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All I know is Ariana Grande has an audience of mostly young girls and it seems like a lot of parents and kids are having a difficult and scary time trying to find eachother right now. Smells a little more weird sick satanic sacrifice in last hopes to save themselves maybe?

100% Fake.


because it IS. Look at the pics. No blood. NO tears. THERE WAS NO BOMB INSIDE A CONCERT.

Period. The news even admitted that. Wake up.

Usually I am a fan of "putting the pieces of a puzzle together" but this time, there were 22 killed and there was a bomb at the entrance of the concert. OK but lets play a game: What is the reason of having such news without the bomb, who is profitting?

The politicians. They have their police state..

22 is numberology number. The number was 19 earlier, than 22. Very very common to change the numbers in these types of 'attacks'.

These people are playing 5D chess, and you don't even know there is a chess board.

There was NO BOMB at the entrance. Period. Listen again. Look. All victims are FAKE in the news.

IT's part of their agenda to condition you to less rights..