My take on terrorattacks (part 1 of 4)

in terrorattacks •  8 years ago 

As a security analist I'm always thinking about how we can protect ourselves, but as a libertarian I know that freedom can never be traded for security because if we do we will neither get security nor do we derserve it. I have devised a method which can be used as a policy for mass transit hubs such as airports, calling on you to identify threats and reduce the risk of being a victim of a terrorist attack. I will post my method here in four parts. Thanks for reading the AAEA method.

Because most countries in the world have very tight restrictions on selfdefense the carrying of weapons and because we have to conform to local laws we find ourselves helpless in most situations of our journeys from one country to the other. Strange surroundings and no way to protect yourself will always be somewhat uncomfortable but applying my method can help you adjust and reduce risks without being at the mercy of local security and emergencyservices.

AAEA stands for Awareness, Avoidance, Evasion and Attack.
Let’s briefly explore the first of the four.

Awareness is the first and most important step in the A.A.E.A method. Awareness of one’s surroundings and those who are in the direct vicinity of oneself is something that law enforcement – and anti-terrorism units regularly trains for. It is a basic aspect for security and military personnel, and something anyone can learn.

The only thing that basic awareness requires from people is paying attention. Paying close attention may seem increasingly difficult in a world where social media is constantly striving for our attention, but delivers maximal results with minimal effort. As an example we can take the profile om most perpetrators of terrorattacks and take their profile and be aware of people that match this profile. Paying close(r) attention to people that match profiles is part of a common sense approach to keeping safe whilst being vulnerable.

Check your surroundings;
Check for exits and ‘hard’ structures that can provide shelter;
Check details of suspicious people, ‘map’ their physical attributes and behaviour;

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Nice insight into the structured thinking involved in security. No reliance on 6th sense, or gut feeling, just awareness of your environment.

ColdMonkey mines Gridcoins through BOINC computations for science…

Thanks coldmonkey. Will post next part tomorrow