HERE ARE THEIR STORIES... THE UNTOLD STORIES OF INVENTOR AND WIZARD NIKOLA TESLA AND FREE ENERGY FLYING SAUCER BUILDER OTIS T. CARR Here are plans for a "Telephone" to call other planets. . .An apparatus that can read the human aura. . .a disc-shaped craft that can take us to the moon in under an hour. NIKOLA TESLA - Though chosen to share the 1912 Nobel Prize in Physics with Edison, Tesla refused the award and during his life tore up royalty contracts which would have earned him millions of dollars. Not much is known about this "strange" loner as Tesla spent most of his life in total seclusion.
However, those who did know him even slightly say he was not a normal human, but a real SUPERMAN, either a reincarnated master -- or a spaceman with superior mental powers placed here to assist in earth's technological development.
OTIS T. CARR - A student of Tesla's, the Baltimore-based engineer believed that every person should have the opportunity to travel to other planets which he believed to be inhabited by human-looking space people as physical as you and I. Based on conversations with his mentor, Carr constructed a flying saucer-shaped device that he believed would take us to the moon and beyond. He received much ridicule and harassment that eventually landed him in jail under bogus charges of fraud -- the government claiming that it is impossible to create an operational free energy device. History has made Tesla out to be merely a scientist and an engineer when he was really MUCH MORE. There is an entirely different part of his live story -- and it is an UNEARTHLY ONE!
Otis T. Carr (December 7, 1904 – September 20, 1982) first emerged into the 1950s flying saucer scene in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1955 when he founded OTC Enterprises, a company that was supposed to advance and apply technology originally suggested by Nikola Tesla. The claim to be applying some idea of Tesla's was quite common among exploiters of the flying saucer movement in the 1950s; for example. George Van Tassel's Integratron was supposedly based partially on (unspecified) lore from Tesla, partially on lore from friendly Space Brothers from Venus.
Carr patented a flying saucer, and asserted he was working on a full-size version that could fly to the Moon and return in less than a day, using two counter-rotating metal plates, spinning electromagnets and large capacitors, which when spinning charged and powered by a battery, which became "activated by the energy of space." He named this device the Ezechiel Wheel. Carr's scheme resembles slightly earlier proposals by John R. R. Searl and Thomas Townsend Brown. Carr also claimed to have invented "The Gravity Electric Generator", "The Utron Electric battery", "The Carrotto Gravity Motor", and "The Photon Gun".
Ray Palmer's Fate Magazine gave Carr a great deal of free publicity, not all of it complimentary, throughout the 1950s. Carr and his promoter, Norman Evans Colton, also frequently appeared during the same period on Long John Nebel's pioneering radio and television talk show, and during each appearance, Nebel usually managed to prompt Carr into his usual state of near incoherence; for example, "Can you describe what you're holding in your hand?" "This is a dimensional object. It was designed with the dimensions of space itself. We say it is truly the geometric form of space, because it is completely round and completely square." (Carr was referring to his "Utron Coil", which was round when viewed from above and square when viewed from the side.) The ship was to be powered by Carr also said his great secret could be best expressed mathematically as "minus zero", or "zero X". Colton and Carr did manage to sell quite a bit of stock in their enterprise. Carr also teamed up with obscure contactee Wayne Sulo Aho, and he and Aho toured the various "flying saucer clubs" that then existed in nearly every major city in the United States, touting the wonders of Carr's spacecraft propulsion system.
There is this Erik Larson (born January 3, 1954) is an American journalist and author of mostly nonfiction books. He has written a number of bestsellers,[1] including The Devil in the White City (2003), about the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago and a series of murders by H. H. Holmes that were committed in the city around the time of the Fair. The Devil in the White City won the 2004 Edgar Award in the Best Fact Crime category, among other awards.
This Eric Larson,
Then there is this Erik Larson,
Erik Larson’s educational background includes mechanical design engineering and material science at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. Erik is an inventor, design engineer, musician, instrument builder, and entrepreneur. Erik was ‘instrumental’ in creating the legendary Parker guitar and he is the co-inventor, designer, and builder of the original CymaScope. Erik is a fourth generation precision machinist in his family tool and die businesses, and his professional specialties include business development, business management, patent and IP development, product development, technology integration, systems design, and team building. He has a long track record of successes in the sustainable technology development field and over a decade of innovation in the field of cymatics. Erik’s technical specialties include biomimicry and phi-proportion design for device resonance, strength, ergonomic, aesthetic, material minimization, and form factor optimization. Further, he is experienced in 3D modeling, wave guide design, acoustic systems design, advanced methods of acoustic stimulation, and plasma reactor design.
Ralph Bergstresser,
Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 – August 5, 1971) was an American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography.
As per Google Patents Abstract,
A method is disclosed for affecting the formation and/or direction of a low atmospheric weather system. Audio generators are positioned to project sound waves toward a peripheral area of a weather system. The sound waves are generated at a frequency to affect the formation of the weather system in a manner to disrupt, enhance or direct the formation. The sound waves can also be projected in a manner to cause the system to produce rain.
Does sound create magnetic fields.
Do moving magnetic fields create electricity?
From 2015 in The Conversation,
Magnetic fields can control heat and sound
Sound is carried by periodic vibrations of atoms in gases, liquids and solids. When we talk to each other, the vocal chords of the speaker vibrate, causing the air coming from his lungs to vibrate as well. This creates sound waves, which then propagate through the air until they hit a listener’s eardrums and make them vibrate as well. From these vibrations, the listener can then reconstruct the speaker’s words.
Sound is affected by the surroundings in which it travels and by the frequency of the sound waves. We design musical instruments to manipulate the sound waves they produce. Further, we know that there are sound waves that are outside the range of human hearing, such as those produced by a dog whistle. As physicists have researched sound both inside and outside the range of human hearing, interesting properties have been discovered.
More than a hundred years ago, physicists understood that heat is simply the energy stored in the vibrations of atoms, and therefore realized that heat and sound are related. Now my lab showed experimentally for the first time that these atomic vibrations have magnetic properties too.
Building our knowledge of sound
In the 1930s, physicists started modeling atomic vibrations as particles. This is similar to the concept of light as both a wave and a particle we call a photon. Physicists called the sound wave particles “phonons,” derived from the Greek word for sound.
Today, physicists treat phonons as quasi-particles, having both wave and particle properties. Phonons carry both sound and heat. In metals, heat is carried primarily by the movement of electrons in the atoms. However, in all other materials, heat is carried almost exclusively by the phonons.
So the mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of sound waves have long been established. Yet, before now, nobody ever imagined that sound waves might also have magnetic properties.
Heat, sound… and magnetism?
In the March 23 issue of Nature Materials, we offer experimental proof that sound waves do interact with external magnetic fields.
The experiment was carried out on a large, single crystal of a very pure semiconductor, indium antimonide, which had been cut into two unequal sections and then cooled to about -445F (-265C). A controlled amount of heat was made to flow in each section separately. At these temperatures, the phonons can be thought of as individual particles, like runners on a racetrack each carrying a little bucket of heat.
In the small section, the phonons often run into the walls, which slows them down. The small section is used as a reference, to make the experiment independent of the other properties of the solid that might interfere. In the large section, the phonons can go faster, and they don’t run into the walls as much as into each other. When we apply a magnetic field, they tend to run into each other more frequently. Because the magnetic field increases the number of collisions, it also slows the phonons down and lowers the amount of heat they carry by 12%.
We think this is due to the electrons that rotate in orbits around each atom in the solid. The orbital motion of these electrons emits a very small intrinsic magnetic field that interacts with the externally applied field – an effect called “diamagnetism.” This property exists even in substances we don’t traditionally think of as magnetic, such as glass, stone or plastic. When the atoms vibrate due to the passing of the phonons, this interaction creates a force on the atoms that makes the phonons collide with each other more often.
What can we do with these results?
At this point, we’ve just described a new concept, something that had never been thought of before. Engineers can perhaps use this concept to control heat and sound waves magnetically. Sound waves can be effectively steered already by using multiple sources of sound, as is done in ultrasound imaging systems, but controlling heat conduction is much harder.
Conversion of heat into electrical or mechanical power, as is done in engines and in power stations, supplies over 90% of the energy humanity uses. Therefore, being able to control heat conduction at will could have an enormous impact on energy production, though, obviously, applications of this emergent concept are still quite a way in the future.
Check it out if not already familiar,
Oxygen is MAGNETIC?!
What were used for this demonstrations were electromagnets which were made by running electricity through coils of wire.
Two coils, so that when a current is passed through them, it creates a magnetic field.
It creates this field between these two huge pieces of metal,
Different materials have different responses to external magnetic fields.
For example,
Iron is visibly responsive to external magnetic fields, though your face isn't.
Liquids don't normally react to magnetic fields, yet liquid oxygen clearly does.
Liquid oxygen is oxygen cooled down below 90 Kelvin or -298 degrees F and -183 degrees C.
Liquid oxygen has the property paramagnetism meaning it reacts mildly to an external magnetic field.
So all of the mini magnets that make up the oxygen align with the external magnetic field.
Mini magnets are the magnetic moments of the electrons and the oxygen's atoms.
A magnet is like numerous tiny magnets all aligned in the same direction.
As soon as you turn off the magnetic field all those tiny little magnets go back to pointing in random directions in a paramagnetic field.
Iron rather than paramagnetic properties has ferromagnetic properties.
This means all of it's tiny internal magnets align strongly with an external magnetic field, with the ability to maintain some of that alignment even After the field is removed.
There is a point when the mini magnets even in ferromagnetic materials won't align which is when they get hot enough.
Check out this mini magnet with a thermo insulating plate to keep the magnet from being damaged,
Now watch it get molten with a torch,
Heated it past the Curie point.
This gives the tiny magnets inside the iron too much energy and random moments for them to align.
This means the iron no longer sticks to the magnet.
Now if you let the iron cool back down, then it is attracted to the magnet again
Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (16 December 1917 – 19 March 2008) was
- an English science-fiction writer
- science writer
- futurist,inventor
- undersea explorer
- television series host.
- co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, widely regarded as one of the most influential films of all time.
- an avid populariser of space travel
- a futurist of a distinguished ability.
Clark wrote many books and many essays for popular magazines. In 1961, he received the Kalinga Prize, a UNESCO award for popularising science. Clarke's science and science-fiction writings earned him the moniker "Prophet of the Space Age". His science-fiction writings in particular earned him a number of Hugo and Nebula awards, which along with a large readership, made him one of the towering figures of the genre. For many years Clarke, Robert Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov were known as the "Big Three" of science fiction.
Clarke was a lifelong proponent of space travel. In 1934, while still a teenager, he joined the BIS, British Interplanetary Society. In 1945, he proposed a satellite communication system using geostationary orbits.[8] He was the chairman of the British Interplanetary Society from 1946 to 1947 and again in 1951–1953.[9]
Clarke immigrated to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in 1956, to pursue his interest in scuba diving. That year, he discovered the underwater ruins of the ancient Koneswaram Temple in Trincomalee. Clarke augmented his popularity in the 1980s, as the host of television shows such as Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World. He lived in Sri Lanka until his death.
Clark stated, "Magic is a term we give for a form of technology we cannot understand."
Were the ancients taught to use vibrational grids, vibrational frequencies that stand behind the physical world?
Is your body, the human physical body based on a vibrational grid?
In ancient Egypt the term god or goddess was not used. Those terms were instituted by people in more modern times, modern, but were they steeped in actual knowledge or simply something Not understood?
Instead, they used the term NeTeR, which is based on the hieroglyphic language that represents phonetics.
As the letters NTR, NeTer means a conscious force of nature.
There was no dichotomy for them between a conscious being and a force of nature.
Today there is a tremendous dichotomy and we think of nature as being a big clockwork mechanism that can be manipulated in some external way.
Is part of this due to all of the controllers' weather patents and organizations like the West Texas Weather Modification Association?
Every classical tradition like the ancients of Egypt understood that the forces of nature were conscious.
They can be communicated with. Was part of the initiation process learning how to communicate with the forces of nature?
The term NeTeR is the foundation for the modern English term, nature.
Thus nature interacts with the human initiate with particular forms held in the hand.
Here is the Was Scepter,
Here is the Ankh,
Abstract symbols?
Does the Ankh represent life?
What if it is multilayered and muti dimensional.
Are these hieroglyphics actually geometric energy emitters.
Did the shapes represent forms that emitted specific vibrational powers?
Are the forms introduced the shape around the area of a human's sinus cavity?
Do you remember the TransTech Conference in Silicone Valley, where they spoke about manipulating certain human brain states?
Does all of this go on Right Under your Noses. ..Literally?
All just a Hoax and "Conspiracy Theory" shout the normies? [You know, those out there, who do not allow themselves to expand their thinking so as to know what is Actually going on (boiled frog much?) ]
What's this?
Did you know that many of these devices are based on inserting diodes into the nose and being able to activate aspects of the brain through flashing particular flicker rates with these LED's [Light Emitting Diodes] that then effect brain states.
Going up through the nasal cavity you can directly affect the brain.
From Healthcare Industry BW,
This hidden side entrance is through the so-called regio olfactoria (olfactory region) on the roof of the nose where the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and cell layers of the nasal mucosa separate the nasal cavity (outside world) from the brain (cerebrospinal fluid). Olfactory nerve fibres run through the cribriform plate, making this structure an excellent gateway into the brain for certain drugs, including therapeutic proteins. Moreover, drugs can also diffuse from the nose into the CNS through the trigeminal nerve.
From PubMed,
From nose to brain: understanding transport capacity and transport rate of drugs
The unique relationship between nasal cavity and cranial cavity tissues in anatomy and physiology makes intranasal delivery to the brain feasible. An intranasal delivery provides some drugs with short channels to bypass the blood-brain barrier (BBB)
Could this be used in an adverse way to Negatively affect someone?
Should people willingly be giving access to this?
From Aceso Under Glass at the TransTech Conference in 2017
The theory: by shining photons onto the brain via the scalp and nasal passages, you can activate a photosensitive mitochondrial enzyme
My original intent in attending TransTech was to write up the talks; this proved to be a misunderstanding of what TransTech is. More than anything else, it is a vendor fair, with a mix of products looking for users and products looking for funding. This is not quite what I hoped for, and I feel reflects a general problem in America/capitalism/health care, which is looking for products you can buy to solve problems instead of public health type solutions or things you have to give up
They found that by directly inserting them up the nasal cavity they could directly affect the brain.
You can see this depicted here in ancient art.
Is there a direct connection to the pineal , pituitary and all the thoraces in the 3rd ventricle of the brain which was called the Cave of Brahma in the Himalayan Tradition?
Do the interactions of the initiate being able to communicate with nature through these geometric symbols also give them ability through NeTeR to manipulate the net?
All of those images of possible geometric emitters in ancient art/artifacts being used by the NeTeRs [the higher conscious forces of nature] and human beings [who are at the higher initiate level], was this what the French labeled as "the shape caused WAVE?"
Meaning, are there particular subtle radiations coming from particular geometric shapes and formes?
Is this the true science of sacred geometry?
You decide!
Literal Connections between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Sacred Geometry in the Pyramid and the Bible. Did not the Alpha and Omega create the Physics of it All?
What is described in modern metaphysics with sacred geometry?
Are people always describing the intellectual aspects of these ancient shapes and symbols, but not the actual Energy science of it?
In ancient Egypt they used the Sacred Geometry Energy AND the power of the shaped caused wave.
So is the Ankh not just an intellectual symbol as they once thought?
What if it was Far More?
Does it just represent life or does it emanate a penetrating carrier wave from it's base and
the opposite vibrational wave from it's top?
Sometimes in ancient art you see the top of the Ankh going towards the person's nasal passages and other times the base because they are polar opposite energy wave sources.
The French called these the positive green and negative green vibrations.
Negative Green is a very powerful wave, very penetrating.
From Your Water Matters,
BioGeometry is the design language of energy & shape
BioGeometry is a design language which interprets and utilizes the functional relationship between energy and shape to restore balance and harmony to our internal and external environments. There is no activity, object or being that cannot benefit from the elevating qualities enabled by BioGeometry.
Several decades of research have been carried out by BioGeometry’s founder, Dr. Ibrahim Karim, in conjunction with professionals in the fields of medical and natural science.
An architect by profession, Dr. Karim is in demand internationally for consultation work applying BioGeometry principles to buildings and design, including industrial and furniture design.
Pyramids and hemispheres need little-known corrections
Pyramids and hemispheres are energy emitters that focus a penetrating carrier wave called Negative Green which gives these shapes strong communication properties that facilitate prayer and spiritual communion. However it is important to note that Negative Green has two distinctive wave properties – horizontal and vertical. Horizontal Negative Green has a beneficial influence on living systems. Vertical Negative Green has a preserving influence (as employed for mummification in the pyramids of Ancient Egypt). Prolonged exposure to this vertical aspect is detrimental to dome16living systems. Simple modifications, known to the ancients, nullify this harmful influence. For instance, the Great Pyramid has a one degree indentation along each side of its base canceling out the detrimental effect of Vertical Negative Green.
Similarly the harmful aspects of Vertical Negative Green generated by domes on cathedrals were corrected by masons when they added the spire or cross on top of the dome (hemisphere) or by specific adjustments (such as 16 windows) made around the base of the dome.
From BioGeometry,
We are continuously increasing the amount of carrier waves needed for the wireless technology of modern communication in the earth’s atmosphere every day. These electromagnetic waves are thousands of times stronger than the level used in the communication in our body cells. The problem is not the saturation of the earth’s atmosphere through quantity, but also a detrimental quality. Even people who avoid using high technology are not immune. No one is immune even if one lives at the far end of the world or on top of the Himalayas because these are carrier waves with penetrating properties. It is like trying to move a breeze through a storm, our immune systems are continuously trying to correct the distortion in the transfer of inner information in our body; very soon the threshold will be reached when a total collapse of our body defenses will take place.
BioGeometry is a science that deals with the Energy of Shape; it uses shapes, colours, motion, orientation, and sound to produce a vibrational quality that balances energy fields. BioGeometrical shapes are two or three-dimensional shapes specially designed to interact with the earth’s energy fields to produce balancing effects on multiple levels on biological systems. They were developed and patented by Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim, D.Sc. in Cairo, Egypt, during research since 1968.
To understand the effects of BioGeometrical shapes on the human energy system, we have to recognize that the human body has an energy field around it, which has its own north-south axis. As we move around, the angle formed between our individual axis and that of the earth is constantly changing, and this in turn either strengthens or weakens our energy field. The positive range is very small, vulnerable most of the time, and is a major factor affecting our health and well being. BioGeometrically balanced energy, however, considerably strengthens our energy fields to such an extent that we are not detrimentally affected by changes of orientation. In fact, it appears to cancel obvious energy interactions predicted by currently accepted physical laws.
Research in BioGeometry was and still is mainly dedicated to the development of a new form of architecture that would enhance the human biological system and give a new meaning to the concept of “Home”. To upgrade the energy quality of existing homes and cancel the potentially harmful effects of unchecked energy fields due to the architectural design, furniture layout, electrical wiring, and modern appliances, specially designed decorative elements are strategically placed to neutralize negative energy and add a positive quality to it. BioGeometry shapes designed or engraved on jewelry have shown positive effects on the body’s energy field, and a considerable reduction of the potential health hazards caused by cellular phones, computers, and all other modern appliances.
The impact of geometrical shapes on human energy systems has always been universally recognized. This awareness gradually disappeared, and our “modern” approach is to consider these ancient forms either as symbolic art without function or attribute them to magical practices. Although the modern development and practices are not directly derived from Ancient Egypt, a very advanced know-how in this field is evident when we analyze and use the shapes that they have developed thousands of years ago.
They must have been able to interact with nature in a more advanced way than we do today, based on the study of the vibrational properties of the geometrical shapes they used in their monuments, art, statues, amulets, and many other aspects of life. The effects of energy went beyond the Pyramid shape; the Ancient Egyptians used it in a very practical way in all aspects of their life. Unlike our modern energy forms that are highly amplified states of energies occurring in nature, this science dealt with forces on a natural level as they occur in nature. That means that this Ancient Egyptian science was more like a language that they used to establish two-way communication with nature. This two-way information flow process was used to establish total harmony in all actions between man and nature, to acquire a deeper knowledge about anything by accessing information about it’s working principles on the energy level, and most important of all to influence any action in nature by manipulating its energy patterns to achieve the intended results.
This was an artifact brought back from the Napoleonic expeditions.
The shapes on the side combine to create a vibration at the top where they would place a vessel and the vessel on the top would receive a composite vibrational wave from the totality of the shapes.
This paved the way for other researchers like De Belizel to be able to use the equipment they developed to directly detect these subtle vibrations to be able to do a type of spectral analysis.
Just as in modern science and technology, we use electromagnetic spectral analysis to understand the component energetics of any system, this can be done at a vibrational level with much more subtle energies as well.
De Balizal was able to detect the vibrational qualities in terms of colors.
Negative green on bottom
Color is only one way that a vibration can manifest.
These are called quality scales in biogeometry,
Quality scales in BioGeometry
An invisible vibration can manifest in the
- scale of light as pigment or a color
- scale of sound as a tone
- scale of shape as a particular Geometric form
These archetypal vibrational powers can manifest in different qualities, but they refer to them in the French work through the name of colors because that was something people could relate to.
By testing the vibrations within the system they could test water quality and the different bands of vibration they had within their vibrational spectrum.
They could see if the water contained various types of pathogens or was drinkable, what type of pathogens there are.
Different vibrational waves for chemicals and bacteria.
This becomes a vibrational method that is similar to the spectrum analysis.
Here is the Electromagnetic Spectrum of the Elements
Now the same thing could be done at a vibrational level with much more subtle energies that could not be picked up by equipment we use for spectral analysis.
It also allowed them to detect what is the vibrational analysis coming from different disease states and what would be the vibration that would counteract or neutralize that particular wave.
So this was the wave of illness and the curative ray.
There was a Russian, who had trained in Kabbalistic healing and had to leave Russia at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. He led a group of Russian immigrants to settle in Cairo.
He wrote some incredible works that were very inspirational for Dr. Karim in creating BioGeometry.
Just as we have an electromagnetic spectrum, we have a subtle wave of these radiations.
These bands have certain energies, as said before, describing them in terms of color is just one aspect.
In many cases they are completely invisible, or they manifest as a
- sound
- shape
- angle
- proportion
- numerical sequence
- movement
They don't always manifest as a color, but they could manifest as a color in lighter pigment.
For instance, the orange band is found in natural substances like Frankincense oil.
Even though Frankincense isn't orange or look that color. . .it doesn't matter, the vibrational color is that of the orange band.
You would have to be able to test it to know.
The orange band stimulates the lungs
Clears the Kidney and Bladder.
The orange band allows people to get rid of waste before going to the bathroom.
The colon and bladder will fill with the orange vibration before they need to go.
As it leads to the purging effects, one of the powers of orange is to purge energies.
Orange energizes the thyroid, relieves muscle cramps and spasms.
At an energetic level it loosens, purges,
It cleanses
It can also have an explosive type of action to it.
At the emotional level orange is joy, happiness,
overcomes depression, fear.
At the Spiritual level orange it was used to help initiates at the time of death to extract the spirit from the body because it projects energy outward, it purges things out.
When they used Frankincense, they knew in the ancient traditions that when you applied it to a person's third eye center or to their crown, it would force a purging of the energy out of the centers, then that center could become active.
There is another band hidden inside of Frankincense, in addition to the orange band vibration, there is the gold vibration.
The gold vibration allows the spiritual potential, the seed that is inside the energy centers to begin to right them and come forward.
The most mysterious of the vibrations is the one the French called Negative Green.
Found directly opposite the positive green quality.
Opposite the regular green is an almost invisible wave.
If it were to be visible in light, it would appear as grey.
Most. of the time it never actually appears as anything you can see.
One of the other great secrets of ancient Egypt, this is connected to the Shakti Concept of the Himalayan Tradition. . .
Sakti [shakti] means “power”; in Hindu philosophy and theology sakti is understood to be the active dimension of the godhead, the divine power that underlies the godhead's ability to create the world and to display itself.
That what Negative Green actually does. . .is it is the carrier wave that sends all the other energies.
It was found by the French that it could penetrate thicknesses as as lead, but it could not be penetrated by X-rays, so they were fascinated by it.
So in applying the Negative Green Carrier Wave Energy, it is what inside the physical body moves the energy from one location to another.
Negative Green
- makes the organs work
- sends things from one system to another system
- it is what conducts the energy and the energy meridians of the body like the acupuncture meridians.
- It is the foundation of sexual energy and vitality in the body.
- At the mental and emotional level it breaks down resistance, opening up blocked psychological aspects of a person to open to massive shifts in one's life and to bring subconscious blockages into awareness.
- At the spiritual level, it conducts the energy from higher plane levels into the human physical body.
The more spiritual activity a person does, blessing, prayer, mediation, the stronger this vibration is from their energetic field.
Acupuncture Meridians from the Chinese Tradition
From a Universal Vibration Spectrum Course. ..
All of our modern technology is based on cracking two codes
- The code of the spectrum of Electromagnetic Energy
- And the code of the spectrum of Physical Matter
The spectrum of physical matter is classified as the table of periodic elements.
The first periodic table to become generally accepted was that of the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869: he formulated the periodic law as a dependence of chemical properties on atomic mass. Because not all elements were then known, there were gaps in his periodic table, and Mendeleev successfully used the periodic law to predict properties of some of the missing elements.
The periodic law was recognized as a fundamental discovery in the late 19th century, and it was explained with the discovery of the atomic number and pioneering work in quantum mechanics of the early 20th century that illuminated the internal structure of the atom. With Glenn T. Seaborg's 1945 discovery that the actinides were in fact f-block rather than d-block elements, a recognisably modern form of the table was reached. The periodic table and law are now a central and indispensable part of modern chemistry.
Once we crack the code, where we identify every aspect of electromagnetic energy and every part of physical substance in the world. . .at that point could not modern technology put the two together?
All of our modern technology is based on knowing what exact elements from the periodic table match up with what frequencies from the electromagnetic spectrum.
That's what makes your cell phone work, what makes the lights work at your home, makes your car run.
Everything is based on a combination of these two things.
As often described in the work of BioGeometry.
What they left out was the focus of every classical tradition.
It's only been the last couple of hundred years that modern science has only focused on the physical thing rather than also the vibrations and entire BEING of a person. Why do you suppose that is?
Who took over the medical industry? Was it elitists and their corporate companies?
Did you know some were previously oil magnates, yet their foundations are in charge of the curriculum taught in medical schools. Does that appear to be a conflict of interest considering you cannot patent the Natural, but only the synthetic?
Now you tell me, why do a group of people who say they are Not For Elitists and they are for humanity allow a foundation that came from one of the Wealthiest People around to literally Lead them by the NOSE?
Do you find that odd?
Have they been duped?
Are they literally #Brainwashed?
Prior to that every Classical tradition focused on Vital Life Force and Higher Consciousness Above the physical.
Is there evidence that the ancients had advanced technologies thousands of years ago?
The Book of Enoch shows they did along with art work like this seen in my Ancient History Courses at the Universities I attended for both my undergrad and my graduate degree.
Did God not say. . .
Hosea 4:6
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Isaiah 5:13
13 Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.
Have people in modern society also allowed others, like the elitists and controllers to lead them around by the nose and tell them what to think and do?
Why have people become so lackadaisical in their thinking?
Why have they allowed the controllers to do their Thinking for them?
Why does so much ancient art show individuals with obvious technology?
Why do the controllers so desperately try to keep this information out of the mass populations psyche.
Because they have "your Best Interests at heart?" or THEIRS? Think about it.
Are they Really Helping you? Because satan claimed to be helping Adam and Eve when he slick talked them into disobeying God and got them out of their glorious environment. Was he then able to gain access to them?
What did God tell us to beware of?
1 Thessalonians 5:3
King James Version
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
How many of the controlling entities Claim to be about peace and human rights when they help orchestrate and keep wars going while profiting off of both sides?
Which entities and globalists profit when people fear or are led to believe injections are needed to allay their fears?
Which entities just as they did in Nazi Germany profit off of health and Eugenics? You know who!
From a medical journal proof. . .
In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene
Who profits off of war no matter who wins, then rebuilds, tells you they are "saving" you, but in return you must give up more control?
Are they tricking you into giving up your consent?
Isn't it true that Universal Law states they must Tell you what they are doing Before they do it to you, then if you don't heed the tell. . .in the predator's and controllers' opinion you deserve it?
What have they told you over and over in movies like World War Z, Songbird, shows like Utopia?
Think about it!
Were not the ancients able to manipulate energies from other realms in order to be able to do things on the Physical plane or in the physical realm?
See more in replies.
Think Pyramids.
What about
From Science News it states the following,
It states the following,
Ural Mountains (Russia) When a team of archaeologists conducted a “geological survey of gold mining” in the Russian Urals, they were shocked to discover numerous strange and mysterious microscopic objects near the banks of the Kozhim, Narada and Balbanyu Rivers. The strange nano-pieces like metal coils, spirals and similar objects are part of a list of unidentified components discovered during geological missions in the Urals. The strange part is that these pieces were embedded in 100,000 year old rock, so they can’t be part of modern machinery. The age of these mysterious nanostructures put them on the list of “Out of Place Artifacts (OOPArt)” given that researchers estimate them to be 300,000 years old. The miniature metal parts were found at a depth of 3 to 12 meters.
An OOPArt (Out of Place Artifact) is a unique and poorly understood object that can be found in historical, archaeological, or paleontological records that fall into the anomalous category. These objects were found when and where they shouldn’t be, thus challenging the conventional understanding of history.
Although researchers have always drawn a simple and rational conclusion about these strange artifacts, many believe OOPArts may even reveal that humanity had a different level of civilization or sophistication than that described and understood by officials and scientists. Some even think that extraterrestrial intelligent beings are the reason for the existence of OOPArts. To date, researchers have found dozens of OOPArts that include the Antikythera Mechanism, the Maine Penny, the Shroud of Turin, the Baghdad Battery, the Saqqara Bird, the Ica Stone, the Stone Balls of Costa Rica, the London Hammer and many more.
The Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvkar had run several tests on these mysterious nano-objects and the results were quite interesting as they found that the largest pieces were made from pure copper. The smaller ones are made of tungsten and molybdenum, the same metals that have been used in spacecraft and rockets due to their ability to withstand high temperatures. The smallest length is only 1 / 10,000th of an inch. Scientists involved in the study agreed that there was no technology to make these items 300,000 years ago.
Now it is clear to the scientists that the metals did not arise naturally in nature, which means that they are components that have an artificial technological origin, in other words, they were manufactured. Initially, there was speculation that the macro- and nano-sized structures were parts that had fallen from missiles from a launch site in Plesetsk. However, a 1996 report ruled out that possibility, saying that these structures were found at too great depth.
Plesetsk Cosmodrome is a Russian spaceport located in Mirny, Arkhangelsk Oblast, about 800 km north of Moscow and approximately 200 km south of Arkhangelsk
Since the time of the World War, the Urals have frequently triggered a number of mysterious events, the most famous of which is the Dyatlov Pass incident, where a group of trained Russian hikers were found dead under very mysterious circumstances. Since then, there have been many conspiracy theories, but to date the incident still remains a mystery. The area is also associated with numerous UFO sightings.
For some, these artifacts are proof that the human race experienced a technologically highly developed period in the Pleistocene (Ice Age), for others they are the work of aliens. Further research must have come to a standstill with the death of Johannes Fiebag, a leading expert in this field, so the mystery of the origin of these strange objects has not yet been solved.
Do you remember when something similar happened recently in Utah?
See some interesting info in here pertaining to Arches National Park, the Delicate Arch and the Devil's Garden inside of here. Do you remember what was on the news and found there in Utah?
Remember where Gabby stated in here instagram she and Brian had gone on a highly trafficked hike to Delicate Arch? Remember what his insta name was? It was @bizarre_design
Do you remember the monolith in the desert?
Do you remember Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey? A book written by Ingersoll Lockwood that appears to have many parallels to modern times?
Here is a quick rundown of this part,
Baron Trump then sets off for Russia with his trusted dog, Bulger, and finds
the portal with the help of the Russian people.
In this World within a World, he encounters four strikingly different lands:
The Land of Transparent Folk
The Land of the Sodopsies or Ant People
Ant People? What's this?
See more inside of here,
And in here with full sources and links,
Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey and the Portal seen from a military academy Commander and Chief Trump attended. Who are the #AntPeople?
From Ancient Origins,
The Hopi Indians have lived on the high desert of northern Arizona for thousands of years. This barren but beautiful landscape was the place where Hopi gods directed them to build a number villages made up of pueblos—what we today would call stone apartment complexes. Here the Hopi managed to flourish by simply growing corn, beans, and squash with very little rainfall and almost no irrigation.
One of the most intriguing Hopi legends involves the Ant People, who were crucial to the survival of the Hopi—not just once but twice. The so-called “First World” (or world-age) was apparently destroyed by fire—possibly some sort of volcanism, asteroid strike, or coronal mass ejection from the sun. The Second World was destroyed by ice—Ice Age glaciers or a pole shift. During these two global cataclysms, the virtuous members of the Hopi tribe were guided by an odd-shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night that led them to the sky god named Sotuknang, who finally took them to the Ant People—in Hopi, Anu Sinom .
The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance.
The constellation Orion also has a thin waist. When Orion dominates the winter skies, the ants are deep in their small underground hills. These structures are similar in form to the Hopi kivas, which are subterranean communal prayer chambers. Coincidentally the Sanskrit word ki means “ant hill” and va means “dwelling.” Each February inside their kivas the Hopi perform the Bean Sprouting Ceremony, or Bean Dance, called Powamu. During this time the fires are continuously kept ablaze, turning these structures into superb hot houses. The ritual commemorates a time when the Anu Sinom taught the Hopi how to sprout beans inside caverns in order to survive.
It is interesting to note that the Babylonian sky god was named Anu. The Hopi word for “ant” is also anu, and the Hopi root word naki means “friends.” Thus, the Hopi Anu-naki, or “ant friends,” may have been the same as the Sumerian Annunaki—the beings who once came to Earth from the heavens.
The Ant People may have also lived in ancient Egypt. Akhenaten, the 18th Dynasty pharaoh who ruled from 1351–1334 BC, is shown in some depictions with an elongated skull like the shape of an ant’s head. His almond-shaped eyes and neck are like the ant’s, and either the serpent or the vulture on his uraeus resembles the ant’s mandibles. He also has spindly arms and legs like those of the ant, and his upper body resembles the ant’s thorax while his lower body mirrors the ant’s abdomen. Akhenaten’s body type can be specifically compared to the Pharaoh Ant ( Momomorium pharaonis ), which originated in West Africa. It also has an elongated head, a yellow to reddish brown body, and a darker abdomen with a stinger.
Perhaps it is more than a coincidence that the Egyptian word sahu means “stars of Orion,” whereas the Hopi word sohu means “star,” the most important of which are those in the constellation Orion. #ThereAreNoCoincidences
Is it true that years later some hikers stumbled upon
a crack in a mountain that had opened up and it led them back into these amazing
Were there 23 chambers where um they found these artifacts and
amazing paintings?
Is it true that those who according to the story. . .
went in were just absolutely blown away they said these paintings were surreal they'd almost draw you in
and seem to almost speak and even teach you just by looking at them?
Is it a magical place?
Is it true that once again this was all under the control of the ACIO, who sealed it tightly?
Did one of their linguists started having direct communication with the Wingmakers after this happened?
Is the story from the Wingmakers true, that there is a secret group within the government, specifically
within the NSA called the ACIO?
#Tesla, #NikolaTesla, #OtisCarr, #RalphBergstresser, #EriKLarson, #ResonantDevices, #SoundPatents, #AntPeople, #VoynichManuscript, #UralMountains, #Nanotech, #AncientCivilizations, #HopiIndians, #Annunaki
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Oxygen is MAGNETIC?!
What really resides in your body as you are created in the Image Of God! What are Transverse Waves and what energy do they produce and work off of? The Same energy that shatters lead crystal can destroy a bridge? Can this be done on the microscopic level?
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How was this done if the ancients were only doing things on a physical level?
Were they not combining the electromagnetic spectrum in order to manifest on the physical plane? You decide.
Think Pyramids and Monoliths.
What about . . .Edward Leedskalnin and Coral Castle?
#Leedskalnin, #CoralCastle
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Are you living within a simulation? Is it all being recorded? Scientific American confirms. Are the walls of the Sim the speed of light? Codices Found in Luxor Egypt! Who are the Archons?
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