. Young mothers are school dropout. It’s a big shame going to school pregnant and besides, there are schools that will not allow it unless they are married. No more going out with friends and doing different activities. This is where depression starts, even women of the right age when pregnant experience depression how much to teenagers?

Parents should be aware of depression because their children may have the tendency to commit suicide. This is possible because of the shame they caused to the family, there's no moral support coming from their boyfriend, the feeling of guilt because they disappointed their parents and their frustrations especially when the parents have high expectations.

Young motherhood is linked into poverty especially if they come from a low-income family. They are an additional burden to the family.


What if your teenager gets pregnant? How to deal with it?
As a parent, this is the most shocking, devastating and frustrating news to hear. Above all these anger and frustration you have to accept the situation. Talk to your daughter of keeping the baby, abortion is not the solution. A baby born is a blessing. Find out who is the father of the baby, talk to him if his parents know the trouble he is into. Since your daughter is young, teach and guide her like regular prenatal to ensure a good health for both the mother and the baby.

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That's it for now. Until next time! Namaste!

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I think that first of all it depends on perants. They should give an understanding to their child about consequences of pregnancy. Because it influence to all your life no matter what way will you choose.

exactly, we parents have a big role no matter what ;)

there is a lot of things involved with the teenage pregnancies.
as you said in your post, but i guess the more important things to do, is to give sex education as soon as possible. because sex is a taboo things in asian, more over in southeastern like us.

Yeah, some of us are a bit conservative about educating our kids. Good thing is that they can learn it in school already.

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Almost all sexual violence are done by older men and the victims are the young girls? Not really. Here in the United States of America, our criminal justice system just doesn't prosecute teenage boys as aggressively as it does adult men for committing sexual violence against young girls. Therefore, you end up not getting the whole big picture from the press and the media, unless you dig really deep like I do. Back in 2007 in Florida, there was Nathan Walker, Avion Lawson, and Jakaris Taylor, all who were under 17 years old and all who committed a gang rape. In 2013 in Massachusetts, there was Philip Chism who was 14 years old, and he raped and murdered his victim. What is particularly disturbing is that all of these punks did not sexually victimize teenage girls but rather adult women. However, no parent would ever have wanted any of those creeps near their 13-year-old daughter. There was even a group of gangbangers out in Texas who raped and impregnated an 11-year-old girl. In that situation, some of the assailants were adult men. The perpetrators were between 13 and 26 years old. However, here's some food for thought. The adult male rapists got hard prison time, whereas the underage rapists only got a slap on the wrist from the court system; and that was for the exact same crime. It's getting more and more difficult for society to blame violent sex crimes against young girls on older men as you hear and read more and more stories about boys as young as middle-school age committing these heinous crimes, although the press and the media don't cover these incidents as much as they should. And these punks get more and more violent with each generation. I mean no disrespect in my post here, but I just needed to run this information by you to enlighten you on this new reality with which we are all now confronted.

i like your post, thanks for sharinga

thank you as well for dropping by bro ;)