Is Invisalign an Option for Straightening My Kid's Teeth?

in teeth •  7 years ago  (edited)

Even children are under increasing pressure from their peers to always look great, and it can be even worse for self-conscious teens. So, what can you do to help if your kid has just been told they need braces?

These days there are several options that can be used to straighten teeth and one popular solution amongst adults is called Invisalign. Although generally only suitable for adult teeth, it is possible that your pediatric dentist may suggest Invisalign for older teens.

This will generally only be the case if they have relatively straightforward orthodontic problems to correct.

What Is Invisalign?

Unlike metal brackets and wires that are used in traditional orthodontic braces, Invisalign consists of clear thin plastic aligners. These look a little like tooth whitening trays but fit tightly over the teeth, gently moving them into more evenly aligned positions. The aligners are made from BPA free plastic and once in the mouth are virtually invisible, so it easy to see the appeal of this system.

How Does Treatment Work?

Treatment works through patients wearing a set of the aligners for two weeks, before discarding this set and moving onto the next set. This will continue moving their teeth. It is that simple and straightforward, as the aligners are taken out whenever your kid wants to eat or drink anything and are removed for brushing and flossing. This makes the system super easy to fit into any busy lifestyle.

There will be no need for your child to change their diet in any way and no endless appointments with the orthodontist to reattach broken brackets and wires. And there will also be no need for complex adjustments during treatment. Instead, your kid would only need to see an orthodontist about every six weeks. This is to ensure treatment is progressing as planned and to provide additional sets of aligners as needed.

What is the Procedure for Invisalign?

With Invisalign, your orthodontist will take photos and impressions of your child’s teeth. Invisalign produces special software that will utilize this information to produce virtual 3D images of your kid’s teeth. Your dentist can then plan how their teeth will move during treatment. At this stage, you and your teen will be able to see these images, so it is a nice way to see the effectiveness of treatment.

What Type of Problems Can Invisalign Correct?

Invisalign is suitable for correcting quite a few different types of problems. It can be used to straighten up overlapping or overcrowded teeth, as well as for closing up unsightly spaces in between teeth. Invisalign may also be good for correcting certain bite problems that are relatively straightforward. These include problems with an open or overbite, as well as underbites and crossbites.

Invisalign for Teens
Invisalign does produce a system especially for teenagers and which is modified slightly compared to the adult system. With Invisalign Teen, the clear plastic aligners have blue colored wear indicators towards the back of the aligners. These gradually fade as the aligners are being worn, making it easy to check a child is wearing the aligners as directed.

The aligners are also adapted to accommodate teeth that have yet to erupt and several sets of free replacement aligners are included in the package. This takes into account teenagers’ tendencies to lose things!

When Is Invisalign Suitable for Kids?

One thing to bear in mind about Invisalign is the need for compliance. If your kid or teenager isn’t prepared to wear the aligners as directed, which means keeping them in place for at least 22 hours each day, this treatment may not be suitable. This is because it will not be able to straighten your child’s teeth. A child that tends to forget things may be better off with fixed braces.

It is also only suitable in certain circumstances, and if your kid has more complex orthodontic problems then your pediatric dentist may recommend fixed braces instead. Then there is the cost, as Invisalign isn’t likely to be the cheapest option available, even if it is the most cosmetically appealing.

What Happens If My Child Can’t Have Invisalign?

Your orthodontist will be able to discuss all possible options with you and your child and which will provide the very best results. If these choices do include fixed braces then remember that the results of treatment could last for life. It is well worth spending the year or so wearing them to get straighter and potentially healthier teeth. Although the primary reason for orthodontic treatment may be to improve their appearance, wearing braces could potentially improve their dental health.

Overlapping and overcrowded teeth are tricky to keep clean and spaces in between teeth can become food traps, increasing the risks of tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, problems with the way teeth occlude or bite together can lead to teeth wearing down unevenly. This increases the risk of these teeth chipping or cracking, or the strain can affect the jaw joints. Over time, this may lead to these joints becoming inflamed and painful.

If your child is likely to develop any of these problems with their teeth in the future, due to their orthodontic problems, then treatment, while they are still young, is well worth it.

Why Fixed Braces Are Sometimes Best

The thing with fixed braces is that they can often produce superior results where complex tooth movements are required. By precisely placing each bracket, your orthodontist will ensure each tooth is moved into the optimal position. This simply isn’t possible with clear aligners which are why they tend to better for more straightforward orthodontic problems. There may well be other choices available that include less visible brackets and wires.

Some braces can be made with clear brackets that are very discreet or will use very thin wires that might even be tooth colored. Some braces are fitted onto the inside surfaces of the teeth, so they are virtually invisible.

The really nice thing about fixed braces is that they will be working continuously to straighten teeth. Once fixed braces are in place, it is important to ensure your kid spends enough time cleaning around the brackets and wires.

This is so that when they are removed they have a healthy and beautifully straight smile. Their orthodontist or pediatric dentist can show them how best to keep their teeth clean during treatment. It is possible they might benefit from additional hygiene appointments.

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