in tenkminnows •  5 years ago 


Image source: https: //cronicon.net/wp/desglobalizacion-2/

Since the 1980s, we have seen a brutal boom in globalization, a period that served to alleviate the most extreme poverty and, above all, make the world's bosses richer.

Globalization harmed those in the middle, working classes in industrialized countries, who watched their jobs fly to nations with semi-slave labor.

The coronavirus crisis marked a before and after. The weakness on which economies were built was uncovered, and the idiocy of the postmodern condition. The stupid and narcissistic man, anointed in disgusting welfare societies, learned from the bad-the lesson some were trying to convey to him.

The pandemic revealed the ills of globalization, such as ruining the productive capacity of nations and exporting it wherever it is cheapest.

India became the world's leading producer of generics, but the ingredients for the drug's assets came from China, which took over the global manufacturing base.

The West saw how to trust its businessmen, hungry to fatten their bottom line and fleece their nations, did not work well for them.

These realities had a consequence: the resurgence of the state, the recovery of concepts such as the nation, in a formerly globalized world.

The machinery of deglobalization was set in motion: institutions such as the European Union were seen as being plagued by an ever-growing component of the population, the masses demanding the return of jobs, leaving the natives with one hand in front and another behind and broken supply chains.

In the middle of that scenario, a change in the scales of power was taking place: China and Russia took a succulent part of the cake, they were patient and parsimonious strategists, and the good use of time ended up offering them a reward.

Europe and the United States lost influence in the known world. China was trying to defend globalization, which had given it good results, in the eyes of the world.

However, the fragmentation process was already inevitable. The world was going its own way and the confrontation appeared as the only valid possibility.

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