Why telemarketing is still a great way to win new customers

in telemarketing •  5 years ago 

Telemarketing has become a very important tool since, as the markets become more specialized, complex and competitive, the client requires better attention and that this at the same time, is more personalized according to their needs. Applying a good telemarketing campaign for the sale of a product or service can obtain many benefits, among which include:

The sales territory is wider since customers can be accessed in any geographic area. It provides more efficiency and the cost per contact is lower. You can get more potential customers since telephone contact is easier. The results are immediate, which ensures greater possibilities of reaching the target
It facilitates the maintenance of databases and allows to evaluate the results constantly and make changes in the campaign if necessary. The results are measurable and you can know their effectiveness and profitability. It is a customizable tool. By maintaining direct contact with the client, the advisor can adapt the speech according to the needs of the client.

A very important aspect when carrying out any telemarketing campaign, and that will help to increase the benefits, is to include in the training of telephone agents, techniques for communication. In this way, they will be able to manage contact with the customer, understand and solve their needs and motivate them to know more about the product.
Unsolicited calls to potential customers, or cold calls, used to be one of the favorite techniques, but their popularity has declined. And it’s logical because making calls can be a tedious task and a waste of time if those who receive them have never heard of us before or seem very interested.

This does not mean that this form of telemarketing is always a bad idea. Keeping real conversations in real time with potential customers can play an essential role and persuade them. Also, if you concentrate your efforts on those who make the decisions in the company, you will increase, considerably, your chances of convincing them.
Focus on clear and traceable recipients with a well-prepared speech and compare the statistics about your activity (the number of calls and their duration), the quality (how many decision-makers were able to speak, how many leads could you classify?) and the conversions (for how many demonstrations or acquisitions was the call effective?), to discover if it is a technique in which you must invest.

You can buy lists of phone numbers for this or prepare them yourself through, for example, events or online searches. It is evident why telemarketing is a very popular marketing tactic: it allows personal contact and you can reach recipients, who otherwise would be difficult to contact, in addition to knowing the exact number of calls you have made.
None of these techniques are your golden entrance to an endless flow of leads, but, if you combine them, your number of potential customers can improve considerably. Try to find a balance between what you do online and off-line, personal contact and digital messages, between optimizing and creating. Try different things, establish and repeat some marketing techniques that help you catch lots of quality leads.

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