“40 days of Teshuvah”

in teshuvah •  6 years ago 



“40 days of Teshuvah”, Which began on the 9th of August and will continue until the 19th of September
We have officially entered 40 Days of Teshuvah we are now seeing over 100 wildfires burning simultaneously across America with more expected to break out sparked by lightning strikes on the bone-dry terrain. More than 30,000 personnel, including firefighters from across the US and nearly 140 from Australia and New Zealand are battling fires that have consumed more than 1.6 million acres! Also, Alaska's North Slope was struck early this morning with the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the region measuring at 6.4 followed by strong aftershocks!


DEVELOPING: More than 100 large wildfires in US as new blazes erupt

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Quotes Cardinal Samantha Kennedy

What makes me think is the time we are in. At present we are in Leo the Lion which is (July 23-August 22) then taking into account the Virgin Virgo that gave birth to the King planet Jupiter which starts (August 23-September 22) then comes the scales of judgment during Libra (September 23-October 22) So this time period is extremely important. We are already in the second horsemen influence which is War then go into the third horseman which is pestilence. The Lord has declared conquest and the great burning away of the Tars and we are at present only seeing the beginning of that Burning away but the second Horseman of war only has a few weeks more before the third starts so I sense this will become to the full in a very short time especially now we know the debris are not far from Earth and the build-up to WW3. Yet another thing is people have ignored Enoch and the Fact he said the End he saw the World Burn. I feel the Father shall come in October when the main Judgement has been started. The Scale of Justice. This would be correct because we already have a Torah code that shows the Wedding of the Bride to be in January (which so happens to be the same month our Lord came). So from now onwards we will be seeing the Great burning increase.

Quotes Imperial Regent Angelus Domini

Angelus Domini replied to Samantha
Very wise Samantha... October 23–November 22 is Scorpio, and if you recall, the end scene of I, Pet Goat II shows the Lord "fully awakening" in Scorpio.

Nobody knows the exact day or time, but we have some pretty solid events lines up here based on " time lines."

The point is the Get right with God and already be PREPARED. Dates do not matter if you are not seeking and abiding in his way already!

For guidance and more information about how to be prepared and the Returned Messiah go here


More End Times Information:

Credits and Sources

God and his Holy Son
The Returned Messiah Lord RayEL
Imperial Regent of the Returned Messiah
The Holy Bible
Ecumenical Order of Christ
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos, stories within links

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I wonder what more will happen.

These events are rapidly unfolding!

Amen, better get right, NOW!

Teshuva -

Repentance (Hebrew: תשובה‬, literally, "return", pronounced "tshuva" or "teshuva") is one element of atoning for sin in Judaism.

Very interesting correlation to current times and events. I think you all are onto to something here