10 FACTS, 1 LIE - How well do you already know me?

in tenfactsonelie •  7 years ago  (edited)

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#9 looks very crazy my friend hahaha

LOL, yes, that seems crazy, right? :D

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you did not say where it was. i think that is the most normal thing police would tell you :D

LOL! We come from different places :')

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I agree that its #7

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Oeh nice game! I would say that 10 is a lie, I would say that you've slept in maybe more different bed in one year.

Ahhh you are going for even more than 20! Let's see if you are right :D

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I am going in for no. 1. Who would want to hit your lovely face with a stick!? An accident on the hockey field with your hip/feet history? A careless dog, you were trying to photograph from a tricky angle, maybe, but I wouldn't call that hitting. Then again, with all your travel adventures you might have run into some raving looney with a walking stick, in a remote B&B, on some spooky island....

It appears number one has you mystified! Might it be that a lovely face isn't always actually loved?

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04 is the least crazy in all this so i will go with 4 :D

LOL - it's pretty wild that is the least crazy one! Hahaha!

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well who would think something like this just to lie "I once got bitten in my right thumb by a jellyfish - The very next day I got bitten by a jellyfish in the left thumb as well" :D

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I'm going to say that the lie is #5, and that the first song you could sing in English was Don't Worry Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin.

Wh00ps! @didic - I don't know why this happened - I'm embarrassed! #5 might still be the lie, but not because I wrongly added UB40 - I'm going to change it in the post to Bobby McFerrin.

Because this was my mistake I'm going to let you have another guess! As said, the lie might still be #5, but then for other reasons ;-)

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Heheee, such a sweet post!

I remember the vid for Bobby McFerrin's Don't Worry, Be Happy with Robin Williams etc. Always made me smile, and I don't dislike it as an adult either.

It is an amazing song! It still makes me smile too :-) Somehow I had written in the post it was by UB40 - I fixed that! Stupid me!

If you want to take a guess which of my '11' facts actually is a lie I'd love to hear it from you :D

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Oh my goodness this one is hard!! #9 seems like a lie but then again, that’s such a random thing to make up. Hmm. I’m going to go out on a limb and say #3 for no real reason.
Tempted to say you’ve been to more than 26 countries. I mean there’s what 12 just in Europe?
Hard one :)

There are 44 countries in Europe :D
I'm going to write down #3 for you! Let's see if you got it right!

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Hahaha, ok guess I should have looked that up rather than pull a random number of my head haha.

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Haha I believe nr 3 or 9 is a lie!!! Haha really great facts! Tell me, am I right??

LOL! You can only pick one and if you are right I will tell you soon! :D

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I'm going with no. 5 , don't know why, but I am. really loving this game. x

You went with your gut! Don't worry, maybe you are right! ;-)

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A couple I know they're true....
Then the ones people think seem too crazy to be true (like 9 or 3 or 10) are probably also true.
Usually the lie is a 'gray' one, which seems perfectly true....therefore I'll go with 7 ;)))

So... Maybe the surprise is it was actually the most Northern city of the world!

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Im going to say #4.

This is the first i have seen of this game, i enjoy it :)

Would be pretty sucky to be born that way, right?

Please join the game, it's fun to do and the community will get to know you a bit better! :-)
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03 - i think if you were bitten by a jellyfish you should know better than to stay away from them!!

It would be kind of crazy to get close to a jellyfish again the day after, right?

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I will go with #9. Looking forward to read the answers. ;-)

Yeah, would be an unbelievable story if it were true, eh?

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Thanks! I was off like most of those who tried to guess the correct answer. Great to know more things about you. I always enjoy reading your travel posts. Have a great day!

I will have to go with this one - 02 | I have a tiny scar on my right hand because I once was bitten by a pony by the name of Goofy. Nobody would name a pony Goofy ! LOL

LOL, yes, who would do that!

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Lol, nice list :). I actually have no clue. But of all your 'facts', being bitten in your right and left thumb by a jellyfish two days in a row seems weirdest of all and I'm guessing that's your lie!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That one does seem weird, right?

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very inspired, I am also very entertained and useful with your post :)

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I will say three is the lie. Jellyfish surely don’t have teeth! They would have just swallowed each hand whole. 😄

LOL! Would that indeed be the lie then?

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I am going to go for 5 cos it is the most normal thing of the list...lol

LOL! Yes, maybe that is true!

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I do not care about winning , but that was the only reason for my guess, I am honestly now looking for the background stories haha

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I'm going to go with number 7!!!!! You've never been to venezuela!

What does Venezuela have to do with the most Southern city of the world? :D

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you have lived abroad more!
I say 8. they are all crazy ah! :)

Haha! Who knows? Did I?

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This is my first time reading your blog, I am guessing #7. The reason I am guessing this is because in my opinion it lacks the amount of details the others have.

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Fooled me!

I know it’s 8 :D
Great memories about some of the others! ;)

You were of course banned from this contest :P

Hard list!

So wonderful to hear about your degree!!

I have no idea really- but am going to say #11 because it’s a hard number and perhaps you’ve been to 27 or something LOL!

LOL, thanks for participating! :D

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