in terrorism •  7 years ago 

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TERRORISM – the danger we all have to deal with

Terrorism ... the danger we have to live with every day. The threat that we have to deal with every day. Even if we live in China, the US, the Russian Federation, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, or areas like Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa or South America, wherever we live in this world, one day we can face a terrorist attack . Indeed, there are areas where danger is greater, or areas where the danger is smaller, countries and cities where you are most likely to face a terrorist, or countries where you are less likely to fall into it.

But it is clear, we have to live with the danger of international terrorism. With the danger of hijacking the plane we travel with, being bombet, being shot, being hit by cars, or stabbed in the street, but especially we must live under the threat of the possibility that someday a police officer will knock at our door, and will let us know that a dear person of ours was killed in an assault. Yes. We live with these dangers, but that does not mean we need to have the behavior of some sheeps fleeing and slaughtered in the herd.
Everyone must, and can, learn to survive such an attack. Let's face it, and save others from a sure slaughter. And here I am, going to tell you a story that will make you understand the situation better.

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The story of the sheeps attacked by jackals

Once in a valley, there was a huge herd of sheeps in the hands of ferocious shepherd dogs. The dogs were taking care of the sheeps, and several times they were confronted with the wolf pack in the area. The dogs coming out victorious. There had been rough battles worn tusk to tusk, just like the real warriors fight on the battle field.

But there came a time in the valley, when a group of predators came, which fought different than the wolvs and the dogs. They were the jackals, coming from afar. Feared animals, not by their power and agility, but by their way of struggling: Bypassing powerful animals, such as shepherd dogs or wolves, and attacking poor animals, such as herbivores or even baby wolves.
The first to feel the wretchedness and the thirst for blood of the jackals on their skin were the powerful wolves.
One day, the wolves went to haunt. The jackals followed them and attacked their baby wolves remained alone in their den. The pack had seven baby wolves, but the jackals killed two of them, thinking that a good wolf is a dead one.
Coming back to their den, the wolves got shocked seeing what the jackals were able to do, so they went at war following the pack of jackals. The jackals, confident being of their hiding places, were tottaly surprised by the wolves attack. Even though they were in a larger number than the wolves, they decided to run away losing a lot of members from their pack. But this battle did not stop them from setting up traps for the wolves. Over time, even though they have lost many battles, the jackals killed four baby wolves from the five remained. Lastly, the wolves have seen themselves in the position where they needed to leave the valley.
Now it was the turn of the herd of sheeps. Unlike the wolves who were confronted with dogs, like armies, the jackals were preparing all kinds of ambushes. Usually, a small group attacked and dragged the dogs in one direction, while the other jackals attacked where the dogs had left a group of sheeps unguarded. After some of such attacks, almost half of the flocks of sheeps had been slaughtered, for most of the time, jackals killed more than they could consume, making a useless destruction between the poor animals.
Soon the dogs understood that they could not face such a war, and that they could not be in multiple places at once. So every jackal attack ends with a slaughter. Even though there are enough jackals which met their end, the jackal pack did not care. There were always other jackals ready to replace the fallen ones.
The sheeps were terrified, and did not eat or sleep anymore because of the fear of being attacked. They were always demanding protection and more dogs, but the sheepfold could not support more guards than those who were already there.

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The wisdom of the old donkey

Desperately, they turned to the wisdom of an old donkey who had been in the valley for many years, and they asked him for advice. The sheeps, the rams and the dogs together, went to him and asked him what to do. Sitting for a moment, the old donkey spoke to them as follows:
„It is clear that we are dealing with a new type of war as it has not been before, and first and foremost, in order to deal with this new enemy, the old rivalries must be forgotten and new alliances need to be fomerd. Dogs can not cope with the jackals alone, because they are too few, but other powers may come to their aid: call the wolves, and together with the dogs they will guard one another. ”
Hearing this, the sheep muttered frightenedly. The wolves could eat them, but the donkey continued:
„Just like you, wolves also need secutiry, and as long as they are jackals in the valley they will need the friendship of the dogs. So this friendship will protect you too. But, unfortunately, the alliance between wolves and dogs is not enough, because they are a few, and the jackals are too many. Moreover, the valley is too large to protect each territory. That's why the eagles should help. They can hunt the jackals out of the air, and send information about their movements. We will always know where and when they will attack. Let the owls be called, for they are the only help that can provide us with surveillance at night.”
Said and done. The animals did as the donkey taught them. The wolves returned to the valley and signed a peace and an alliance with the dogs, the eagles and the owls. The eagles were flying over the sky, and where they found jackals, they attacked them from the air, raised them in the claws, and threw them from above. Then they called the wolves, who were attacking the jackals. At this time the sheeps and the baby wolves were always with the dogs.
The jackals attempted night attacks, but the owls always in the alert, immediately announced where the jackals came from and how they divided their troops. However, although the number of attacks had halved, there were still too many victims.

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So the animals went back to the old donkey to consult with him again. He said to them:
„Whatever you do, whatever you try, wolves, dogs, eagles and owls will never be enough to defend the other animals. The way jackals fight is too perfidious. It is best to mix rams and goats between the sheeps. They can fight and can even teach the sheeps how to fight.”
The sheeps were terrified. How to fight? They did not have horns, they did not have tusks to bite, they were fat and barely moving.
„Yes, the donkey answered them, but you are the only animals that are as numerous as jackals. Actually five times more than them. Learn to face them, unite to fight against them. Even if you do not have horns and tusks, you have hooves, and you have rams and goats who will teach you to fight. But do not scatter yourself in front of your enemy, do not run of fear, like a fool, but turn against them and stop these treacherous jackals.”

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The sheep are preparing for defense

The sheeps have hardly accepted this advice. Some even did not want to hear about it. The others have learned to fight, and in time, the sheeps that did not fight, began to disappear. Instead, those who have learned to defend themselves have successfully faced new attacks. One night the jackals launched a massive attack. They managed to attract the attention of the owls elsewhere, and attracted the wolves and dogs on the wrong track, while most of the jackals launched a massive attack on the sheeps. But this time, the sheeps were ready. The goats and the rams were among them.
There was a huge battle that held until the morning. Moreover, the wolves and the dogs were warned about the ambush and they have returned to the sheepfold, surrounding the jackals. Surrounded and overwhelmed by the situation, the jackals could hardly escape, and when it dawned on the day, the egals were trailing, increasing the losses from the jackals.
Finally, defeated and destroyed, unable to face the sheeps who had learned to defend themselves, the jackals that were still alive, had to leave the valley, and after a long war, to leave the animals alone.

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That's the real world. Terrorists are like jackals. They come and attack as thieves, with much cowardice, preferring to bypass wolves and dogs that are like army and police forces. The states of the world, faced with the terrorist threat, did not hold their hands in their bosom, and they went to reprisals. They attacked the terrorist training camps, and hunted their leaders, using aerial attacks, such as those eagles and obtained information in any situation, such as those obtained by owls too.
The number of terroristic attacks and their power has diminished as a result of these measures, but the number of victims remains high, and will remain unless we all learn simple principles of self-defense. Like the sheeps, we all have to learn not only how to defend ourselves, but how to defent other people too.

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We must learn to defend ourselves

Among us, there are enough goats and rams, or in other words, martial arts masters, self-defense instructors, weapons-training clubs that imitate real weapons like airsoft guns. We have plenty of possibilities to learn to defend ourselves. But like the sheeps who refused to fight, there are many people among us who think they can not face an attacker. That's wrong. We must be prepared. Anyone should wear a gas or pepper spray, or an electro-shock gun in particular.

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Think about what would have happened to a terrorist, if he would have took his gun out in a public market in London the Middle Ages? First the crowd would have laughed at him, then, child, woman or man, every one of them would have jumped to him and would have hit him directly in the head to stop him.
Remember, the worst is to run like the sheeps in the flock, and to be at the mercy of the jackals, which, by the way, have no mercy, but only thirst for blood. We must not be intimidated and driven to death without trying to defend ourselves, to stop the enemies, and especially without stopping them from making other victims.

And to strengthen what I said, here is an example:
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He is Florin Morariu, the famous Romanian chef who, during the attacks in London, housed 20 people in his restaurant's kitchen, then attacked two of the terrorists by knocking them with beer bottles, saving another man. This chef, a simple chef, not a special troops fighter, by his attitude to face the terrorists, rescued himself and saved another 21 people. This is the right attitude. 21 victims less because that man had the courage to fight back. But what if others reacted like him and fought back?
Today, our views on life and peace, and our humanity of peaceful people, works against us, and for the terrorists.
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In the next episode, we'll see how we can best cope with a terrorist attack, and how we can save others.

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About jackal

Note: Using the term jackal in this material is not intended to inspire hostile feelings about these animals. Jackals, like any animal on Earth, have the right to life, and their place is well established in nature. Jackals are the sanitariums of forests, and they also consume the animals' dead bodies. That is why they are very important for the balance of the ecosystem they belong to. On the other hand, they are not destructive animals and especially do not attack people. The term jackal has been used only according to the proverb: "attacks the night like jackals" to highlight a cowardly way of striking the security of the people, attacking civilians without defense, unexpectedly and at times when they are the most vulnerable, such as during concerts, fairs, festivals and peaceful demonstrations.

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