in tendonitis •  6 years ago 

The tendons are chord like parts of the body that connects muscles to bones. A painful inflammation of these part due to overuse is known as tendonitis.


Although young people can also get this condition, it is more prevalent as people age due to the fact that the ligament, bones, and tendons weaken with use. Tendonitis commonly occurs in those parts of the body that are susceptible to stress and frequent use. These parts are knees, shoulders, wrists, hips, hands, and elbows. They are called different names depending on where they occur. Some are Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Pitcher’s shoulder, Swimmer’s shoulder, Jumper’s knee etc.

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms related to tendonitis are dependent on certain factors like age, the extent of injury and treatment. These factors determine how long the symptoms are present and the extent. Some of the symptoms include
•Swelling, heat, and tenderness
•Pain around a particular joint, ligament or muscle.
•Increased pain when moving, climbing a stair or during exercise
•Presence of lump around a tendon
•Grating or crackling sound around the tendon when moving

Causes and risk factors

In old people and even in younger people, tendonitis can occur due to sudden injury and repetition of a particular movement over time. If your job requires repetitive movements, awkward positions, and forceful movements, you are more susceptible to it. Sports like running, tennis, swimming, baseball, basketball, and golf are also risk factors. Some health conditions like diabetics and rheumatoid arthritis can also contribute to it. Other causes are:
•working with the hands for many hours. For example, carpentry, gardening, cleaning or shoveling.
•Infections and reactions to certain medications
•Thyroid disorders
•Not stretching after exercise and many more.
Tendonitis is diagnosed when there is tenderness at a particular spot in the tendon. A creaky sound heard when moving the area is also another indication.

Natural treatments

  1. Start new exercise slowly and rest between workouts: A common cause can be when you start a new activity suddenly without giving the body time to adjust. Start new activities slowly and rest while at it. If they are an exercise you are used to, it is important to take time to rest. You should also discover if a particular activity contributed to the condition so you know to stop.
  2. Start an anti-inflammatory diet: Some food can help injuries heal better and prevent them. Some of them are Vegetable, especially green leafy ones. Berries, food rich in potassium, magnesium, and protein are also important. You should avoid alcohol, caffeine overdose, fried foods, high levels of sugar as they can cause and increase inflammation.
  3. Use ice packs: if you notice swelling, you can press ice cubes wrapped in a piece of clothing like a towel against the part of the body. You can repeat this several times until the swelling reduces.

If the pain persists or increases, it is best to consult a doctor for pain relievers or physical therapy. In severe and rare cases, surgery is needed.

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