Zhang Yun, chairman of pan-Asia WeChat: committed to turning into China's" Blood"

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Zhang Yun, Chairman of Pan-Asia WeChat: Committed to turning into China's "Blood"

Shanghai Securities

"Since its foundation, Pan-Asia Microtel has wanted to turn into a profoundly advanced, developing, and venturesome organization that can keep on making esteem included value for investors. The difficult work of every one of my associates in the organization in the course of recent years has accomplished such gains as we are currently. Fulfilled." Zhang Yun, the administrator of Pan Asia WeChat, grinned.

Zhang Yun, who was conceived during the 1960s, learned seal cutting and composed excellent lower cases. The thorough, committed, and persevering characteristics he sharpened in his initial years have permitted Zhang Yun to look up to troubles at whatever point specialized innovative work is obstructed. In it.

Established in 1995, Pan-Asia Micropermeability is mostly occupied with the innovative work, creation and deals of extended polytetrafluoroethylene film (ePTFE) and different microporous materials and their changed subsidiaries, seals, and water-holding layers. ePTFE layer is another kind of polymer material. For instance, the top of the line brand outside cool verification attire sold in the store can commonly be breathable, waterproof and warm. Indeed, the ePTFE material of Gore is utilized in the dress.

Skillet Asia Microcom is a stage organization with common long-tail market attributes, which is uncommon in the A-share market. In Zhang Yun's eyes, the advancement of Pan-Asia Microtransmission should consistently be benchmarked against Gore in the United States and become a nearby devotee of it.

Watch and cause arrangements, to gather good and bad hair. In Zhang Yun's brain, he has just plot a great outline for Pan Asia Microtolerance: notwithstanding constantly improving its intensity in the homegrown ePTFE industry, it will likewise depend on items with driving execution to offer to the worldwide market, and sell China's top of the line materials Push to the world and "contend" with worldwide industry goliaths.

Extraordinary snapshots of business enterprise

2020 concurs with the 25th commemoration of the foundation of Pan-Asia Microtransmission. Thinking back on the past, Zhang Yun actually recollects some key hubs in the organization's turn of events.

"Before the foundation of Pan-Asia WeChat, a few of our establishing investors worked in unfamiliar organizations and had some extra cash. So around then, a few people frequently examined whether to do one thing together, so we set up this organization in 1995. "Zhang Yun said that toward the start of the foundation of Pan Asia Microcom, it didn't indicate which sub-industry to enter. Afterward, since the greater part of the establishing investors are occupied with materials, designing and different enterprises, they at long last chose to enter the material field.

After the foundation of Pan Asia WeChat, the establishing investors employed proficient administrators to be answerable for the every day activities of the organization. The advancement of the organization is smooth and smooth. In spite of the fact that there are a huge number of yuan in benefit each year, there is no "sprinkle" in the business. In 2002, Zhang Yun definitely found that the family vehicle industry was progressively giving indications of "take off". In the event that the container Asian miniature straightforward materials can be utilized in the car business, the organization's improvement will push ahead. Subsequently, Pan Asia Microtransmission stepped up to the plate and enter the car business.

Zhang Yun told correspondents that the primary car industry accomplice of Pan-Asia Microtel is Xingyu Automotive Lamps. Xingyu vehicle lights need ePTFE layer for ventilation to take care of the issue of mist. The cost of unfamiliar items is extravagant. Skillet Asia Microtransmission will take advantage of the lucky break of import replacement and step into the use of microtransmission items in the car business. end. "Around then, it was a central issue for Pan-Asia Micro-transmission to enter both the car business and the miniature transmission field."

In 2007, Pan-Asia Microtransmission had bountiful specialized stores on the material side, however financing turned into a major issue. So as to advance the improvement of the organization, the establishing investors of Pan Asia WeChat chose to present key financial specialists. Toward the finish of 2011, Pan-Asia WeChat presented SAIF, trailed by Wushang Fund, and in 2015, we presented Nanfang Bearing. With the support of a series of key speculators, Pan-Asia WeChat has become increasingly amazing. .

"Starting today, speculators in the later phases of the organization's help have been generally enormous. Every speculator has his own qualities, however it is SAIF Fund that we feel most profoundly. It brings us capital, yet in addition Business model." Zhang Yun uncovered that toward the start, after a proposal by a Minsheng Bank venture director, SAIF Fund led 8 months of due constancy on Pan-Asia Micro-to-be. Afterward, Yan, the establishing overseeing accomplice of SAIF Fund, actually settled on the choice to ask Zhang Yun to calmly build up the undertaking as per the business chief's situating. In 2011, SAIF Funds gave the principal asset of Pan-Asia Micro-Communication. "Our guarantee to them is that the organization will manufacture a creation line in 10 months, and the film must be qualified and sold. After the organization arrives at this objective, the assets from SAIF Fund will be changed over into value."

The center innovation depends on the equivalent "tree"

In Zhang Yun's view, Pan Asia Microcom has proposed an improvement technique of "expanded items and market specialty" and has consistently clung to the long-tail model, which is moderately uncommon in the A-share market. Since the container submicron items are muddled and appear to have everything, except indeed, the center innovations of these items are all on a similar tree. They are generally ePTFE layers and miniature nanoporous materials or miniature permeable materials. Various applications.

After over ten years of mechanical advancement and innovative work, Pan-Asia Microtransmission's specialized stores and item saves have gotten very serious. The organization has acquired 180 approved licenses, including 35 innovation licenses, 3 US and Japanese PCT licenses, 140 utility model licenses and 2 plan licenses. Up to now, the quantity of innovation licenses the organization is applying for is 47.

"The center intensity of Pan-Asia Microtransmission is certainly innovation, and numerous boundaries have been shaped throughout the long term." According to Zhang Yun, first, the organization has aced ePTFE films with various practical attributes after a great deal of experimentation and rehashed upgrades. Assembling innovation, through long haul interest in assets, has set up boundaries in the process stream; second, the organization can autonomously plan creation measure hardware, and got through the obstructions of industrialized assembling of ePTFE layers through independent gear; third, the organization has countless business The experience of helping out OEMs in R&D, confirmation and constant assistance can furnish clients with altered and componentized items, getting through the application hindrances of ePTFE films. Fourth, the organization and rivals in a similar industry produce ePTFE films, yet they don't sell them. The ePTFE layer is an application part that sells ePTFE film, which makes the application side of ePTFE film structure a higher obstruction to passage.

Zhang Yun said honestly that the organization focused by Pan-Asia Microtransmission is Gore, a nearby adherent of Gore. "I'm following the technique now. Whatever it has, I will release it. We have R&D groups, materials groups, OEM groups, application groups, and gear groups. In consistent experimentation, we are gradually searching for trouble spots in related ventures."

Through constant R&D speculation, Pan Asia Microtransmission has framed MEMS acoustic films, 30-50 meters high water pressure-safe acoustic layers and different items in the purchaser gadgets field, and shaped CMD pressure alleviation valves and SiO2 aerogel composite materials in the new energy field. Such items have understood the center problem areas of the business. These items will help the organization's quick business development in these two territories and help the organization enter the fast track of development.

Zhang Yun refered to CMD pressure alleviation valve items for instance. New energy batteries not just experience the ill effects of buildup issues in little restricted spaces, yet additionally rapidly heat up and even consume while experiencing extraordinary conditions, for example, crashes, and in the long run detonate. The CMD pressure help valve created by Pan Asia Microtransmission Integrated CMD and weight alleviation valve can take care of the issue of buildup, yet additionally maintain a strategic distance from or defer the blast of the battery while experiencing outrageous conditions, successfully tackling the issue of the business Pain point issue. As of now, the organization has understood the mass flexibly of CATL, which will at last be applied to the Mercedes-Benz business vehicles of Daimler Group.

Push top of the line materials to the world

Zhang Yun said that Pan-Asia Microtransmission items have the attributes of various application fields. In light of existing advancements, items and markets, the organization will keep on keeping up R&D speculation, improve item execution, advance item classes, and constantly grow new application fields.

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