What I have in store for my 10,000 follower celebration and what Steemians can expect from me in the future.

in ten-thousand •  7 years ago  (edited)

View this post on Busy.org for the best Steemit front end.


Recent events have really created a stir here on Steemit. But no news is bad news. I've been gaining about 1,000 followers per day this week with my auto-follow bot that @Bilal-Haider provided for me. The rumor is true, I do have about 1,000 accounts on Steemit. I powered most of them down pretty heavily. The old botnet I used with 2,000 accounts was mainly my friend's accounts. We took advantage of multiple exploits in signup system, both of which provided 8 accounts per cell phone number. Essentially I penetration tested the website and found a vital bug for which Ned only paid me 100 dollars. I asked him for 1,000. The second bug I found after that I FULLY optimized. Free numbers from every different service on the internet.. all my friends and families cell phones.. then we bought numbers from various services and my friend in Estonia was getting SIMs for 1 dollar.

That costed us 15 cents for what became a 300 dollar account at the peak just 1 year later. I have been a master penetration tester and exploit hacker since I was 14 years old. I grew up around elite hackers who gathered on IRC and learned so much from them. It's too bad for me that I sold 450 of my accounts to @Smooth while Steem was 15 cents. I remember how happy we all were when I made my first sale of 10 accounts for 20 dollars. We (The Tigercats) were flat broke and now we are living like kings. I currently have a working mass-vote botnet and ample computer processing power to run them. Enough voting power to do some serious good for this community. Botnet will be active again within days! So exciting to have a massively powerful vote again. If you want to talk about botting, scripting or macros please contact me on http://Steem.In or http://Whale.Farm


GIF created by @Technocomanche

When my botnet was active I only took about 10% for myself or less than 2 or 300 dollars at the time. Most of my power I got from the optimized penetration test. I always voted for authors at the 1 minute mark early on to give them all the rewards and I share my little wealth generously you can ask anyone in my life about that. I was an herbal doctor for many years at no cost to my patients and with my industrial hemp farm this year I'm taking it FULL STEAM AHEAD! All seed orders have been procured safely so I now have a collection of 40+ varieties and many of my own personal crossbreeds in bulk. I will also be growing more grape clones, tobacco, melons, pumpkins and everything else I can get my hands on! Steemit has changed my life into a living dream. Praise God for that. Finally some of my businesses are coming to fruition after many years of incredibly hard work. I have 600 varieties of pepper seeds this year.. only planting about 50 and then some tomatoes and the hemp will be legal in March for the first time since World War 2! I'm mostly excited for the hemp because grows excellent in Wisconsin and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell. This has been a dream of mine for almost 20 years.

My Online Presence

My most prized online accomplishment is simply having registered the Ethereum Facebook group which now boasts over 125,000 users in addition to 4,000 banned spammers. We do not allow much price discussion anymore as we want to focus more on helping users with technical issues, hacked accounts, and DAPP discussion (never happens.) I have gained over 80 referrals to http://www.sola.ai/@BitGarden in just over a week. I am on my way to becoming massively successful in business. I did notice the new http://ref.bits.farm/?code=MzY1Mw== Farmville style Bitshares game is known as a security threat to Zuckerberg's Facebook. I guess Zynga is paying them well? I think they can see the power which Cryptonomex wields in their graphene blockchain technology and do not want the powerful competition anywhere near their upcoming Facebook Blockchain Wampum.

As you can see I'm all prepared for the launch of EOS, I also own Steemcoin.com, Steemchain.com and Bit.Garden along with some other sweet names I can't recall.

I'm ordering 25 of these for my admins tonight.

The Greatest Time of my Life

A few months ago, the same day I got out of jail for my 3rd drunk driving charge (from 2015) Arisa came to see me from Japan. This is the first time we met after having chatted online for over 8 years. We met on Myspace before Facebook was even invented. God bless Tom! Arisa is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She is kind and supportive even when I'm at my worst. We traveled down to Florida for 2 and a half weeks. It costed us over 10,000 dollars but was well worth it. I collected over 100 vintage t-shirts from thrift shops and sand from 8 different beaches! You wouldn't believe the different textures and colors of the beach sand. Every beach was so different! Arisa found a word down copper penny at the Southern Most Point of the United States, Key West. In reality the Southern Most Point was on a Military Base though. I am glad we went right when we got there at midnight because the next day was a line of like 60 people. The greatest thing I brought back from the trip though was memories.. backed up on over 8 hours of 4K HD video and thousands of pictures. From sunsets to Disney's Light Show's to Drone Aerials of the theme parks. I'll never forget it and I can't wait to share it with all of you. I do have my FAA drone License and have 100% memorized State and Federal drone laws. I now have about 40 flying RC drones, helicopters and airplanes.

Now that I have a few followers and views I plan to bring my very best! Thank you all for having faith in me as a great content producer, I certainly have all the drones and cameras I need. A couple new guitars and I can spit bars. I have a lot of poetry I wrote when I was locked up. Even one about President Trump that I can't wait to share with

As a token of my appreciation to my followers I offer the community another public account besides for my account @Social. Here is the posting key for @Posting and if the account's reputation gets destroyed I will provide another.

New @Social account for The Masses @Posting


It is certainly no fun for anybody when when there are disputes between powerful veteran Steemit users. Nevertheless I will try to be more positive from now on despite what the dumb evolutionists do. Please pray for Peace.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - 10:34

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We traveled down to Florida for 2 and a half weeks. It costed us over 10,000 dollars

I thought that you are pretending to be some sort of "poor person," and you blew over 10K on a trip to Florida? Seriously? Is this why you still live at your parents house when you're not in jail?

I now have about 40 flying RC drones, helicopters and airplanes.

Yeah, I guess it must be someone else's fault you don't have any money. You poor victim. Poor Noganoo, he's got it so rough. He only has 40 flying toys. Too bad he wasn't rich so he could have money to waste.

I will try to be more positive from now on

Oh good! More positive? Does this mean you will only threaten to knock my teeth out now and not my wife's? You are one demented creep. For your own good just stop.

For the record, I've never done anything to hurt you or harm you. I've tried to encourage you for years to get sober and become a true believer, but you are a huge hypocrite and think you already are. There is nothing in your life that would suggest you are a Christian, and the whole world can see it... except for you. I still love you and am willing to forgive you, but I don't support anything that you choose to do. Please seek help before you hurt yourself or others.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am sorry, @papa-pepper but you misunderstood and misjudge the situation and that pissed me off so much. I am really upset and angry now that I read this comment. I feel sorry to tell you this even though I don't even know you well but you are so inconsiderate in terms of this post of @noganoo. You didn't even care about the situations behind how he could go to Florida. Do you think he wasted HIS money to go there??? Do you think he had that amount of money even though you didn't help him at all financially when you were using his tablet which the fee was paid by his mom? Don't you think it is so shamed to use someone else's mom's money every month and doesn't even say thank you to her or doesn't even pay the fee you used up to her. Now that you are gaining a lot of money by steemit which @noganoo introduced to you, I guess it is possible to pay it back to her?
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD I WORKED TO EARN THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY TO TAKE HIM TO FLORIDA!! Yes, we seriously went to Florida and spend money and made a lot of unforgettable memories. I am so pissed off now. I don't know your stories but I don't care right now. That money was mine. I worked my ass off, I cried so hard to deal with my work, I became sick by working too hard. The money was like my blood. The money meant so much to me. You have no idea and you BLAMED on us for spending MY money. That make me so hard to deal with your cruel and inconsiderate words. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING SO DO NOT EVER JUDGE. Do you think you are always right and perfect? Are you that confident of yourself? I am telling you now, you are not. This is not between you, @noganoo and me. This problem, this comment is between you and me. I can even call you if you want. You hurt me that hard which I guess you have never ever thought of.
Yes, he doesn't have much money partly because of you. Don't you ever hide that fact. I guess you don't remember you have some seeds I gave to @noganoo and he gave them to you. Have you ever say thank you to me? NEVER. I was not even expecting that words from you but now that you are blaming him so hard, I state that fact. I hate being so angry at you and wasting my time to write this to you but these things should be or must be known by you.
There is nothing wrong that he tries to be positive. You want him to be negative? And you say you still love him? That doesn't make sense.
I correct your words "I've never done anything to hurt you or harm you." I have seen @noganoo is struggling because of you. He is hurt because he thought you were a best friend of his. You don't support anything that you choose to do? You don't support him helping his friends? That's pretty sad.
You should consider your action and words before you hurt yourself or others. By the way, I have already been hurt by you, if you don't know. YOUR WORDS HURT ME SO BAD.
Tell me if you want me to call you, I have your number.

you were using his tablet which the fee was paid by his mom? Don't you think it is so shamed to use someone else's mom's money every month and doesn't even say thank you to her or doesn't even pay the fee you used up to her

That is interesting, the whole time HE told me HE was paying for it and HE told me not to worry about it. More lies from him again I guess.

I guess you don't remember you have some seeds I gave to @noganoo and he gave them to you. Have you ever say thank you to me? NEVER.

Is this the same thing that both of you do? Time and time again HE insisted that I take "gifts" from him and then now it is all used to say "look how greedy people are, they TAKE so much from us." I guess I'll never fall for that one again.

And tell me "Arisa" did you feel bad and be sad when he threatened to knock my wife's teeth out, or is that the type of activity you support?

Also, check that list above "Arisa" - I'm still recorded as his 15th biggest supporter of all time. I only stopped supporting him when all he does is drag the Jesus through the mud, attack his friends, and be overcome with greed and call everyone else a satanist. Who would support that? Certainly not me.

Anyway, thanks for the seeds I guess, and my phone is broke but it should be fixed tomorrow. You could try calling me tomorrow night.

So, YOU were using the tablet even though YOU stopped supporting him and YOU didn't return it. If I were you, I would return the tablet at the time when I stop supporting him. And YOU knew @noganoo was poor and still YOU made him pay the fee (which was actually paid by his mom)? YOU have your own family and don't you think YOU should have been paying regardless of whatever @noganoo said? YOU used @noganoo's kindness.

Is it natural to say "thank you" to the person who gave you a "gift"? I didn't ask you to pay for it, I just said it would be nice if you would have said even a word "thanks" but actually you never did so. And now you GUESS you thank me for the seed. How nice of you for adding "I guess" to the "thank you." Are you serious!?!? It tells what kind of person you are. I don't accept the "thank you," I am sorry. You clearly don't mean it.

I don't support violence. I feel bad for your wife. But from the stories I heard, your wife is not too nice to @noganoo either. Considering what @noganoo did for your family (setting up steemit account and stuff), @noganoo should be treated nicer, in my opinion. Without @noganoo helping you with starting steemit, you couldn't have supported @noganoo at all. But still you call him greedy. Who is greedy here? Were you there for him when he needed your help? You stopped supporting him because you didn't want to be recognized as @noganoo's friend. "noganoo" is a bad word? That's why you didn't write his name on your post? That is really a lame excuse.

And here is my biggest concern. You ignored what you thought not work for your side. What did you think when you found out "I" am the one who paid the trip? What did you think when you found out how hard I worked to go to Florida? You totally ignored it because you thought bad by judging @noganoo without knowing anything behind the trip, I guess. You act like you are so nice but you hide the facts that doesn't work for you.

I am calling you tomorrow. And don't forget, I am not an English speaker.

I still did support him. And please remember that he had over 100,000 STEEM. How is he poor? Talk to you tomorrow.

Also, if he's so great, why don't YOU vote for him? Only 13 votes on this post... your name isn't there... https://steemit.com/truth/@noganoo/why-did-jesus-christ-cry-the-condition-of-mankind

Sorry about those last ones. This situation is frustrating. You try to help a guy and encourage him and hates you for it and threatens to attack your wife... Please forgive my replies, you are not the issue. We can talk tomorrow.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

See, you still don't mention anything about the trip money. You just keep ignoring the fact.

He used his money to make his life better and he even spend so much to help others.

I stopped using this account but your comment was too hurtful to ignore so I am using this account. You just don't know the situations and keep accusing me. That is not what a considerate person would do. To me you are the issue here.


Mark is a user. He's using you. He is a selfish manipulator. He scammed a guy named @ubg out of 1000 STEEM so he could buy a dirt bike or something.

He's not a man, he's a child. The sooner you realize it, the sooner you'll stop being taken for a fool by a loser.

Stop saying that. He didn't ask me to pay for it. You just don't know the situation so don't even bother commenting on this matter, @pfunk.

I've seen enough of Mark Bretl to know what kind of person he is. Sorry you got involved with him instead of someone who isn't a psychopathic violent manipulative loser.

I have known him more than you have. You don't have to say anything about our relationship.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Clearly I have plenty to say. Don't think that if Mark ends up treating everyone else like shit, you're somehow an exception.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If that's so, that is none of your business.

Give Mark a ring! (715) 421-0375

You pathetic fuck, your followers are bullshit. Nice job on the 38 views!!! Pathetic. Poor. Incestuous. Nobody.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hmmmmmm I have wondered about a public posting key account before... my theory is if it is given to steem people the ones that can afford new accounts will pass and the ones that can't will attempt to use it for their own benefit through voting/resteem. So I think maybe a useful way to do it would be as a promotional tool for steem, like a trial-run somehow given to people outside of steem that still have to go through the long account creation process (my friend had to wait almost a month after signing up until he could actually start posting/voting/etc.) if someone in that scenario had a public account key they could at least interact and comment on things they're reading, but I'm not sure how a public key could be distributed in such a way that mostly outsiders have access to it.

Anyway, I think having a link to the website right after explaining how you're some epic hacker is a little intimidating, lol

Lol, well played, well played.
monster reborn.jpg


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