Tesla and the Secret of 3 6 9 Revealed by a Circuitous Route

in tesla •  7 years ago 


No doubt you have often heard, in relation to Tesla's work, about the significance of the numbers 3, 6, 9

And while I admit I am nothing more than an amateur nerd, I often puzzled and pondered about this...mathematically, of course, one can see patterns in the divisibility and multiplicity of the 3 numerical structures. But just why did it hold such magnificent, and almost mystical, magic for Tesla?

Why would he go on record to be quoted as saying " If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe"? And when all his papers, notes, drawings and models were confiscated by the 'powers that be,' be they Federal, CIA, deep state or unknown agencies, any hope we had of understanding his meaning directly...vanished along with the majority of his research!

So, being a visual kinda gal, it took a simple but elegant graphic for me to clearly see why.

And if, until this very moment, the doors to the Tesla universe have remained firmly shut for you...allow me to present you with the keys...


And here is the link where the graphic can be viewed in all its unmistakable glory;


Many scientists have spoken about the earth being a toroidal energy grid, much like the picture at the top of this article. A kind of spinning donut of magnetic, electrical and dielectric energies swirling endlessly and infinitely like a collection of many Ouroborus snakes all swallowing their own tails.

In the mists of time our ancient ancestors clearly knew something more than they were able to tell us in their use of this revealing symbol. The Serpent Mound in Ohio which was constructed by wise and learned hands over 3000 years ago is testimony to that. And also emphasises how important this was to them, in that it would have taken many months, if not years, of people power, resources and energy to construct.


DA Vinci knew, the so called Illuminati knew, the Freemasons and their subsects knew, the Babylonians and ancient Eygptians knew. Note to self...write a post about the Egyptians knowledge separately cos them boys and girls knew more than we have space for in this piece...note to readers...stay tuned for more about the Pyramids in an upcoming article.


Native American tribes knew, the Tibetans and Taoists, the Mayans, the Aboriginal australians all knew.

In their ancient and venerable sagas, even the Vikings drew attention to the ledendary Yggdrasil tree at the centre of both this world and their nine fabled worlds with its roots surrounded and bound by the serpent Nidhoggr.


And with all this talk of trees and serpents perhaps you may already be thinking....would you Adam and Eve it? For any of you unfamiliar with Cockney rhyming slang, allow me to translate that. Adam & Eve = Believe! For yes, echoes of these truths exist even within the creation story, mimicking as it does, the intertwining of man and woman, the toroidal energy fields, the coils of our very DNA, under the branches of a beautiful apple tree in our original garden of Eden, our paradise lost. And yet here is the apple of knowledge safely ensconced in its own torus field


In Hindu tantra we find the use of the shri yantra to encode both a two dimensional image and also a more elaborate model centred around the middle asix mundi or a bintu.



All of which bears distinctive similarities to the Tibetan mandala (pictured here is the Kalachakra mandala) and the legends of Shambala where, with a striking upgrade from the Viking tree, they use a central mountain as the linchpin....the mystic Mount Kailash known in Tibetan as Gang Rinpoche. The Tibetan stupa is a physical representation of this and is usually sited, as sacred architeture often is, on nexus points of geomantric potency.



Which brings me, rather neatly I feel, to the energy lines that criss cross our earth, known, and mapped by old timer Alfred Watkins, as Ley lines. And here , once again, our ancient ancestors clearly knew a great deal more about this subject than we do now. Stonehenge in Avebury, England and Callenish on the island of Lewis in Scotland, along with Newgrange in Ireland are all example of early megalithic structures which even today defy all explanantions as to how they were built. Speculation still runs rife as to WHY they were built.

Some say they were solar clocks delineating the precession of equinoxes, meeting places, feasting places for ceremonial cycles, calendars, ritual sacrifice centres...you name your theory, and believe me, its probably been written about. What is notable is that, with the exception of the linear Avebury stones, all of them were built in circular formations, often with under ground water sources, always from specially selected stones hewn from single pieces of rock, and most of these were HUGE.




So you may be thinking what has all this got to do with Tesla? Why has she detoured around some of the worlds most sacred sites, covered seemingly divergent topics, and waxed lyrical about ancient cosmology and myths? Where is all this leading us when we were busy trying to decode Tesla, and his three, six and nine?

Surely we can all agree that all these symbols must mean something, right? Effort, energy, time and resources went into their creation, along with devotion, belief, faith and spirituality. But as the wheel of time has turned, so much has been lost, forgotten, misinterpreted, misused and mistranslated, that we are buried under the burden of misinformation.

The overlays of countless generations have made our research waters murky. Sadly from the distance of many millennia we cannot see below the surface and so we have become blind to the truth our ancestors tried to teach us. In all probability we have been deliberated blinded. And yet symbols like the apple, the snake, the tree and the mountain, the circle, the equal armed cross, or the triangle, possesses a universality we can grasp. If we approach this at the deeper level of universal archetypes within the so called subconscious, we may come closer still at the level of collective consciousness. The patterns of fractals, and the Fibonacci spirals, the Flower of Life.




These images are VERY suggestive if we synthesise our thoughts.... Is it possible that, hidden in plain sight, these very symbols are in fact an early form of the very science that is currently revolutionising our technology today?

CERN have their underground Hadron super collider, and I would argue that there are many more of these all over the planet, creating a network of potent super charged particles flying all over the place at the speed of light. And we all know that its constructed in the shape of a huge circle. And just why do they have a large statue of Lord Shiva, the destroyer of worlds, outside their laboratory facility in Switzerland? A place where ancient deities meet modern scientists who speak reverently of god particles and multiple realities, as they make the multiverse expand and contract, with the potential to birth new worlds, as well as to destroy them...


Tesla is much quoted these days and his most often used meme, you know the one, yes, that one about resonance, frequency and vibration, it's practically at saturation point, even to the extent that I will not quote it here. That said, our world now rings, sings and vibrates to the sound of the harmonics being emitted by the frequencies of the torus fields of 7 billion souls. All known and seen sentient life has a torus field, from trees to apples, from dogs to donkeys, the Sun and the Moon, every lifeform we have come, via David Attenborough, to love and teasure has a torus field and even Gaia our mother, the planet herself has a hum dinger of a torus field! Aum, OM, oum.


We have come full circle, and yes, that pun is intentional, because like the ouroborus of our ancestors, we have come to the end...which is really the beginning. We are poised between opposites, in a world of dualities...the yin and the yang. In the black hole where, as Itzhak Bentov noted, there is the equal opposite colliding with the exit space from where energy is emitted. And thus, hatching from the Cosmic Egg we are reborn, our worlds are reborn with each beat that sounds, resounds, and resonates from the heart of the torus field.


So in words that will easily fit inside a cosmic egg...straight to the point and with simplicity...my research would tend to suggest the following...

I think the three, six and nine are simply this...a numerical representation of the torus field and a mathematical depiction of the flow of energy within the toroidal grid. And when seen as visual like this one...isn't it, and aren't we, a magnificent thing?









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