10 Concerts I’ve Been To. One is a Lie (Find the Lie and Why to Win the Liquid SBD Rewards from this Post)

in ten •  8 years ago 

Yesterday @hanshotfirst posted this and it was a lot of fun ! Continuing with the proud winners tradition it's my turn to give it a go!

I couldn't have watched Queen, I wasn't alive back then :p

As a winning condition I ask the winner to continue this #ten contest ( @wandering-girl @lizanomadsoul looking at you adventurous travelers haha) with one of it's own creation. It can be anything fun that gives the steemit community a change to get to know you and to express themselves in a comfortable way.

Listed below are 10 live concerts that I have attended, but one is fake. Guess which one is a lie and why.
Please put your answers in the comments.

The first person to guess the right one (and come close in guessing the reason why) wins all the liquid rewards (SBD) from this post.

Here are your choices in no particular order. Find the lie and why. Happy hunting!

  • Caravan Palace
  • Bastille
  • Two Doors Cinema Club
  • Birdy Nam Nam
  • Logic
  • Viniloversus
  • Bullet for my Valentine
  • Caramelos de Cianuro
  • Simón Bolívar Big-Band Jazz

If you want to know more about my musical taste you can watch these videos!

I wish I'd been on this one , it's so beautiful

So many memories... And one is fake, have fun!

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Way to keep the party going!!!

My guess is Birdy Nam Nam because if you had seen them you would still be dancing right now and you would not be able to type on your keyboard!

Never heard of them before. Like what I heard!

How do you know I can't dance and type? Truth be told I did dance a bit before posting this . Guilty hahahaha
I completely love electronic music and stayed up really late (in the music festival) just to get to see Birdy Nam Nam live, and it was AMAZING, there goes a clue :p

Dance and type. Is that a marketable skill? It should be!

My guess would be Logic, I guessed this because #1 he is the only american music artist on the list and #2 he is the only hip hop artist on the list.

CLOSE GUESS! And it would be true... But I went to see him with friend in a music festival and really enjoy it! It was pure serendipity to be honest

Awesome! Thanks for a great post.

You are Welcome! Also join in! Give it a go , you never know if you can be the winner or not hahaha
Also if you like it I encourage you to do one #ten post of your own . I'll resteemit

Oh, I did already post one. :) He got the idea from me.

You are the ORIGINAL GANGSTER! :O #respect

This is true. Donkeypong is an inspiration to us all! I am also becoming a donkey now.

However you got this idea... i love it! Resteem it so I can play this over and over in the background while I steemit to the moon!
giphy (4).gif

It is a fun idea. Did you do one yet?

I'll go with the Simón Bolívar Big-Band Jazz. It doesn't seem to fit your style and looks to tour mostly around the Americas.

Yeah It really is not my style... But I actually went to that concert because of my best friend! He plays the drums on the video. And I really enjoy it , although , I still don't like jazz that much .

AHHHHHHHH estoy entre Aurora y Bastille. IDK. Wait, ya respondo.

Digo que Aurora y por eso subiste dos vídeos de ella y de las otras bandas solo 1 (?) ¿No? JAJAJAJA me rindo: Aurora.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, que loco ! Estás en lo correcto! Y si esa era una pequeña pista! FELICIDADES! Eres el ganador de este concurso!
La verdad cuando fui al festival donde se presentaba ella no la conocía y no fui a su concierto por ignorancia total, luego pasó una semana y me enamoré de su música . Buen trabajo por darte cuenta de eso! Ahora te invito a que hagas el tuyo!

AHHHHHHHHHH qué genial aslkdjaksfjklsdajflksdjlkfjslka. ¡Me encanta! Deberás enseñarme cómo se hace todo pero cools, estaré pendiente. #fbme