10 Things I wish I knew -Challenge

in tenthingschallenge •  6 years ago  (edited)

@lymepoet came up with a new challenge and I was tagged in it by @felobtc

The challenged is to send yourself a note with ten things you would tell to your younger self.

Offical Rules:

  1. Write down ten things that you wish you knew earlier in life.
  2. Use the #tenthingschallenge tag, so that I can see all the posts and check them out
  3. Tag 5 people for this challenge

Feel free to so this challenge if you want to. It was an interesting one to do. I'm tagging @len.george, @simgirl, @felt.buzz, @freedomtowrite and @inthenow to do this challenge!

Dear Younger Self,

I am sending this letter back in time to teach you ten things now so you don't have to learn them for yourself. I want you to just enjoy life a bit more without all the heartache.


As I sit here trying to think of ten outstanding things to tell you to do or not to do, I realized that anything you change while growing up might cause you less heartache, but in the end, if all those things would not have happened to you, you would not be the person you are today.

While your life might have been easier if you had not gotten married so young you would never have learned how easy it is when isolated to be a bit brainwashed into thinking you are a bad person. That you don't matter and everything is always your fault.

Now while those were horrible times for me and soon to be for you, if I tell you ahead of time this will happen your thoughts and reaction will not be the same. You would end up a different person then you are today.

I could warn you not to take certain jobs too but all the people you met when working those jobs all had a part in you becoming you. You learn work ethic's from those jobs, you were finally known for just being who you were not a daughter or a sister. You finally got to be you.

If this would not have happened you would not have started to realize that people liked you when you were out on your own and not hidden behind your wonderful family that didn't know they were hiding you. They couldn't help that they were all wonderful people to be around and you were just the awkward one.

If you would not have learned what it was like to be the awkward one, you now would not be able to understand others when they don't have as much confidence as you think they should. Now you know how hard it is to, all on your own, find your own confidence which I think makes you a stronger person in the end then if you were boosted with false confidence all your life.

From learning confidence all on your own, you also learned to trust in yourself more and more. You walked taller and were a stronger person on the inside because of it.

In the end, where we are now in life, we needed to learn all those things and more to be able to survive what is before us now.

All the lessons I could teach you now would not change the future for you or me so I'm sorry to say you will have to live the exact same life that you did because I really, really, really love the me I am now.

No, not all the time, but 90% of the time and I don't think there are better odds than that when it comes to life and liking yourself.

Trust that things in your life are happening for a reason. Make sure you learn something from everything that happens. We will need all that knowledge to make it past where I am now.

Enjoy the life you have, it's the only one we have!




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What a beautiful and inspiring letter to self!

This is a really great exercise. I actually have a poem I wrote to my 13yr old self. It’s not a 10-item poem, but it’s in the same vein as this challenge.

COOL!! you should share it!! :D Thank you for stopping and reading my post!

You’re very welcome.

I will share that poem eventually. I’m pulling my poems from my WritersCafe account to this one. WritersCafe has been a great forum, but it’s a rather closed and not monetized setup. I still feel it’s a great peer review forum to start for a writer making his/her first tentative steps in publicly sharing his/her writing; and it’s a great resource for copyright tagged published writes – WritersCafe drops a copyright onto every thing posted, and includes the origination date and the date of the last update/edit.

So true. All the lessons we learned to get to who we are today...would you really want them to bypass those? As tough as they were :\ I've thought long and hard about the stuff that's happened over the last 8 years, and, while a living nightmare, has taught me so much about myself and others.

hugs Hope life's well with you :)

the stuff that's happened over the last 8 years,

HUGS yes, but it makes US , US and we both are pretty cool I think :D

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It's a very original entry for this challenge dear @snook and, now that you mention it, if we hadn't lived the things we had till now, we wouldn't be the men and women we are today. I'd surely go back into time and tell myself what I said in my post, but thanks to what I've done in this life I've learnt so much. Great and beautiful post!! =D

Thank you and thanks for tagging me :D

is this a dare you to, or I would like to have a go competion?

it's a dare thing. want me to tag you in it?

well, now I dared you LOLL :D

This reminded me of one of my favourite graphic designers. He made a Ted talk. Check it out if you want.

thanks :D