10 Facts and 1 Lie... How well do you know Amelia Bartlett?

in tenfactsonelie •  7 years ago 


Thank you @princessmewmew for nominating me for this fun challenge!

I'll keep it short and sweet for y'all and let the LIE do the talking.

  1. I went to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janiero.
  2. I kept an urban farm in the city (at my house) with a dozen chickens and a half dozen quail.
  3. I am of Chippewa Native American heritage.
  4. I've been in more than one movie.
  5. I used to be a professional roller coaster rider.
  6. I'm allergic to dairy products.
  7. I work as a barista for a living.
  8. I am a tarot card reader.
  9. I studied contortion for two years.
  10. I'm a contributor to my local newspaper.
  11. I have a cat named after a car.

Which one is a lie? Good luck finding out!

You may find easter eggs throughout my blog that give hints as to which one of these is not true... I know the answer is hidden somewhere.

I am happy to give away 0.5 SBD to the first person to discover the lie! But, I will not share the winner until next week.

In the meantime, I nominate: @saffisara, @brandyb, @enginewitty, @katrina-ariel, and @didic 🔥

@traciyork's rules for the challenge:

  • Post 10 facts and 1 lie about yourself
  • Have people guess which is the lie. One guess per person
  • Offer some sort of prize
  • Reveal the answer only after payout
  • Use the tag #tenfactsonelie
  • Tag your friends to do their own!

Join the fun in the comments!

Ink+VoltAsset 1-210.png

Hi, I'm Amelia! It's nice to meet you.

I'm a writer, minimalist, tiny home dweller, and maker living in East Tennessee, USA. My blog has lived at www.amelia-bartlett.com until I discovered Steemit, where I now post most of my work. To learn more about me, check out my introduction post, get up-to-date on my school bus tiny house conversion, and follow me for articles on slow living, sustainable fashion, self-expression, and quality curated resteems!

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Okay, I'm worried that I might lose my Giphy Queen title - LOL!

Thanks so much for the shoutout! Okay, so I stalked checked your WP blog (which I'm now following on my WP reader) and based on your post, "Coming Into My Own as a Writer" I'm going to guess 10. If you were contributing to a local paper, you would've mentioned it here...although the post is from November... drat, now I'm overthinking it. LOL!

Okay, final answer - 10.

PS I love your GIF responses, I just had to

7 is the lie.

If there is only one lie in the list, you are one amazingly cool lady! I don't know any of your writing yet, so I couldn't possibly do more than hazzard a guess at the name of your cat: Porsche? (I knew a tortoise called Portia).

I'll guess 4.

Ohhh yours is hard to pick one!! I want to say no.1 :)

hah fun one! #6 is a lie! ;)

Man.. that's a tough list! You're great at going after your goals and have a lovely variety of interests! I don't know anyone who's ever ridden roller coasters professionally but I'm sure it's a thing... And I'm sure you would be the one to pull it off. So I am going with you must have forgotten your lie...


Since I just followed you yesterday I don't know much about you, but I'm gonna go blind guessing :D I would pick number 1... and if it is not true than congratulations! :)

Even, when I saw the list and I need to choose just one lie, wooooooooa... hell of a life you have there :)

Crazy eyes! XD

Hmm, I'll go with 5 :)

What a colorful life you lead! I'm going to guess that 7 is the lie :)

++ Every GIF on this page is from GIPHY

I'll go with five but I have to say the list is amazing!

4 is a lie

I'm not the first to say it, but I think #5 is the lie. (it was a hard choice between 5 and 7 :) ) - That was a fun game.

I guess it's #7

my answer is #5 is a lie I hate roller coasters

I'll guess 4 is a lie!

I'm gonna guess 8 is a lie. Great list BTW.