There's an old tergra note 7 lying around, so I thought to make it usable by building the image from sources and eventually upgrade to a new version ( just a thought).
Here starts my journey
- Found a guide from nvidia to build and flash (which seems to be very old but links are working );a=blob;f=tegranote7cw_README;hb=refs/heads/rel-tegranote-partner - While setting up the environment for build got errors while executing
command (after. build/
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
Can't find toolchain for unknown architecture:
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
build/core/ *** Error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your JDK was installed correctly. Stop.
Solution : Installed jdk 8, changed default java to java 8 using update-alternatives --config
since I already had java 11 as default. Host OS: ubuntu 18.04.
- While I was doing this setup, found some prebuilt images and tried to flash those. Now I bricked my device. It's in APX mode :(
- Found a discussion ( to recover from APX mode with images but binaries are for windows. Ah! now I have to boot windows where I will get distracted by cities skylines.
- Let find some generic recovery for APX boot.
- Didn't find anything for linux, went to Windows
- After fiddling around and installing APX driver on Windows, somehow the board got shot in it's heart. It's dead :( completely.
- The board is dead completely. Even linux dmesg now doesn't show anything.
- End of the day.
Lessons learnt, through away old sluggish hardware, doesn't waste time om those. :D